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Board Update Portal Instructions

Select files required to update the board

Convert the .sof file and .elf file to flash format (that is, the format required to program the flash)

    Note: You must have the Nios® II EDS installed in order to perform this step.

  1. From the Start Menu select All Programs, Altera, Nios II EDS, and then Nios II Command Shell

  2. In the Nios II Command Shell, navigate to the .sof file and type

    sof2flash --input=yourfile_hw.sof --output=yourfile_hw.flash
    --offset=0x640000 --pfl --optionbit=0x18000 --programmingmode=PS

  3. If the design includes a software application, in the Nios II Command Shell, navigate to the .elf file and type

    elf2flash --base=0x08000000 --end=0x0BFFFFFF --reset=0x0A020000
    --input=yourfile_sw.elf --output=yourfile_sw.flash

Program the flash and reset the board