Programmable DC Electronic Load ________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: This instrument driver provides programming support for Programmable DC Electronic Load. It contains functions for opening, configuring, taking measurements from, and closing the instrument. ________________________________________________________________________________ Assumptions: To successfully use this module, the following conditions must be met: For GPIB instrument drivers: - the instrument is connected to the GPIB. - the GPIB address supplied to the initialize function must match the GPIB address of the instrument. For VXI instrument drivers: - the instrument is installed in the VXI mainframe and you are using one of the following controller options: Embedded controller MXI MXI2 GPIB-VXI - the logical address supplied to the initialize function must match the logical address of the instrument. For RS-232 instrument drivers: - the instrument is connected to the RS-232 interface. - the COM port, baud rate, parity, and timeout supplied to the initialize function must match the settings of the instrument. ________________________________________________________________________________ Error and Status Information: Each function in this instrument driver returns a status code that either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Your program should examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred. The general meaning of the status code is as follows: Value Meaning ------------------------------- 0 Success Positive Values Warnings Negative Values Errors The description of each instrument driver function lists possible error codes and their meanings ________________________________________________________________________________ How To Use This Document: Use this document as a programming reference manual. It describes each function in the Programmable DC Electronic Load instrument. The functions appear in alphabetical order, with a description of the function and its Visual Basic syntax, a description of each parameter, and a list of possible error codes. ________________________________________________________________________________ Function Tree Layout: Class/Panel Name: Function Name: Initialize Chr6310A_init Init Interface Chr6310A_InitInterface Initialize With Options Chr6310A_InitWithOptions Application Functions Configure Function Set Configure Von Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von Set Configure Voltage Range Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Range Set Configure Voltage Latch Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Latch Set Configure Von Latch Reset Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von_Latch_Reset Set Configure Auto Load Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Load Set Configure Auto Mode Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Mode Set Configure Sound Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Sound Set Configure Remote(For RS232) Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Remote Set Configure Save Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Save Set Configure LOADON Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Load Set Configure Timing State Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_State Set Configure Timing Trigger Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Trigger Set Configure Timing Timeout Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Timeout Set Configure Voff State Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_State Set Configure Voff Final V Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_Final_V Set Configure Measure Average Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Measure_Average Set Configure Digital IO Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Digital_IO Set Configure Key Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Key Set Configure Echo Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Echo Query Get Configure Von Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Von Get Configure Voltage Range Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Range Get Configure Voltage Latch Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Latch Get Configure Auto Load Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Load Get Configure Auto Mode Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Mode Get Configure Sound Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Sound Get Configure LOADON Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Load Get Configure Timing State Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_State Get Configure Timing Trigger Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Trigger Get Configure Timing Timeout Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Timeout Get Configure Voff State Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_State Get Configure Voff Final V Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_Final_V Get Configure Measure Average Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Measure_Average Get Configure Digital IO Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Digital_IO Get Configure Key Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Key Get Configure Echo Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Echo Channel Function Set Channel Load Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Load Set Channel Active Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Active Set Channel Synchronized Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Synchronized Query Get Channel Load Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Load Get Min of Channel Load Chr6310A_Get_Min_of_Channel_Load Get Max of Channel Load Chr6310A_Get_Max_of_Channel_Load Get Channel Synchronized Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Synchronized Get Channel ID Chr6310A_Get_Channel_ID Load Function Set Load State Chr6310A_Set_Load_State Set Load Short State Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_State Set Load Short Key Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_Key Set Load Protection Clear Chr6310A_Set_Load_Protection_Clear Set Load Clear Chr6310A_Set_Load_Clear Set Load Save Chr6310A_Set_Load_Save Query Get Load State Chr6310A_Get_Load_State Get Load Short State Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_State Get Load Short Key Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_Key Get Load Protection Status Chr6310A_Get_Load_Protection_Status All Run RUN Chr6310A_RUN All Abort ABORT Chr6310A_ABORT Show Display Show Display Chr6310A_Show_Display CLS Chr6310A_CLS Set ESE Chr6310A_Set_ESE Set OPC Chr6310A_Set_OPC RCL(Restore Memory) Chr6310A_RCL RST Chr6310A_RST SAV(Store Memory) Chr6310A_SAV Set SRE Chr6310A_Set_SRE Query Get ESR Chr6310A_Get_ESR Get Identification String Chr6310A_Get_Identification_String Get OPC Chr6310A_Get_OPC Get RDT Chr6310A_Get_RDT Get STB Chr6310A_Get_STB Configuration Functions Set/Get/Check Attribute Set Attribute Set Attribute ViInt32 Chr6310A_SetAttributeViInt32 Set Attribute ViReal64 Chr6310A_SetAttributeViReal64 Set Attribute ViString Chr6310A_SetAttributeViString Set Attribute ViBoolean Chr6310A_SetAttributeViBoolean Set Attribute ViSession Chr6310A_SetAttributeViSession Get Attribute Get Attribute ViInt32 Chr6310A_GetAttributeViInt32 Get Attribute ViReal64 Chr6310A_GetAttributeViReal64 Get Attribute ViString Chr6310A_GetAttributeViString Get Attribute ViBoolean Chr6310A_GetAttributeViBoolean Get Attribute ViSession Chr6310A_GetAttributeViSession Check Attribute Check Attribute ViInt32 Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViInt32 Check Attribute ViReal64 Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViReal64 Check Attribute ViString Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViString Check Attribute ViBoolean Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViBoolean Check Attribute ViSession Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViSession Action/Status Functions Load Mode Set Mode Chr6310A_Set_Mode Query Get Mode Chr6310A_Get_Mode CC&CCD Mode Set CC Static L1 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L1 Set CC Static L2 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L2 Set CC Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Set CC Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Set CC Dynamic L1 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L1 Set CC Dynamic L2 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L2 Set CC Dynamic Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate Set CC Dynamic Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate Set CC Dynamic T1 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T1 Set CC Dynamic T2 Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T2 Query Get CC Static L1 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L1 Get CC Static L2 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L2 Get CC Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Get CC Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Get CC Dynamic L1 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L1 Get CC Dynamic L2 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L2 Get CC Dynamic Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate Get CC Dynamic Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate Get CC Dynamic T1 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T1 Get CC Dynamic T2 Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T2 CR Mode Set CR Static L1 Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L1 Set CR Static L2 Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L2 Set CR Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Set CR Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Query Get CR Static L1 Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L1 Get CR Static L2 Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L2 Get CR Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Get CR Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate CV Mode Set CV Static L1 Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L1 Set CV Static L2 Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L2 Set CV Current Limit Chr6310A_Set_CV_Current_Limit Set CV Response Speed Chr6310A_Set_CV_Response_Speed Query Get CV Static L1 Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L1 Get CV Static L2 Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L2 Get CV Current Limit Chr6310A_Get_CV_Current_Limit Get CV Response Speed Chr6310A_Get_CV_Response_Speed CP Mode Set CP Static L1 Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L1 Set CP Static L2 Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L2 Set CP Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Set CP Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Query Get CP Static L1 Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L1 Get CP Static L2 Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L2 Get CP Static Rise Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Get CP Static Fall Slew Rate Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate OCP Mode(63110A not support) Set OCP Test Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Test Set OCP Range Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Range Set OCP Start Current Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Start_Current Set OCP End Current Chr6310A_Set_OCP_End_Current Set OCP Step Count Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Step_Count Set OCP Dwell Time Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Dwell_Time Set OCP Trigger Voltage Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Trigger_Voltage Set OCP Specification Low Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_Low Set OCP Specification High Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_High Query OCP Result Chr6310A_Query_OCP_Result Query Get OCP Range Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Range Get OCP Start Current Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Start_Current Get OCP End Current Chr6310A_Get_OCP_End_Current Get OCP Step Count Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Step_Count Get OCP Dwell Time Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Dwell_Time Get OCP Trigger Voltage Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Trigger_Voltage Get OCP Specification Low Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_Low Get OCP Specification High Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_High OPP Mode(63110A not support) Set OPP Test Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Test Set OPP Range Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Range Set OPP Start Power Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Start_Power Set OPP End Power Chr6310A_Set_OPP_End_Power Set OPP Step Count Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Step_Count Set OPP Dwell Time Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Dwell_Time Set OPP Trigger Voltage Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Trigger_Voltage Set OPP Specification Low Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_Low Set OPP Specification High Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_High Query OPP Result Chr6310A_Query_OPP_Result Query Get OPP Range Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Range Get OPP Start Power Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Start_Power Get OPP End Power Chr6310A_Get_OPP_End_Power Get OPP Step Count Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Step_Count Get OPP Dwell Time Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Dwell_Time Get OPP Trigger Voltage Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Trigger_Voltage Get OPP Specification Low Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_Low Get OPP Specification High Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_High LED Mode(For 63110A Model) Set LED Voltage Out Chr6310A_Set_LED_Voltage_Out Set LED Current Out Chr6310A_Set_LED_Current_Out Set LED Rd Coefficient Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Coefficient Set LED Rd Ohm Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Ohm Set LED VF Chr6310A_Set_LED_VF Set Configure Current Range Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Current_Range Set Configure Rd Select Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rd_Select Set Configure Rr Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr Set Configure Rr Select Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Select Set Configure Rr Set Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Set Set Configure Short Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Short Set Configure Response Select Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Select Set Configure Response Set Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Set Set Configure Set All LED Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Set_All_LED Query Get LED Voltage Out Chr6310A_Get_LED_Voltage_Out Get LED Current Out Chr6310A_Get_LED_Current_Out Get LED Rd Coefficient Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Coefficient Get LED Rd Ohm Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Ohm Get LED VF Chr6310A_Get_LED_VF Get Configure Current Range Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Current_Range Get Configure Rd Select Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rd_Select Get Configure Rr Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr Get Configure Rr Select Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Select Get Configure Rr Set Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Set Get Configure Short Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Short Get Configure Response Select Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Select Get Configure Response Set Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Set Get Configure Set All LED Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Set_All_LED Program(63110A not support) Set Program Parameters Chr6310A_Set_Program_Parameters Set Sequence Parameters Chr6310A_Set_Sequence_Parameters Set Program Save Chr6310A_Set_Program_Save Set Program Run Chr6310A_Set_Program_Run Set Program Key Chr6310A_Set_Program_Key Query Get Program Parameters Chr6310A_Get_Program_Parameters Get Sequence Parameters Chr6310A_Get_Sequence_Parameters Get Program Run Chr6310A_Get_Program_Run Specification Set Specification Unit Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Unit Set Specification Voltage Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Voltage Set Specification Current Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Current Set Specification Power(63110A) Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Power Set Specification Test Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Test Query Get Specification Unit Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Unit Get Spec_Volt Result Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Volt_Result Get Spec_Curr Result Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Curr_Result Get Spec_All_Channel Result Chr6310A_Get_Spec_All_Channel_Result Get Specification Voltage Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Voltage Get Specification Current Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Current Get Specification Power(63110A) Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Power Get Specification Test Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Test Data Functions Fetch Function Fetch Voltage Chr6310A_Fetch_Voltage Fetch Current Chr6310A_Fetch_Current Fetch Power Chr6310A_Fetch_Power Fetch Status Chr6310A_Fetch_Status Fetch All Voltage Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Voltage Fetch All Current Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Current Fetch All Power Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Power Fetch Time Chr6310A_Fetch_Time Measure Function Measure Voltage Chr6310A_Measure_Voltage Measure Current Chr6310A_Measure_Current Measure Power Chr6310A_Measure_Power Measure All Voltage Chr6310A_Measure_All_Voltage Measure All Current Chr6310A_Measure_All_Current Measure All Power Chr6310A_Measure_All_Power Set Measure Input Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Input Set Measure Scan Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Scan Query Get Measure Input Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Input Get Measure Scan Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Scan Utility Functions Reset Chr6310A_reset Self-Test Chr6310A_self_test Revision Query Chr6310A_revision_query Error-Query Chr6310A_error_query Error Message Chr6310A_error_message Error Info Get Error Info Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo Clear Error Info Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo Coercion Info Get Next Coercion Record Chr6310A_GetNextCoercionRecord Locking Lock Session Chr6310A_LockSession Unlock Session Chr6310A_UnlockSession Instrument I/O Write Instrument Data Chr6310A_WriteInstrData Read Instrument Data Chr6310A_ReadInstrData Close Chr6310A_close ________________________________________________________________________________ Programmable DC Electronic Load This instrument driver contains programming support for the Programmable DC Electronic Load. This driver has all the functions that IVI and VXIplug&play require. Note: This driver requires the VISA and IVI libraries. ________________________________________________________________________________ The following functions are in alphabetical order. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_ABORT Function Chr6310A_ABORT As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It sets all electronic loads to "OFF". Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViBoolean Function Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViBoolean As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViBoolean) Purpose This function checks the validity of a value you specify for a ViBoolean attribute. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to check the attribute value. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViBoolean type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViBoolean are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViBoolean Pass the value which you want to verify as a valid value for the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViInt32 Function Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViInt32 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViInt32) Purpose This function checks the validity of a value you specify for a ViInt32 attribute. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to check the attribute value. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViInt32 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViInt32 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViInt32 Pass the value which you want to verify as a valid value for the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViReal64 Function Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViReal64 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViReal64) Purpose This function checks the validity of a value you specify for a ViReal64 attribute. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to check the attribute value. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViReal64 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViReal64 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViReal64 Pass the value which you want to verify as a valid value for the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViSession Function Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViSession As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViSession) Purpose This function checks the validity of a value you specify for a ViSession attribute. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to check the attribute value. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViSession type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViSession are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViSession Pass the value which you want to verify as a valid value for the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViString Function Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViString As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViChar) Purpose This function checks the validity of a value you specify for a ViString attribute. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to check the attribute value. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViString type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViString are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViChar Pass the value which you want to verify as a valid value for the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo Function Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This function clears the error information for the current execution thread and the IVI session you specify. If you pass VI_NULL for the Instrument Handle parameter, this function clears the error information only for the current execution thread. The error information includes a primary error code, secondary error code, and an error elaboration string. For a particular session, this information is the same as the values held in the following attributes: CHR6310A_ATTR_PRIMARY_ERROR CHR6310A_ATTR_SECONDARY_ERROR CHR6310A_ATTR_ERROR_ELABORATION This function sets the primary and secondary error codes to VI_SUCCESS (0), and sets the error elaboration string to "". The IVI Library also maintains this error information separately for each thread. This is useful if you do not have a session handle to pass to Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo or Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo, which occurs when a call to Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions fails. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. This function returns a non-zero status code only when it is unable to clear the error information for the session or thread. The function can return the following status codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFF000E Invalid session handle. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_close Function Chr6310A_close As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This function performs the following operations: - Closes the instrument I/O session. - Destroys the instrument driver session and all of its attributes. - Deallocates any memory resources the driver uses. Notes: (1) You must unlock the session before calling Chr6310A_close. (2) After calling Chr6310A_close, you cannot use the instrument driver again until you call Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_CLS Function Chr6310A_CLS As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This command clears the following registers 1. Channel Status Event registers for all channels 2. Channel Summary Event register 3. Questionable Status Event register 4. Standard Event Status Event register 5. Operation Status Event register Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_error_message Function Chr6310A_error_message As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal errorCode As ViStatus, errorMessage As ViChar) Purpose This function converts a status code returned by an instrument driver function into a user-readable string. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. You can pass VI_NULL for this parameter. This is useful when one of the initialize functions fail. Default Value: VI_NULL ByVal errorCode As ViStatus Pass the Status parameter that is returned from any of the instrument driver functions. Default Value: 0 (VI_SUCCESS) errorMessage As ViChar Returns the user-readable message string that corresponds to the status code you specify. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. This function can return only three possible status codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0085 Unknown status code (warning). BFFF000A Invalid parameter (Error Message buffer is VI_NULL). ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_error_query Function Chr6310A_error_query As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, errorCode As ViInt32, errorMessage As ViChar) Purpose This function reads an error code and a message from the instrument's error queue. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None errorCode As ViInt32 Returns the error code read from the instrument's error queue. errorMessage As ViChar Returns the error message string read from the instrument's error message queue. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFC0104 Error Query not supported 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFC0012 Error interpreting instrument response. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Current Function Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchAllCurrent As ViChar) Purpose It returns the real time current measured at the input of the all load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchAllCurrent As ViChar It returns the real time current measured at the input of the all load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Power Function Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchAllPower As ViChar) Purpose It returns the real time power measured at the input of the all load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchAllPower As ViChar It returns the real time power measured at the input of the all load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Fetch_All_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchAllVoltage As ViChar) Purpose It returns the real time voltage measured at the input of the all load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchAllVoltage As ViChar It returns the real time voltage measured at the input of the all load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_Current Function Chr6310A_Fetch_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the real time current measured at the input of the load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchCurrent As ViReal64 It returns the real time current measured at the input of the load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_Power Function Chr6310A_Fetch_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchPower As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the real time power measured at the input of the load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchPower As ViReal64 It returns the real time power measured at the input of the load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_Status Function Chr6310A_Fetch_Status As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchStatus As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the real time status of the load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchStatus As ViInt32 It returns the real time status of the load module. Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name - - - - - OT RV OP OV OC Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_Time Function Chr6310A_Fetch_Time As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchTime As ViChar) Purpose It returns the time measured in timing mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchTime As ViChar It returns the time measured in timing mode. Parameter1 value: -1 :denotes the Timing Function test is stop. -2 :denotes the Timing Function test is ready to execute what wait for Von or other condition. -3 :denotes the Timing Function test is execute. -4 :denotes the Timeout. -5 :denotes the input voltage is lower than TRIGer voltage. Parameter2 value: If the parameter1 is -1 or -2, it does not return parameter2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Fetch_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Fetch_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, fetchVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the real time voltage measured at the input of the load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None fetchVoltage As ViReal64 It returns the real time voltage measured at the input of the load module. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the fall slew rate of dynamic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the fall slew rate of dynamic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting current in dynamic load L1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicL1 As ViReal64 It returns the setting current in dynamic load L1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting current in dynamic load L2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicL2 As ViReal64 It returns the setting current in dynamic load L2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the rise slew rate of dynamic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the rise slew rate of dynamic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicT1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the dynamic duration parameter T1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicT1 As ViReal64 It returns the dynamic duration parameter T1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Dynamic_T2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCDynamicT2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the dynamic duration parameter T2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCDynamicT2 As ViReal64 It returns the dynamic duration parameter T2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the fall slew rate of static load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the fall slew rate of static load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set current value of Static Load L1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCStaticL1 As ViReal64 It returns the set current value of Static Load L1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set current value of Static Load L2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCStaticL2 As ViReal64 It returns the set current value of Static Load L2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCCStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the rise slew rate of static load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCCStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the rise slew rate of static load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Channel_ID Function Chr6310A_Get_Channel_ID As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getChannelID As ViChar) Purpose This query requests the module to identify itself. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getChannelID As ViChar This query requests the module to identify itself. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Load Function Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getChannelLoad As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the current specific channel. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getChannelLoad As ViInt32 It returns the current specific channel. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Synchronized Function Chr6310A_Get_Channel_Synchronized As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getChannelSynchronized As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns to the load module and makes it receive synchronized command status. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getChannelSynchronized As ViBoolean It returns to the load module and makes it receive synchronized command status. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Load Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureAutoLoad As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the status of Auto Load On. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureAutoLoad As ViBoolean It returns the status of Auto Load On. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Mode Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Auto_Mode As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureAutoMode As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the execution type of Auto Load On. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureAutoMode As ViBoolean It returns the execution type of Auto Load On. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Current_Range Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Current_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureCurrentRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the current range set for CR mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureCurrentRange As ViBoolean It returns the current range set for CR mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Digital_IO Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Digital_IO As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureDigitalIO As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the Digital IO setting to be ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureDigitalIO As ViBoolean It returns the Digital IO setting to be ON or OFF. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Echo Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Echo As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureEcho As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the ECHO setting to be NEW or OLD. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureEcho As ViBoolean It returns the ECHO setting to be NEW or OLD. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Key Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Key As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureKey As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the key setting. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureKey As ViBoolean It returns the key setting. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Load Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureLoad As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the load module as LOADON setting to be UPDATE or OLD. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureLoad As ViBoolean It returns the load module as LOADON setting to be UPDATE or OLD. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Measure_Average Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Measure_Average As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureMeasureAverage As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the average times set. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureMeasureAverage As ViInt32 It returns the average times set. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rd_Select Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rd_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureRdSelect As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the Rd select. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureRdSelect As ViInt32 It returns the Rd select. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Select Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureResponseSelect As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the response speed the Electronic Load uses. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureResponseSelect As ViBoolean It returns the response speed the Electronic Load uses. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Set Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Response_Set As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureResponseSet As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the response speed of Electronic Load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureResponseSet As ViInt32 It returns the response speed of Electronic Load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureRr As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns if the Rr function is on. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureRr As ViBoolean It returns if the Rr function is on. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Select Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureRrSelect As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the Rr select. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureRrSelect As ViBoolean It returns the Rr select. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Set Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Rr_Set As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureRrSet As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the Rr set value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureRrSet As ViReal64 It returns the Rr set value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Set_All_LED Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Set_All_LED As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureSet_All_LED As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the all channel set. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureSet_All_LED As ViBoolean It returns the all channel set. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Short Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Short As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureShort As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns if the SHORT key is enabled. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureShort As ViBoolean It returns if the SHORT key is enabled. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Sound Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Sound As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureSound As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the control status of the load module's buzzer sound. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureSound As ViBoolean It returns the control status of the load module's buzzer sound. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_State Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureTimingState As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the timing function setting to be ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureTimingState As ViBoolean It returns the load module as LOADON setting to be UPDATE or OLD. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Timeout Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Timeout As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureTimingTimeout As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the timeout set. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureTimingTimeout As ViInt32 It returns the timeout set. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Trigger Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Timing_Trigger As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureTimingTrigger As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the voltage set at timeout. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureTimingTrigger As ViReal64 It returns the voltage set at timeout. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_Final_V Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_Final_V As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureVoffFinalV As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the final loading voltage set. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureVoffFinalV As ViReal64 It returns the final loading voltage set. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_State Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voff_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureVoffState As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the VOFF function setting to be ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureVoffState As ViBoolean It returns the VOFF function setting to be ON or OFF. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Latch Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Latch As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureVoltageLatch As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the action type of Von. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureVoltageLatch As ViBoolean It returns the action type of Von. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Range Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Voltage_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, get_Configure_Voltage_Range As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the Voltage range. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None get_Configure_Voltage_Range As ViReal64 It returns the Voltage range. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Von Function Chr6310A_Get_Configure_Von As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getConfigureVon As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting Von value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getConfigureVon As ViReal64 It returns the setting Von value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCPStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the CP fall slew rate. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCPStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the CP fall slew rate. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCPStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set power of the value of Load L1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCPStaticL1 As ViReal64 IIt returns the set power of the value of Load L1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCPStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set power of the value of Load L2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCPStaticL2 As ViReal64 IIt returns the set power of the value of Load L2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCPStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the CP rise slew rate. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCPStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the CP rise slew rate. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCRStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the CR fall slew rate. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCRStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the CR fall slew rate. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCRStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCRStaticL1 As ViReal64 It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCRStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCRStaticL2 As ViReal64 It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Get_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCRStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the CR rise slew rate. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCRStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It returns the CR rise slew rate. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CV_Current_Limit Function Chr6310A_Get_CV_Current_Limit As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCVCurrentLimit As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the current limit of constant voltage mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCVCurrentLimit As ViReal64 It returns the current limit of constant voltage mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CV_Response_Speed Function Chr6310A_Get_CV_Response_Speed As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCVResponseSpeed As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the response speed of CV mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCVResponseSpeed As ViBoolean It returns the response speed of CV mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCVStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L1. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCVStaticL1 As ViReal64 It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L1. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Get_CV_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getCVStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L2. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getCVStaticL2 As ViReal64 It returns the set resistance of the value of Load L2. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_ESR Function Chr6310A_Get_ESR As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getESR As ViInt32) Purpose This command programs the Standard Event Status Enable Register bits.If one or more of the enable events of the Standard Event Status is set, the ESB of Status Byte Register is set too. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getESR As ViInt32 This query reads the Standard Event Status Register. Reading the Standard Event Status Register clears it. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Identification_String Function Chr6310A_Get_Identification_String As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getIdentificationString As ViChar) Purpose This query requests the Electronic Frame (6310A) to identify itself. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getIdentificationString As ViChar Return the instrument ID string.You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_LED_Current_Out Function Chr6310A_Get_LED_Current_Out As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLEDCurrentOut As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set Io value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLEDCurrentOut As ViReal64 It returns the set Io value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Coefficient Function Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Coefficient As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLEDRdCoefficient As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set Coeff. value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLEDRdCoefficient As ViReal64 It returns the set Coeff. value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Ohm Function Chr6310A_Get_LED_Rd_Ohm As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLEDRdOhm As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set Rd Ohm. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLEDRdOhm As ViReal64 It returns the set Rd Ohm. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_LED_VF Function Chr6310A_Get_LED_VF As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLEDVF As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set Vf value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLEDVF As ViReal64 It returns the set Vf value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_LED_Voltage_Out Function Chr6310A_Get_LED_Voltage_Out As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLEDVoltageOut As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the set Vo value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLEDVoltageOut As ViReal64 It returns the set Vo value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Load_Protection_Status Function Chr6310A_Get_Load_Protection_Status As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, loadProtectionStatus As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the electronic load status. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None loadProtectionStatus As ViInt32 It returns the electronic load status. Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name - - - - - OT RV OP OV OC Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_Key Function Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_Key As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLoadShortKey As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the mode of short key in the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLoadShortKey As ViBoolean It returns the mode of short key in the electronic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_State Function Chr6310A_Get_Load_Short_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLoadShortState As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the short-circuit simulation state. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLoadShortState As ViBoolean It returns the short-circuit simulation state. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Load_State Function Chr6310A_Get_Load_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getLoadState As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns if the electronic load is active. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getLoadState As ViBoolean It returns if the electronic load is active. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Max_of_Channel_Load Function Chr6310A_Get_Max_of_Channel_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getMax_ofChannelLoad As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the current max specific channel. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getMax_ofChannelLoad As ViInt32 It returns the current max specific channel. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Input Function Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Input As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getMeasureInput As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the input port which has been set. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getMeasureInput As ViBoolean It returns the input port which has been set. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Scan Function Chr6310A_Get_Measure_Scan As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getMeasureScan As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the scanning mode of the frame. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getMeasureScan As ViBoolean It returns the scanning mode of the frame. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Min_of_Channel_Load Function Chr6310A_Get_Min_of_Channel_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getMin_ofChannelLoad As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the current min specific channel. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getMin_ofChannelLoad As ViInt32 It returns the current min specific channel. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Mode Function Chr6310A_Get_Mode As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getMode As ViChar) Purpose It returns the operational mode of the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getMode As ViChar It returns the operational mode of the electronic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Dwell_Time Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Dwell_Time As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPDwellTime As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the setting dwell time value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPDwellTime As ViInt32 It returns the setting dwell time value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_End_Current Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_End_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPEndCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting end curren value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPEndCurrent As ViReal64 It returns the setting end curren value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Range Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the OCP setting range value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPRange As ViBoolean It returns the OCP setting range value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_High Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_High As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting high level current of specification value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64 It returns the setting high level current of specification value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_Low Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Specification_Low As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPSpecificationLow As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting low level current of specification value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPSpecificationLow As ViReal64 It returns the setting low level current of specification value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Start_Current Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Start_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPStartCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting start curren value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPStartCurrent As ViReal64 It returns the setting start curren value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Step_Count Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Step_Count As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPStepCount As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the setting step count value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPStepCount As ViInt32 It returns the setting step count value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Trigger_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Get_OCP_Trigger_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOCPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting trigger voltage value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOCPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64 It returns the setting trigger voltage value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPC Function Chr6310A_Get_OPC As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPC As ViInt32) Purpose This query returns an ASCII "1" when all pending operations are completed. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPC As ViInt32 This query reads the Standard Event Status Register. Reading the Standard Event Status Register clears it. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Dwell_Time Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Dwell_Time As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPDwellTime As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the setting dwell time value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPDwellTime As ViInt32 It returns the setting dwell time value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_End_Power Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_End_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPEndPower As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting end power value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPEndPower As ViReal64 It returns the setting end power value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Range Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the OPP setting range value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPRange As ViBoolean It returns the OPP setting range value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_High Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_High As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting high level power of specification value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64 It returns the setting high level power of specification value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_Low Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Specification_Low As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPSpecificationLow As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting low level power of specification value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPSpecificationLow As ViReal64 It returns the setting low level power of specification value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Start_Power Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Start_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPStartPower As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting start power value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPStartPower As ViReal64 It returns the setting start power value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Step_Count Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Step_Count As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPStepCount As ViInt32) Purpose It returns the setting step count value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPStepCount As ViInt32 It returns the setting step count value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Trigger_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Get_OPP_Trigger_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getOPPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the setting trigger voltage value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getOPPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64 It returns the setting trigger voltage value. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Program_Parameters Function Chr6310A_Get_Program_Parameters As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, programFile As ViInt32, programActive As ViInt32, programChain As ViInt32, programOnTime As ViReal64, programOffTime As ViReal64, programPFDelayTime As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the program parameters. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None programFile As ViInt32 It sets the program number. Range: 1 ~ 10 programActive As ViInt32 It selects the active load modules. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 programChain As ViInt32 It sets the type of program file in serial execution. Range: 0 ~ 10 programOnTime As ViReal64 It sets the load on time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) programOffTime As ViReal64 It sets the load off time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) programPFDelayTime As ViReal64 It sets the the pass/fail delay time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Program_Run Function Chr6310A_Get_Program_Run As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getProgramRun As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the program run state. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getProgramRun As ViBoolean It returns the program run state. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_RDT Function Chr6310A_Get_RDT As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getRDT As ViChar) Purpose This command returns the types of Electronic Frame (6314A).If channel does not exist, it returns 0. If channel exists, it returns the types like 63103A, 63102A, 63107R, 63107L.. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getRDT As ViChar This command returns the types of Electronic Frame (6314A).If channel does not exist, it returns 0. If channel exists, it returns the types like 63103A, 63102A, 63107R, 63107L.. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Sequence_Parameters Function Chr6310A_Get_Sequence_Parameters As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, programSequence As ViInt32, programSequenceMode As ViChar, programSequenceShortChannel As ViInt32, programSequenceShortTime As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the sequence parameters. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None programSequence As ViInt32 It sets the sequence of program file. Range: 1 ~ 10 programSequenceMode As ViChar It sets the the type of sequence. Parameter: 0 :SKIP 1 :AUTO 2 :MANUAL 3 :EXT programSequenceShortChannel As ViInt32 It sets the the short channel of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 programSequenceShortTime As ViReal64 It sets the short time of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Spec_All_Channel_Result Function Chr6310A_Get_Spec_All_Channel_Result As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSpec_All_ChannelResult As ViChar) Purpose It requests GO-NG result reference to all channel specification. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSpec_All_ChannelResult As ViChar It requests GO-NG result reference to all channel specification. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Curr_Result Function Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Curr_Result As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSpec_CurrResult As ViChar) Purpose It requests the GO-NG result refer to the current specification. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSpec_CurrResult As ViChar It requests the GO-NG result refer to the current specification. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Volt_Result Function Chr6310A_Get_Spec_Volt_Result As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSpec_VoltResult As ViChar) Purpose It requests the GO-NG result refer to the voltage specification. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSpec_VoltResult As ViChar It requests the GO-NG result refer to the voltage specification. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Current Function Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, specifcationCurrentHigh As ViReal64, specifcationCurrentCenter As ViReal64, specifcationCurrentLow As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the current specification for CV Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None specifcationCurrentHigh As ViReal64 It returns the high current specification for CV Mode. specifcationCurrentCenter As ViReal64 It returns the center current specification for CV Mode. specifcationCurrentLow As ViReal64 It returns the low current specification for CV Mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Power Function Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, specifcationPowerHigh As ViReal64, specifcationPowerCenter As ViReal64, specifcationPowerLow As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the power specification for LED Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None specifcationPowerHigh As ViReal64 It returns the high power specification for LED Mode. specifcationPowerCenter As ViReal64 It returns the center power specification for LED Mode. specifcationPowerLow As ViReal64 It returns the low power specification for LED Mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Test Function Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Test As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSpecificationTest As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the specification test. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSpecificationTest As ViBoolean It returns the specification test. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Unit Function Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Unit As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSpecificationUnit As ViBoolean) Purpose It returns the specific entry mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSpecificationUnit As ViBoolean It returns the specific entry mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Get_Specification_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, specifcationVoltageHigh As ViReal64, specifcationVoltageCenter As ViReal64, specifcationVoltageLow As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None specifcationVoltageHigh As ViReal64 It returns the high voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. specifcationVoltageCenter As ViReal64 It returns the center voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. specifcationVoltageLow As ViReal64 It returns the low voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Get_STB Function Chr6310A_Get_STB As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, getSTB As ViInt32) Purpose This query reads the Status Byte register. Note that the MSS (Master Summary Status) bit instead of RQS bit is returned in Bit 6. This bit indicates if the electronic load has at least one reason for requesting service. *STB? does not clear the Status Byte register, which is cleared only when subsequent action has cleared all its set bits. Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name - - - - - MSS ESB MAV QUES CSUM - - Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None getSTB As ViInt32 This query reads the Status Byte register. Note that the MSS (Master Summary Status) bit instead of RQS bit is returned in Bit 6. This bit indicates if the electronic load has at least one reason for requesting service. *STB? does not clear the Status Byte register, which is cleared only when subsequent action has cleared all its set bits. Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name - - - - - MSS ESB MAV QUES CSUM - - Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetAttributeViBoolean Function Chr6310A_GetAttributeViBoolean As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViBoolean) Purpose This function queries the value of a ViBoolean attribute. You can use this function to get the values of instrument- specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to obtain the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViBoolean type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViBoolean are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViBoolean Returns the current value of the attribute. Pass the address of a ViBoolean variable. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetAttributeViInt32 Function Chr6310A_GetAttributeViInt32 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViInt32) Purpose This function queries the value of a ViInt32 attribute. You can use this function to get the values of instrument- specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to obtain the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViInt32 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViInt32 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViInt32 Returns the current value of the attribute. Pass the address of a ViInt32 variable. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetAttributeViReal64 Function Chr6310A_GetAttributeViReal64 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViReal64) Purpose This function queries the value of a ViReal64 attribute. You can use this function to get the values of instrument- specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to obtain the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViReal64 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViReal64 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViReal64 Returns the current value of the attribute. Pass the address of a ViReal64 variable. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetAttributeViSession Function Chr6310A_GetAttributeViSession As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViSession) Purpose This function queries the value of a ViSession attribute. You can use this function to get the values of instrument- specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to obtain the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViSession type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViSession are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViSession Returns the current value of the attribute. Pass the address of a ViSession variable. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetAttributeViString Function Chr6310A_GetAttributeViString As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal bufferSize As ViInt32, attributeValue As ViChar) Purpose This function queries the value of a ViString attribute. You can use this function to get the values of instrument- specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid. You must provide a ViChar array to serve as a buffer for the value. You pass the number of bytes in the buffer as the Buffer Size parameter. If the current value of the attribute, including the terminating NUL byte, is larger than the size you indicate in the Buffer Size parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If you want to call this function just to get the required buffer size, you can pass 0 for the Buffer Size and VI_NULL for the Attribute Value buffer. If you want the function to fill in the buffer regardless of the number of bytes in the value, pass a negative number for the Buffer Size parameter. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to obtain the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViString type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViString are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal bufferSize As ViInt32 Pass the number of bytes in the ViChar array you specify for the Attribute Value parameter. If the current value of the attribute, including the terminating NUL byte, contains more bytes that you indicate in this parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If you pass a negative number, the function copies the value to the buffer regardless of the number of bytes in the value. If you pass 0, you can pass VI_NULL for the Attribute Value buffer parameter. attributeValue As ViChar The buffer in which the function returns the current value of the attribute. The buffer must be of type ViChar and have at least as many bytes as indicated in the Buffer Size parameter. If the current value of the attribute, including the terminating NUL byte, contains more bytes that you indicate in this parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If you specify 0 for the Buffer Size parameter, you can pass VI_NULL for this parameter. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Return Value Reports the status of this operation. If the function succeeds and the buffer you pass is large enough to hold the entire value, the function returns 0. If the current value of the attribute, including the terminating NUL byte, is larger than the size you indicate in the Buffer Size parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If the function fails for some other reason, it returns a negative error code. For more information on error codes, refer to the Status return value control in one of the other function panels. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo Function Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, primaryError As ViStatus, secondaryError As ViStatus, errorElaboration As ViChar) Purpose This function returns the error information associated with an IVI session or with the current execution thread. If you specify a valid IVI session for the Instrument Handle parameter, this function retrieves and then clears the error information for the session. If you pass VI_NULL for the Instrument Handle parameter, this function retrieves and then clears the error information for the current execution thread. The error information includes a primary error, secondary error, and an error elaboration string. For a particular session, this information is the same as the values held in the following attributes: CHR6310A_ATTR_PRIMARY_ERROR CHR6310A_ATTR_SECONDARY_ERROR CHR6310A_ATTR_ERROR_ELABORATION The IVI Library also maintains this error information separately for each thread. This is useful if you do not have a session handle to pass to Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo or Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo, which occurs when a call to Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions fails. You can call Chr6310A_error_message to obtain a text description of the primary or secondary error value. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: VI_NULL primaryError As ViStatus The primary error code for the session or execution thread. The value is the same as the one held by the attribute CHR6310A_ATTR_PRIMARY_ERROR. A value of VI_SUCCESS (0) indicates that no error occurred, A positive value indicates a warning. A negative value indicates an error. You can call Chr6310A_error_message to get a text description of the value. If you are not interested in this value, you can pass VI_NULL. secondaryError As ViStatus The secondary error code for the session or execution thread. If the primary error code is non-zero, the secondary error code can further describe the error or warning condition. The value is the same as the one held by the attribute CHR6310A_ATTR_SECONDARY_ERROR. A value of VI_SUCCESS (0) indicates no further description. You can call Chr6310A_error_message to get a text description of the value. If you are not interested in this value, you can pass VI_NULL. errorElaboration As ViChar The error elaboration string for the session or execution thread. If the primary error code is non-zero, the elaboration string can further describe the error or warning condition. The value is the same as the one held by the attribute CHR6310A_ATTR_ERROR_ELABORATION. If you are not interested in this value, you can pass VI_NULL. Otherwise, you must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. This function returns a non-zero status code only when it is unable to obtain the error information for the session or thread. The function can return the following status codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0021 Unable to allocate system resource. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_GetNextCoercionRecord Function Chr6310A_GetNextCoercionRecord As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal bufferSize As ViInt32, coercionRecord As ViChar) Purpose This function returns the coercion information associated with the IVI session. This function retrieves and clears the oldest instance in which the instrument driver coerced a value you specified to another value. If you set the CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS attribute to VI_TRUE, the instrument driver keeps a list of all coercions it makes on ViInt32 or ViReal64 values you pass to instrument driver functions. You use this function to retrieve information from that list. If the next coercion record string, including the terminating NUL byte, contains more bytes than you indicate in this parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If you pass a negative number, the function copies the value to the buffer regardless of the number of bytes in the value. If you pass 0, you can pass VI_NULL for the Coercion Record buffer parameter. The function returns an empty string in the Coercion Record parameter if no coercion records remain for the session. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal bufferSize As ViInt32 Pass the number of bytes in the ViChar array you specify for the Coercion Record parameter. If the next coercion record string, including the terminating NUL byte, contains more bytes than you indicate in this parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If you pass a negative number, the function copies the value to the buffer regardless of the number of bytes in the value. If you pass 0, you can pass VI_NULL for the Coercion Record buffer parameter. Default Value: None coercionRecord As ViChar Returns the next coercion record for the IVI session. If there are no coercion records, the function returns an empty string. The buffer must contain at least as many elements as the value you specify with the Buffer Size parameter. If the next coercion record string, including the terminating NUL byte, contains more bytes than you indicate with the Buffer Size parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. This parameter returns an empty string if no coercion records remain for the session. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. If the function succeeds and the buffer you pass is large enough to hold the entire coercion record string, the function returns 0. If the next coercion record string, including the terminating NUL byte, is larger than the size you indicate in the Buffer Size parameter, the function copies Buffer Size - 1 bytes into the buffer, places an ASCII NUL byte at the end of the buffer, and returns the buffer size you must pass to get the entire value. For example, if the value is "123456" and the Buffer Size is 4, the function places "123" into the buffer and returns 7. If the function fails for some other reason, it returns a negative error code. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_init Function Chr6310A_init As ViStatus (ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc, ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean, ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean, instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This function performs the following initialization actions: - Creates a new IVI instrument driver session. - Opens a session to the specified device using the interface and address you specify for the Resource Name parameter. - If the ID Query parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function queries the instrument ID and checks that it is valid for this instrument driver. - If the Reset parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function resets the instrument to a known state. - Sends initialization commands to set the instrument to the state necessary for the operation of the instrument driver. - Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Note: This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. Although you can open more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. You can use the same session in multiple program threads. You can use the Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession functions to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. Parameter List ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc Pass the resource name of the device to initialize. You can also pass the name of a virtual instrument or logical name that you configure with the IVI Configuration utility. The virtual instrument identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session. A logical Name identifies a particular virtual instrument. Refer to the following table below for the exact grammar to use for this parameter. Optional fields are shown in square brackets ([]). Syntax ------------------------------------------------------ GPIB[board]::[::secondary address]::INSTR VXI[board]::::INSTR GPIB-VXI[board]::::INSTR ASRL::INSTR [VInstr->] If you do not specify a value for an optional field, the following values are used: Optional Field - Value ------------------------------------------------------ board - 0 secondary address - none (31) The following table contains example valid values for this parameter. "Valid Value" - Description ------------------------------------------------------ "GPIB::22::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 no secondary address "GPIB::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "GPIB1::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 1, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "VXI::64::INSTR" - VXI board 0, logical address 64 "VXI1::64::INSTR" - VXI board 1, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 0, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI1::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 1, logical address 64 "ASRL2::INSTR" - COM port 2 "SampleInstr" - Logical name "SampleInstr" "VInstr->xyz432" - Virtual Instrument "xyz432" "xyz432" - Logical Name or Virtual Instrument "xyz432" /*=CHANGE:===================================================* Modify the following default value so that it reflects the default address for your instrument. You must make the corresponding change to the Default Value entry for the control. *================================================END=CHANGE=*/ Default Value: "ASRL1::INSTR" Note: You specify the resource name with the "VInstr->" if you have the logical name that is the same as the virtual instrument name and you want to explicitly use the virtual instrument name. Otherwise, the driver uses the logical name. ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the instrument driver to perform an ID Query. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Perform ID Query (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Skip ID Query When you set this parameter to VI_TRUE, the driver verifies that the instrument you initialize is a type that this driver supports. Circumstances can arise where it is undesirable to send an ID Query command string to the instrument. When you set this parameter to VI_FALSE, the function initializes the instrument without performing an ID Query. ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the to reset the instrument during the initialization procedure. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Reset Device (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Don't Reset instrumentHandle As ViSession Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Notes: (1) This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. This is useful if you have multiple physical instances of the same type of instrument. (2) Avoid creating multiple concurrent sessions to the same physical instrument. Although you can create more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. A better approach is to use the same IVI session in multiple execution threads. You can use functions Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFC0101 ID Query not supported. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFA0000 Cannot load IVI engine. BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFA0054 Bad channel name in Channel List. BFFC0011 Instrument returned invalid response to ID Query. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_InitInterface Function Chr6310A_InitInterface As ViStatus (ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc, ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean, ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean, instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal baudRate As ViInt32, IDString As ViChar, ByVal optionString As ViString) Purpose This function performs the following initialization actions: - Creates a new IVI instrument driver session. - Opens a session to the specified device using the interface and address you specify for the Resource Name parameter. - If the ID Query parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function queries the instrument ID and checks that it is valid for this instrument driver. - If the Reset parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function resets the instrument to a known state. - Sends initialization commands to set the instrument to the state necessary for the operation of the instrument driver. - Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Note: This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. Although you can open more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. You can use the same session in multiple program threads. You can use the Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession functions to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. Parameter List ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc Pass the resource name of the device to initialize. You can also pass the name of a virtual instrument or logical name that you configure with the IVI Configuration utility. The virtual instrument identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session. A logical Name identifies a particular virtual instrument. Refer to the following table below for the exact grammar to use for this parameter. Optional fields are shown in square brackets ([]). Syntax ------------------------------------------------------ GPIB[board]::[::secondary address]::INSTR VXI[board]::::INSTR GPIB-VXI[board]::::INSTR ASRL::INSTR [VInstr->] If you do not specify a value for an optional field, the following values are used: Optional Field - Value ------------------------------------------------------ board - 0 secondary address - none (31) The following table contains example valid values for this parameter. "Valid Value" - Description ------------------------------------------------------ "GPIB::22::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 no secondary address "GPIB::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "GPIB1::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 1, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "VXI::64::INSTR" - VXI board 0, logical address 64 "VXI1::64::INSTR" - VXI board 1, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 0, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI1::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 1, logical address 64 "ASRL2::INSTR" - COM port 2 "SampleInstr" - Logical name "SampleInstr" "VInstr->xyz432" - Virtual Instrument "xyz432" "xyz432" - Logical Name or Virtual Instrument "xyz432" /*=CHANGE:===================================================* Modify the following default value so that it reflects the default address for your instrument. You must make the corresponding change to the Default Value entry for the control. *================================================END=CHANGE=*/ Default Value: "ASRL1::INSTR" Note: You specify the resource name with the "VInstr->" if you have the logical name that is the same as the virtual instrument name and you want to explicitly use the virtual instrument name. Otherwise, the driver uses the logical name. ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the instrument driver to perform an ID Query. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Perform ID Query (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Skip ID Query When you set this parameter to VI_TRUE, the driver verifies that the instrument you initialize is a type that this driver supports. Circumstances can arise where it is undesirable to send an ID Query command string to the instrument. When you set this parameter to VI_FALSE, the function initializes the instrument without performing an ID Query. ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the to reset the instrument during the initialization procedure. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Reset Device (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Don't Reset instrumentHandle As ViSession Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Notes: (1) This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. This is useful if you have multiple physical instances of the same type of instrument. (2) Avoid creating multiple concurrent sessions to the same physical instrument. Although you can create more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. A better approach is to use the same IVI session in multiple execution threads. You can use functions Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. ByVal baudRate As ViInt32 Sets the baud rate into PC serial port. Parameters : 600 | BAUD 600, 1200 | BAUD 1200, 2400 | BAUD 2400, 4800 | BAUD 4800, 9600 | BAUD 9600, IDString As ViChar Return the instrument ID string. ByVal optionString As ViString You can use this control to set the initial value of certain attributes for the session. The following table lists the attributes and the name you use in this parameter to identify the attribute. Name Attribute Defined Constant -------------------------------------------- RangeCheck CHR6310A_ATTR_RANGE_CHECK QueryInstrStatus CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_INSTR_STATUS Cache CHR6310A_ATTR_CACHE Simulate CHR6310A_ATTR_SIMULATE RecordCoercions CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS The format of this string is, "AttributeName=Value" where AttributeName is the name of the attribute and Value is the value to which the attribute will be set. To set multiple attributes, separate their assignments with a comma. If you pass NULL or an empty string for this parameter, the session uses the default values for the attributes. You can override the default values by assigning a value explicitly in a string you pass for this parameter. You do not have to specify all of the attributes and may leave any of them out. If you do not specify one of the attributes, its default value will be used. The default values for the attributes are shown below: Attribute Name Default Value ---------------- ------------- RangeCheck VI_TRUE QueryInstrStatus VI_TRUE Cache VI_TRUE Simulate VI_FALSE RecordCoercions VI_FALSE The following are the valid values for ViBoolean attributes: True: 1, True, or VI_TRUE False: 0, False, or VI_FALSE Default Value: "Simulate=0,RangeCheck=1,QueryInstrStatus=1,Cache=1" Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFC0101 ID Query not supported. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFA0000 Cannot load IVI engine. BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFA0054 Bad channel name in Channel List. BFFC0011 Instrument returned invalid response to ID Query. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_InitWithOptions Function Chr6310A_InitWithOptions As ViStatus (ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc, ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean, ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean, ByVal optionString As ViString, instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This function performs the following initialization actions: - Creates a new IVI instrument driver and optionally sets the initial state of the following session attributes: CHR6310A_ATTR_RANGE_CHECK CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_INSTR_STATUS CHR6310A_ATTR_CACHE CHR6310A_ATTR_SIMULATE CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS - Opens a session to the specified device using the interface and address you specify for the Resource Name parameter. - If the ID Query parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function queries the instrument ID and checks that it is valid for this instrument driver. - If the Reset parameter is set to VI_TRUE, this function resets the instrument to a known state. - Sends initialization commands to set the instrument to the state necessary for the operation of the instrument driver. - Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Note: This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. Although you can open more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. You can use the same session in multiple program threads. You can use the Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession functions to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. Parameter List ByVal resourceName As ViRsrc Pass the resource name of the device to initialize. You can also pass the name of a virtual instrument or logical name that you configure with the IVI Configuration utility. The virtual instrument identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session. A logical Name identifies a particular virtual instrument. Refer to the following table below for the exact grammar to use for this parameter. Optional fields are shown in square brackets ([]). Syntax ------------------------------------------------------ GPIB[board]::[::secondary address]::INSTR VXI[board]::::INSTR GPIB-VXI[board]::::INSTR ASRL::INSTR [VInstr->] If you do not specify a value for an optional field, the following values are used: Optional Field - Value ------------------------------------------------------ board - 0 secondary address - none (31) The following table contains example valid values for this parameter. "Valid Value" - Description ------------------------------------------------------ "GPIB::22::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 no secondary address "GPIB::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 0, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "GPIB1::22::5::INSTR" - GPIB board 1, primary address 22 secondary address 5 "VXI::64::INSTR" - VXI board 0, logical address 64 "VXI1::64::INSTR" - VXI board 1, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 0, logical address 64 "GPIB-VXI1::64::INSTR" - GPIB-VXI board 1, logical address 64 "ASRL2::INSTR" - COM port 2 "SampleInstr" - Logical name "SampleInstr" "VInstr->xyz432" - Virtual Instrument "xyz432" "xyz432" - Logical Name or Virtual Instrument "xyz432" /*=CHANGE:===================================================* Modify the following default value so that it reflects the default address for your instrument. You must make the corresponding change to the Default Value entry for the control. *================================================END=CHANGE=*/ Default Value: "ASRL1::INSTR" Note: You specify the resource name with the "VInstr->" if you have the logical name that is the same as the virtual instrument name and you want to explicitly use the virtual instrument name. Otherwise, the driver uses the logical name. ByVal IDQuery As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the instrument driver to perform an ID Query. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Perform ID Query (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Skip ID Query When you set this parameter to VI_TRUE, the driver verifies that the instrument you initialize is a type that this driver supports. Circumstances can arise where it is undesirable to send an ID Query command string to the instrument. When you set this parameter to VI_FALSE, the function initializes the instrument without performing an ID Query. ByVal resetDevice As ViBoolean Specify whether you want the to reset the instrument during the initialization procedure. Valid Range: VI_TRUE (1) - Reset Device (Default Value) VI_FALSE (0) - Don't Reset ByVal optionString As ViString You can use this control to set the initial value of certain attributes for the session. The following table lists the attributes and the name you use in this parameter to identify the attribute. Name Attribute Defined Constant -------------------------------------------- RangeCheck CHR6310A_ATTR_RANGE_CHECK QueryInstrStatus CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_INSTR_STATUS Cache CHR6310A_ATTR_CACHE Simulate CHR6310A_ATTR_SIMULATE RecordCoercions CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS The format of this string is, "AttributeName=Value" where AttributeName is the name of the attribute and Value is the value to which the attribute will be set. To set multiple attributes, separate their assignments with a comma. If you pass NULL or an empty string for this parameter, the session uses the default values for the attributes. You can override the default values by assigning a value explicitly in a string you pass for this parameter. You do not have to specify all of the attributes and may leave any of them out. If you do not specify one of the attributes, its default value will be used. The default values for the attributes are shown below: Attribute Name Default Value ---------------- ------------- RangeCheck VI_TRUE QueryInstrStatus VI_TRUE Cache VI_TRUE Simulate VI_FALSE RecordCoercions VI_FALSE The following are the valid values for ViBoolean attributes: True: 1, True, or VI_TRUE False: 0, False, or VI_FALSE Default Value: "Simulate=0,RangeCheck=1,QueryInstrStatus=1,Cache=1" instrumentHandle As ViSession Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls. Notes: (1) This function creates a new session each time you invoke it. This is useful if you have multiple physical instances of the same type of instrument. (2) Avoid creating multiple concurrent sessions to the same physical instrument. Although you can create more than one IVI session for the same resource, it is best not to do so. A better approach is to use the same IVI session in multiple execution threads. You can use functions Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFC0101 ID Query not supported. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFA0000 Cannot load IVI engine. BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFA0049 Missing option name (nothing before the '='). BFFA004A Missing option value (nothing after the '='). BFFA004B Bad option name. BFFA004C Bad option value. BFFA0054 Bad channel name in Channel List BFFC0011 Instrument returned invalid response to ID Query. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_LockSession Function Chr6310A_LockSession As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, callerHasLock As ViBoolean) Purpose This function obtains a multithread lock on the instrument session. Before it does so, it waits until all other execution threads have released their locks on the instrument session. Other threads might have obtained a lock on this session in the following ways: - The user's application called Chr6310A_LockSession. - A call to the instrument driver locked the session. - A call to the IVI engine locked the session. After your call to Chr6310A_LockSession returns successfully, no other threads can access the instrument session until you call Chr6310A_UnlockSession. Use Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession around a sequence of calls to instrument driver functions if you require that the instrument retain its settings through the end of the sequence. You can safely make nested calls to Chr6310A_LockSession within the same thread. To completely unlock the session, you must balance each call to Chr6310A_LockSession with a call to Chr6310A_UnlockSession. If, however, you use the Caller Has Lock parameter in all calls to Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession within a function, the IVI Library locks the session only once within the function regardless of the number of calls you make to Chr6310A_LockSession. This allows you to call Chr6310A_UnlockSession just once at the end of the function. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None callerHasLock As ViBoolean This parameter serves as a convenience. If you do not want to use this parameter, pass VI_NULL. Use this parameter in complex functions to keep track of whether you obtain a lock and therefore need to unlock the session. Pass the address of a local ViBoolean variable. In the declaration of the local variable, initialize it to VI_FALSE. Pass the address of the same local variable to any other calls you make to Chr6310A_LockSession or Chr6310A_UnlockSession in the same function. The parameter is an input/output parameter. Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession each inspect the current value and take the following actions: - If the value is VI_TRUE, Chr6310A_LockSession does not lock the session again. If the value is VI_FALSE, Chr6310A_LockSession obtains the lock and sets the value of the parameter to VI_TRUE. - If the value is VI_FALSE, Chr6310A_UnlockSession does not attempt to unlock the session. If the value is VI_TRUE, Chr6310A_UnlockSession releases the lock and sets the value of the parameter to VI_FALSE. Thus, you can, call Chr6310A_UnlockSession at the end of your function without worrying about whether you actually have the lock. Example: ViStatus TestFunc (ViSession vi, ViInt32 flags) { ViStatus error = VI_SUCCESS; ViBoolean haveLock = VI_FALSE; if (flags & BIT_1) { viCheckErr( Chr6310A_LockSession(vi, &haveLock)); viCheckErr( TakeAction1(vi)); if (flags & BIT_2) { viCheckErr( Chr6310A_UnlockSession(vi, &haveLock)); viCheckErr( TakeAction2(vi)); viCheckErr( Chr6310A_LockSession(vi, &haveLock); } if (flags & BIT_3) viCheckErr( TakeAction3(vi)); } Error: /* At this point, you cannot really be sure that you have the lock. Fortunately, the haveLock variable takes care of that for you. */ Chr6310A_UnlockSession(vi, &haveLock); return error; } Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_All_Current Function Chr6310A_Measure_All_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measureAllCurrent As ViChar) Purpose It returns the current measured at the input of all load modules. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measureAllCurrent As ViChar It returns the current measured at the input of all load modules. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_All_Power Function Chr6310A_Measure_All_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measureAllPower As ViChar) Purpose It returns the power measured at the input of all load modules. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measureAllPower As ViChar It returns the power measured at the input of all load modules. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_All_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Measure_All_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measureAllVoltage As ViChar) Purpose It returns the voltage measured at the input of all load modules. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measureAllVoltage As ViChar It returns the voltage measured at the input of all load modules. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_Current Function Chr6310A_Measure_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measureCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the current measured at the input of electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measureCurrent As ViReal64 It returns the current measured at the input of electronic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_Power Function Chr6310A_Measure_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measurePower As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the power measured at the input of electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measurePower As ViReal64 It returns the power measured at the input of electronic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Measure_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Measure_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, measureVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It returns the voltage measured at the input of electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None measureVoltage As ViReal64 It returns the voltage measured at the input of electronic load. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Query_OCP_Result Function Chr6310A_Query_OCP_Result As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, OCPResult As ViChar) Purpose It returns the result of OCP test function. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None OCPResult As ViChar It returns the result of OCP test function. Parameter1 value: -1 :denotes the OCP test is stop. -2 :denotes the OCP test is ready to execute what wait for Von or other condition. -3 :denotes the OCP test is executed. 0 : PASS 1 : FAIL Parameter2 value: OCP current. (Unit = Ampere) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Query_OPP_Result Function Chr6310A_Query_OPP_Result As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, OPPResult As ViChar) Purpose It returns the result of OPP test function. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None OPPResult As ViChar It returns the result of OPP test function. Parameter1 value: -1 :denotes the OPP test is stop. -2 :denotes the OPP test is ready to execute what wait for Von or other condition. -3 :denotes the OPP test is executed. 0 : PASS 1 : FAIL Parameter2 value: OPP power. (Unit = Ampere) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_RCL Function Chr6310A_RCL As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal setRCL As ViInt32) Purpose This command restores the electronic load to a state that was previously stored in memory with the *SAV command to the specified location. Range: 1 ~ 101 Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal setRCL As ViInt32 This command restores the electronic load to a state that was previously stored in memory with the *SAV command to the specified location. Range: 1 ~ 101 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_ReadInstrData Function Chr6310A_ReadInstrData As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal number_ofBytesToRead As ViInt32, readBuffer As ViChar, numBytesRead As ViInt32) Purpose This function reads data from the instrument. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal number_ofBytesToRead As ViInt32 Pass the maximum number of bytes to read from the instruments. Valid Range: 0 to the number of elements in the Read Buffer. Default: 0 readBuffer As ViChar After this function executes, this parameter contains the data that was read from the instrument. numBytesRead As ViInt32 Returns the number of bytes actually read from the instrument and stored in the Read Buffer. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_reset Function Chr6310A_reset As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This function resets the instrument to a known state and sends initialization commands to the instrument. The initialization commands set instrument settings such as Headers Off, Short Command form, and Data Transfer Binary to the state necessary for the operation of the instrument driver. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_revision_query Function Chr6310A_revision_query As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, instrumentDriverRevision As ViChar, firmwareRevision As ViChar) Purpose This function returns the revision numbers of the instrument driver and instrument firmware. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None instrumentDriverRevision As ViChar Returns the instrument driver software revision numbers in the form of a string. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. firmwareRevision As ViChar Returns the instrument firmware revision numbers in the form of a string. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0105 Revision Query not supported. BFFC0012 Error interpreting instrument response. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_RST Function Chr6310A_RST As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This command forces an ABORt, *CLS, LOAD=PROT=CLE command. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_RUN Function Chr6310A_RUN As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It sets all electronic loads to "ON". Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SAV Function Chr6310A_SAV As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal setSAV As ViInt32) Purpose This command stores the present state of the single electronic load and the states of all channels of the multiple loads in a specified location in memory. Range: 1 ~ 100 Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal setSAV As ViInt32 This command stores the present state of the single electronic load and the states of all channels of the multiple loads in a specified location in memory. Range: 1 ~ 100 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_self_test Function Chr6310A_self_test As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, selfTestResult As ViInt16, selfTestMessage As ViChar) Purpose This function runs the instrument's self test routine and returns the test result(s). Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None selfTestResult As ViInt16 This control contains the value returned from the instrument self test. Zero means success. For any other code, see the device's operator's manual. Self-Test Code Description --------------------------------------- 0 Passed self test 1 Self test failed selfTestMessage As ViChar Returns the self-test response string from the instrument. See the device's operation manual for an explanation of the string's contents. You must pass a ViChar array with at least 256 bytes. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0103 Self-Test not supported. BFFC0012 Error interpreting instrument response. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicL1 As ViReal64 It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicL2 As ViReal64 It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicT1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the duration parameter T1 of dynamic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicT1 As ViReal64 It sets the duration parameter T1 of dynamic load. Range: 0.000025 ~ 50(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Dynamic_T2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCDynamicT2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the duration parameter T2 of dynamic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCDynamicT2 As ViReal64 It sets the duration parameter T2 of dynamic load. Range: 0.000025 ~ 50(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current static mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current static mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCStaticL1 As ViReal64 It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCStaticL2 As ViReal64 It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CC_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CCStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current static mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CCStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current static mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Active Function Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Active As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal channelActive As ViBoolean) Purpose It enables or disables the load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal channelActive As ViBoolean It enables or disables the load module. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Load Function Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal channel As ViInt32) Purpose It selects a specific channel by which the coming channel-specific command will be received and executed. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal channel As ViInt32 It selects a specific channel by which the coming channel-specific command will be received and executed. Range: 6312A (1 ~ 4) 6314A (1 ~ 8) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Synchronized Function Chr6310A_Set_Channel_Synchronized As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal channelSynchronized As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the load module to receive synchronized command action of RUN ABORT or not. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal channelSynchronized As ViBoolean It sets the load module to receive synchronized command action of RUN ABORT or not. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Load Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal autoLoad As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets if the load module will do Auto Load On during power-on. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal autoLoad As ViBoolean It sets if the load module will do Auto Load On during power-on. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Mode Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Auto_Mode As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal autoMode As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the Auto Load On to LOAD ON or PROGRAM. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal autoMode As ViBoolean It sets the Auto Load On to LOAD ON or PROGRAM. Parameter: 0:PROGRAM 1:LOAD Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Current_Range Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Current_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureCurrentRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the current range of CR mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureCurrentRange As ViBoolean It sets the current range of CR mode. Parameter: 0:Low 1:High Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Digital_IO Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Digital_IO As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal digitalIO As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the Digital IO to ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal digitalIO As ViBoolean It sets the Digital IO to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Echo Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Echo As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal echo As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets to reply new or old Model Name when querying the device's model name. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal echo As ViBoolean It sets to reply new or old Model Name when querying the device's model name. Parameter: 0:NEW 1:OLD Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Key Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Key As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal key As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets if change the MEAS key on the Module to Static/Dynamic. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal key As ViBoolean It sets if change the MEAS key on the Module to Static/Dynamic. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Load Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Load As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal load As ViBoolean) Purpose The value at the setting of load module as LOADON is the one changed by the rotary knob (UPDATED/1) or the original set value (OLD/0). Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal load As ViBoolean The value at the setting of load module as LOADON is the one changed by the rotary knob (UPDATED/1) or the original set value (OLD/0). Parameter: 0:UPDATE 1:OLD Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Measure_Average Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Measure_Average As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal measureAverage As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the average number of times for measurement. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal measureAverage As ViInt32 It sets the average number of times for measurement. Range: 1 ~ 64 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rd_Select Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rd_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureRdSelect As ViInt32) Purpose It selects the parameters to be set for LED Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureRdSelect As ViInt32 It selects the parameters to be set for LED Mode. Parameter: 0:DEFAULT 1:COEFF 2:OHM 3:VF Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Remote Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Remote As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal remote As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the status of remote control (only effective in RS232C). Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal remote As ViBoolean It sets the status of remote control (only effective in RS232C). Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Select Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureResponseSelect As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the response speed of Electronic Load to default or user-defined. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureResponseSelect As ViBoolean It sets the response speed of Electronic Load to default or user-defined. Parameter: 0:SET 1:DEFAULT Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Set Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Response_Set As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureResponseSet As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the response speed of Electronic Load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureResponseSet As ViInt32 It sets the response speed of Electronic Load. Parameter¡G 1 ~ 5 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureRr As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the Rr function to on or off. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureRr As ViBoolean It sets the Rr function to on or off. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Select Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Select As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureRrSelect As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the Rr to default or user-defined. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureRrSelect As ViBoolean It sets the Rr to default or user-defined. Parameter: 0:SET 1:DEFAULT Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Set Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Rr_Set As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureRrSet As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the ripple resistance Rr to default or user-defined. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureRrSet As ViReal64 It sets the ripple resistance Rr to default or user-defined. Range¡G 5 ~ 125 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Save Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Save As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It stores the data of CONFigure into EEPROM. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Set_All_LED Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Set_All_LED As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureSetAllLED As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the LED mode setting for one single channel or all channels. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureSetAllLED As ViBoolean It sets the LED mode setting for one single channel or all channels. Parameter: 0:SINGLE 1:ALL Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Short Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Short As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureShort As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets if enable Short function when pressing the SHORT key on Module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureShort As ViBoolean It sets if enable Short function when pressing the SHORT key on Module. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Sound Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Sound As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal sound As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the buffer sound of load module to ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal sound As ViBoolean It sets the buffer sound of load module to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_State Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal timingState As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the timing function to ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal timingState As ViBoolean It sets the timing function to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Timeout Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Timeout As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal timingTimeout As ViInt32) Purpose It sets timeout for Timing function from 1ms to 24 hr. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal timingTimeout As ViInt32 It sets timeout for Timing function from 1ms to 24 hr. Range: 1 ~ 86400000(ms) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Trigger Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Timing_Trigger As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal timingTrigger As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage for Timing function at time out. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal timingTrigger As ViReal64 It sets the voltage for Timing function at time out. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_Final_V Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_Final_V As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureVoffFinalV As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the final loading voltage. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureVoffFinalV As ViReal64 It sets the final loading voltage. Model Range: when mode is CCL,CCH,CCDL,CCDH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Low:0 ~ 100(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CRL 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 16(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 125(V) 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is CRH,CV 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CPL,CPH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is LEDL 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is LEDH 63110A :0 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_State Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voff_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal voffState As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets VOFF function ON or OFF. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal voffState As ViBoolean It sets VOFF function ON or OFF. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Latch Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Latch As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal voltageLatch As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the action type of Von. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal voltageLatch As ViBoolean It sets the action type of Von. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Range Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Voltage_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal voltageRange As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage measurement range in CC mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal voltageRange As ViReal64 It sets the voltage measurement range in CC mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A 0 ~ 16(V) is Low measurement range 17 ~ 80(V) is High measurement range 63105A|63108A 0 ~ 125(V) is Low measurement range 126 ~ 500(V) is High measurement range 63110A 0 ~ 100(V) is Low measurement range 101 ~ 500(V) is High measurement range Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal configureVon As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage of sink current on. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal configureVon As ViReal64 It sets the voltage of sink current on. Model Range: when mode is CCL,CCH,CCDL,CCDH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Low:0 ~ 100(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CRL 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 16(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 125(V) 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is CRH,CV 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CPL,CPH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is LEDL 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is LEDH 63110A :0 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von_Latch_Reset Function Chr6310A_Set_Configure_Von_Latch_Reset As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It resets the Von signal. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CPStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant power. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CPStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant power. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.032 ~ 8(W) 63102A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.016 ~ 4(W) 63103A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.050 ~ 12.5(W) 63105A Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.048 ~ 12(W) 63106A Low:0.01 ~ 2.5(W) , High:0.1 ~ 25(W) 63107A(R) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) 63107A(L) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.04 ~ 10(W) 63108A Low:0.0096 ~ 2.4(W) , High:0.096 ~ 24(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.02 ~ 5(W) , High:0.2 ~ 50(W) 63123A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.05 ~ 12.5(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CPStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CPStaticL1 As ViReal64 It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CPStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CPStaticL2 As ViReal64 It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CP_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CPStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant power. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CPStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant power. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.032 ~ 8(W) 63102A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.016 ~ 4(W) 63103A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.050 ~ 12.5(W) 63105A Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.048 ~ 12(W) 63106A Low:0.01 ~ 2.5(W) , High:0.1 ~ 25(W) 63107A(R) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) 63107A(L) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.04 ~ 10(W) 63108A Low:0.0096 ~ 2.4(W) , High:0.096 ~ 24(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.02 ~ 5(W) , High:0.2 ~ 50(W) 63123A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.05 ~ 12.5(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Fall_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CRStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant resistance. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CRStaticFallSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant resistance. Model Range: 63101A :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A :0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A :0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) :0.0008 ~ 0.200(A/us) 63107A(L) :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A :0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CRStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CRStaticL1 As ViReal64 It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63102A Low:0.075 ~ 300(ohm) , High:3.75 ~ 15000(ohm) 63103A Low:0.025 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) 63105A Low:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) , High:50 ~ 200(ohm) 63106A Low:0.0125 ~ 50(ohm) , High:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) 63107A(R) Low:0.3 ~ 1200(ohm) , High:15 ~ 60000(ohm) 63107A(L) Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63108A Low:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) , High:25 ~ 100000(ohm) 63110A Low:3 ~ 1000(ohm) , High:10 ~ 10000(ohm) 63112A Low:0.00625 ~ 25(ohm) , High:0.3125 ~ 1250(ohm) 63123A Low:0.01 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 12500(ohm) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CRStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CRStaticL2 As ViReal64 It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63102A Low:0.075 ~ 300(ohm) , High:3.75 ~ 15000(ohm) 63103A Low:0.025 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) 63105A Low:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) , High:50 ~ 200(ohm) 63106A Low:0.0125 ~ 50(ohm) , High:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) 63107A(R) Low:0.3 ~ 1200(ohm) , High:15 ~ 60000(ohm) 63107A(L) Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63108A Low:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) , High:25 ~ 100000(ohm) 63110A Low:3 ~ 1000(ohm) , High:10 ~ 10000(ohm) 63112A Low:0.00625 ~ 25(ohm) , High:0.3125 ~ 1250(ohm) 63123A Low:0.01 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 12500(ohm) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate Function Chr6310A_Set_CR_Static_Rise_Slew_Rate As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CRStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant resistance. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CRStaticRiseSlewRate As ViReal64 It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant resistance. Model Range: 63101A :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A :0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A :0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) :0.0008 ~ 0.200(A/us) 63107A(L) :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A :0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CV_Current_Limit Function Chr6310A_Set_CV_Current_Limit As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CVCurrentLimit As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current limit of constant voltage mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CVCurrentLimit As ViReal64 It sets the current limit of constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CV_Response_Speed Function Chr6310A_Set_CV_Response_Speed As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CVResponseSpeed As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the response speed of CV mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CVResponseSpeed As ViBoolean It sets the response speed of CV mode. Parameter: 0:SLOW 1:FAST Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L1 Function Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L1 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CVStaticL1 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CVStaticL1 As ViReal64 It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L2 Function Chr6310A_Set_CV_Static_L2 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal CVStaticL2 As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal CVStaticL2 As ViReal64 It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_ESE Function Chr6310A_Set_ESE As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal setESE As ViInt32) Purpose This command sets the condition of the Standard Event Status Enable register, which determines which events of the Standard Event Status Event register are allowed to set the ESB of the Status Byte register. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal setESE As ViInt32 This command programs the Standard Event Status Enable Register bits. If one or more of the enable events of the Standard Event Status is set, the ESB of Status Byte Register is set too. Range: 0 ~ 255 Bit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name - - - - - - CME EXE DDE QYE - - CME = Command error enable DDE = Device-dependent errorEXE = Execution error enable QYE = Query error enable Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_LED_Current_Out Function Chr6310A_Set_LED_Current_Out As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal LEDCurrentOut As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the output current of LED driver. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal LEDCurrentOut As ViReal64 It sets the output current of LED driver. Range¡G0.00004 ~ 2(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Coefficient Function Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Coefficient As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal LEDRdCoefficient As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the LED operating point impedance. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal LEDRdCoefficient As ViReal64 It sets the LED operating point impedance. Rang¡G0.001 ~ 1 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Ohm Function Chr6310A_Set_LED_Rd_Ohm As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal LEDRdOhm As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the Ohm of operating point impedance Rd. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal LEDRdOhm As ViReal64 It sets the Ohm of operating point impedance Rd. Rang: LEDL :3 ~ 1000(ohm) LEDH :10 ~ 10000(ohm) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_LED_VF Function Chr6310A_Set_LED_VF As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal LEDVF As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the forward bias of LED. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal LEDVF As ViReal64 It sets the forward bias of LED. Rang¡G LEDL :0.004 ~ 100(V) LEDH :0.02 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_LED_Voltage_Out Function Chr6310A_Set_LED_Voltage_Out As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal LEDVoltageOut As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the output voltage of LED driver. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal LEDVoltageOut As ViReal64 It sets the output voltage of LED driver. Range¡G LEDL :0.004 ~ 100(V) LEDH :0.02 ~ 500(V) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_Clear Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_Clear As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It clears all data and return it to default. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_Protection_Clear Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_Protection_Clear As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This command resets or returns status of the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_Save Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_Save As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It saves the current data as default. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_Key Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_Key As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal loadShortKey As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the mode of short key in the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal loadShortKey As ViBoolean It sets the mode of short key in the electronic load. Parameter: 0:HOLD 1:TOGGLE Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_State Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_Short_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal loadShortState As ViBoolean) Purpose It activates or inactivates the short-circuited simulation. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal loadShortState As ViBoolean It activates or inactivates the short-circuited simulation. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Load_State Function Chr6310A_Set_Load_State As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal loadState As ViBoolean) Purpose The LOAD command makes the electronic load active/on or inactive/off. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal loadState As ViBoolean The LOAD command makes the electronic load active/on or inactive/off. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Input Function Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Input As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal measureInput As ViBoolean) Purpose It selects the input port of electronic load to measure the voltage. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal measureInput As ViBoolean It selects the input port of electronic load to measure the voltage. Parameter: 0:LOAD 1:UUT Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Scan Function Chr6310A_Set_Measure_Scan As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal measureScan As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the scanning mode of frame to load module. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal measureScan As ViBoolean It sets the scanning mode of frame to load module. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Mode Function Chr6310A_Set_Mode As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal mode As ViInt32) Purpose This command sets operational modes of the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal mode As ViInt32 This command sets operational modes of the electronic load. Parameter: 0|CCL, 1|CCH , 2|CCDL , 3|CCDH , 4|CRL , 5|CRH , 6|CV , 7|CPL , 8|CPH , 9|LEDL , 10|LEDH Note: 1. 63107A(R) not support CCH,CCDH,CPH. 2. 63110A not support CCDL,CCDH,CPL,CPH. 3. 63105A when V_Range is HIGH ,not support CCL,CCDL. 4. 63108A when V_Range is HIGH ,not support CCL,CCDL. 5. only 63110A support LEDL,LEDH. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Dwell_Time Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Dwell_Time As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPDwellTime As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the dwell time for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPDwellTime As ViInt32 It sets the dwell time for OCP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000(ms) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_End_Current Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_End_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPEndCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the end current for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPEndCurrent As ViReal64 It sets the end current for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Range Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the range for OCP execution. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPRange As ViBoolean It sets the range for OCP execution. Parameter: 0:LOW 1:HIGH Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_High Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_High As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the high level current of specification for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64 It sets the high level current of specification for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_Low Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Specification_Low As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPSpecificationLow As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the low level current of specification for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPSpecificationLow As ViReal64 It sets the low level current of specification for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Start_Current Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Start_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPStartCurrent As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the start current for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPStartCurrent As ViReal64 It sets the start current for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Step_Count Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Step_Count As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPStepCount As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the step count for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPStepCount As ViInt32 It sets the step count for OCP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Test Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Test As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPTest As ViBoolean) Purpose It executes or cancels the OCP Test. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPTest As ViBoolean It executes or cancels the OCP Test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Trigger_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Set_OCP_Trigger_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OCPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the trigger voltage for OCP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OCPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64 It sets the trigger voltage for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A When CC Voltage Range is Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A When CC Voltage Range is Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Not Support Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPC Function Chr6310A_Set_OPC As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose This command causes the interface to set the OPC bit (bit 0) of the Standard Event Status register when the Electronic Frame (6310A) has completed all pending operations. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Dwell_Time Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Dwell_Time As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPDwellTime As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the dwell time for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPDwellTime As ViInt32 It sets the dwell time for OPP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000(ms) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_End_Power Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_End_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPEndPower As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the end power for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPEndPower As ViReal64 It sets the end power for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Range Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Range As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPRange As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the range for OPP execution. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPRange As ViBoolean It sets the range for OPP execution. Parameter: 0:LOW 1:HIGH Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_High Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_High As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the high level power of specification for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPSpecificationHigh As ViReal64 It sets the high level power of specification for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_Low Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Specification_Low As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPSpecificationLow As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the low level power of specification for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPSpecificationLow As ViReal64 It sets the low level power of specification for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Start_Power Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Start_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPStartPower As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the start power for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPStartPower As ViReal64 It sets the start power for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Step_Count Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Step_Count As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPStepCount As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the step count for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPStepCount As ViInt32 It sets the step count for OPP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Test Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Test As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPTest As ViBoolean) Purpose It executes or cancels the OPP Test. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPTest As ViBoolean It executes or cancels the OPP Test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Trigger_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Set_OPP_Trigger_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal OPPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the trigger voltage for OPP test mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal OPPTriggerVoltage As ViReal64 It sets the trigger voltage for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Not Support Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Program_Key Function Chr6310A_Set_Program_Key As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal programKey As ViInt32) Purpose It echoes the manual key code. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal programKey As ViInt32 It echoes the manual key code. Parameter: 0 :Key 0 1 :Key 1 2 :Key 2 3 :Key 3 4 :Key 4 5 :Key 5 6 :Key 6 7 :Key 7 8 :Key 8 9 :Key 9 10 :Key Up 11 :Key Down Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Program_Parameters Function Chr6310A_Set_Program_Parameters As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal programFile As ViInt32, ByVal programActive As ViInt32, ByVal programChain As ViInt32, ByVal programOnTime As ViReal64, ByVal programOffTime As ViReal64, ByVal programPFDelayTime As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the program parameters. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal programFile As ViInt32 It sets the program number. Range: 1 ~ 10 ByVal programActive As ViInt32 It selects the active load modules. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ByVal programChain As ViInt32 It sets the type of program file in serial execution. Range: 0 ~ 10 ByVal programOnTime As ViReal64 It sets the load on time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) ByVal programOffTime As ViReal64 It sets the load off time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) ByVal programPFDelayTime As ViReal64 It sets the the pass/fail delay time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Program_Run Function Chr6310A_Set_Program_Run As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal programRun As ViBoolean) Purpose It executes the program. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal programRun As ViBoolean It executes the program. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Program_Save Function Chr6310A_Set_Program_Save As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession) Purpose It saves the setting of program. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Sequence_Parameters Function Chr6310A_Set_Sequence_Parameters As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal programSequence As ViInt32, ByVal programSequenceMode As ViInt32, ByVal programSequenceShortChannel As ViInt32, ByVal programSequenceShortTime As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the sequence parameters. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal programSequence As ViInt32 It sets the sequence of program file. Range: 1 ~ 10 ByVal programSequenceMode As ViInt32 It sets the the type of sequence. Parameter: 0 :SKIP 1 :AUTO 2 :MANUAL 3 :EXT ByVal programSequenceShortChannel As ViInt32 It sets the the short channel of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ByVal programSequenceShortTime As ViReal64 It sets the short time of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Current Function Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Current As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal specifcationCurrentHigh As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationCurrentCenter As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationCurrentLow As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the current specification for CV Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal specifcationCurrentHigh As ViReal64 It sets the high current specification for CV Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) ByVal specifcationCurrentCenter As ViReal64 It sets the center current specification for CV Mode. Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) ByVal specifcationCurrentLow As ViReal64 It sets the low current specification for CV Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Power Function Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Power As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal specifcationPowerHigh As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationPowerCenter As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationPowerLow As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the power specification for LED Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal specifcationPowerHigh As ViReal64 It sets the high power specification for LED Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) ByVal specifcationPowerCenter As ViReal64 It sets the center power specification for LED Mode. Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) ByVal specifcationPowerLow As ViReal64 It sets the low power specification for LED Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Test Function Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Test As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal specificationTest As ViBoolean) Purpose It starts or closes the specification test. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal specificationTest As ViBoolean It starts or closes the specification test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:On Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Unit Function Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Unit As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal specificationUnit As ViBoolean) Purpose It sets the specific entry mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal specificationUnit As ViBoolean It sets the specific entry mode. Parameter: 0:PERCENT 1:VALUE Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Voltage Function Chr6310A_Set_Specification_Voltage As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal specifcationVoltageHigh As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationVoltageCenter As ViReal64, ByVal specifcationVoltageLow As ViReal64) Purpose It sets the voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal specifcationVoltageHigh As ViReal64 It sets the high voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) ByVal specifcationVoltageCenter As ViReal64 It sets the center voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) ByVal specifcationVoltageLow As ViReal64 It sets the low voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Set_SRE Function Chr6310A_Set_SRE As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal setSRE As ViInt32) Purpose This command sets the condition of the Service Request Enable register, which determines which events of the Status Byte register (see *STB) are allowed to set the MSS( Master Status Summary) bit. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal setSRE As ViInt32 This command sets the condition of the Service Request Enable register, which determines which events of the Status Byte register (see *STB) are allowed to set the MSS( Master Status Summary) bit. Range: 0 ~ 255 Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SetAttributeViBoolean Function Chr6310A_SetAttributeViBoolean As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViBoolean) Purpose This function sets the value of a ViBoolean attribute. This is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or is different than the value you specify. This instrument driver contains high-level functions that set most of the instrument attributes. It is best to use the high-level driver functions as much as possible. They handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In addition, they perform status checking only after setting all of the attributes. In contrast, when you set multiple attributes using the SetAttribute functions, the functions check the instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled, the high-level functions that configure multiple attributes perform instrument I/O only for the attributes whose value you change. Thus, you can safely call the high-level functions without the penalty of redundant instrument I/O. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to set the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViBoolean type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViBoolean are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViBoolean Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SetAttributeViInt32 Function Chr6310A_SetAttributeViInt32 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViInt32) Purpose This function sets the value of a ViInt32 attribute. This is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or is different than the value you specify. This instrument driver contains high-level functions that set most of the instrument attributes. It is best to use the high-level driver functions as much as possible. They handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In addition, they perform status checking only after setting all of the attributes. In contrast, when you set multiple attributes using the SetAttribute functions, the functions check the instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled, the high-level functions that configure multiple attributes perform instrument I/O only for the attributes whose value you change. Thus, you can safely call the high-level functions without the penalty of redundant instrument I/O. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to set the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViInt32 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViInt32 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViInt32 Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SetAttributeViReal64 Function Chr6310A_SetAttributeViReal64 As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViReal64) Purpose This function sets the value of a ViReal64 attribute. This is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or is different than the value you specify. This instrument driver contains high-level functions that set most of the instrument attributes. It is best to use the high-level driver functions as much as possible. They handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In addition, they perform status checking only after setting all of the attributes. In contrast, when you set multiple attributes using the SetAttribute functions, the functions check the instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled, the high-level functions that configure multiple attributes perform instrument I/O only for the attributes whose value you change. Thus, you can safely call the high-level functions without the penalty of redundant instrument I/O. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to set the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViReal64 type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViReal64 are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViReal64 Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SetAttributeViSession Function Chr6310A_SetAttributeViSession As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, ByVal attributeValue As ViSession) Purpose This function sets the value of a ViSession attribute. This is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or is different than the value you specify. This instrument driver contains high-level functions that set most of the instrument attributes. It is best to use the high-level driver functions as much as possible. They handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In addition, they perform status checking only after setting all of the attributes. In contrast, when you set multiple attributes using the SetAttribute functions, the functions check the instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled, the high-level functions that configure multiple attributes perform instrument I/O only for the attributes whose value you change. Thus, you can safely call the high-level functions without the penalty of redundant instrument I/O. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to set the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViSession type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViSession are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . ByVal attributeValue As ViSession Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_SetAttributeViString Function Chr6310A_SetAttributeViString As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, channelName As ViChar, ByVal attributeID As ViAttr, attributeValue As ViChar) Purpose This function sets the value of a ViString attribute. This is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of instrument-specific attributes and inherent IVI attributes. If the attribute represents an instrument state, this function performs instrument I/O in the following cases: - State caching is disabled for the entire session or for the particular attribute. - State caching is enabled and the currently cached value is invalid or is different than the value you specify. This instrument driver contains high-level functions that set most of the instrument attributes. It is best to use the high-level driver functions as much as possible. They handle order dependencies and multithread locking for you. In addition, they perform status checking only after setting all of the attributes. In contrast, when you set multiple attributes using the SetAttribute functions, the functions check the instrument status after each call. Also, when state caching is enabled, the high-level functions that configure multiple attributes perform instrument I/O only for the attributes whose value you change. Thus, you can safely call the high-level functions without the penalty of redundant instrument I/O. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None channelName As ViChar If the attribute is channel-based, this parameter specifies the name of the channel on which to set the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not channel-based, then pass VI_NULL or an empty string. Valid Channel Names: 1 Default Value: "" ByVal attributeID As ViAttr Pass the ID of an attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - Click on the control or press , , or , to display a dialog box containing a hierarchical list of the available attributes. Attributes whose value cannot be set are dim. Help text is shown for each attribute. Select an attribute by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Read-only attributes appear dim in the list box. If you select a read-only attribute, an error message appears. A ring control at the top of the dialog box allows you to see all IVI attributes or only the attributes of the ViString type. If you choose to see all IVI attributes, the data types appear to the right of the attribute names in the list box. Attributes with data types other than ViString are dim. If you select an attribute data type that is dim, LabWindows/CVI transfers you to the function panel for the corresponding function that is consistent with the data type. - If you want to enter a variable name, press to change this ring control to a manual input box. - If the attribute in this ring control has named constants as valid values, you can view the constants by moving to the Attribute Value control and pressing . attributeValue As ViChar Pass the value to which you want to set the attribute. From the function panel window, you can use this control as follows. - If the attribute currently showing in the Attribute ID ring control has constants as valid values, you can view a list of the constants by pressing on this control. Select a value by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then pressing . Note: Some of the values might not be valid depending on the current settings of the instrument session. Default Value: none Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFA0001 Instrument error. Call Chr6310A_error_query. BFFA000C Invalid attribute. BFFA000D Attribute is not writable. BFFA000E Attribute is not readable. BFFA000F Invalid parameter. BFFA0010 Invalid value. BFFA0012 Attribute not supported. BFFA0013 Value not supported. BFFA0014 Invalid type. BFFA0015 Types do not match. BFFA0016 Attribute already has a value waiting to be updated. BFFA0018 Not a valid configuration. BFFA0019 Requested item does not exist or value not available. BFFA001A Requested attribute value not known. BFFA001B No range table. BFFA001C Range table is invalid. BFFA001F No channel table has been built for the session. BFFA0020 Channel name specified is not valid. BFFA0044 Channel name required. BFFA0045 Channel name not allowed. BFFA0046 Attribute not valid for channel. BFFA0047 Attribute must be channel based. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. 3FFF0085 The status value you passed is unknown. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_Show_Display Function Chr6310A_Show_Display As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, ByVal display As ViInt32) Purpose It sets the the display mode of the electronic load. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the C6310A_init or C6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None ByVal display As ViInt32 It sets the the display mode of the electronic load. Parameter: 0 :L It displays the voltage and current values of channel L. 1 :LPI It displays the power and current values of channel L. 2 :LVP It displays the voltage and power values of channel L. 3 :R It displays the voltage and current values of channel R. 4 :RPI It displays the power and current values of channel R. 5 :RVP It displays the voltage and power values of channel R. 6 :LRV It displays the voltage value of channel L and channel R. 7 :LRI It displays the current value of channel L and channel R. 8 :LRP It displays the power value of channel L and channel R. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the C63800_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the C63800_GetErrorInfo and C63800_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. 3FFC0102 Reset not supported. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_UnlockSession Function Chr6310A_UnlockSession As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, callerHasLock As ViBoolean) Purpose This function releases a lock that you acquired on an instrument session using Chr6310A_LockSession. Refer to Chr6310A_LockSession for additional information on session locks. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None callerHasLock As ViBoolean This parameter serves as a convenience. If you do not want to use this parameter, pass VI_NULL. Use this parameter in complex functions to keep track of whether you obtain a lock and therefore need to unlock the session. Pass the address of a local ViBoolean variable. In the declaration of the local variable, initialize it to VI_FALSE. Pass the address of the same local variable to any other calls you make to Chr6310A_LockSession or Chr6310A_UnlockSession in the same function. The parameter is an input/output parameter. Chr6310A_LockSession and Chr6310A_UnlockSession each inspect the current value and take the following actions: - If the value is VI_TRUE, Chr6310A_LockSession does not lock the session again. If the value is VI_FALSE, Chr6310A_LockSession obtains the lock and sets the value of the parameter to VI_TRUE. - If the value is VI_FALSE, Chr6310A_UnlockSession does not attempt to unlock the session. If the value is VI_TRUE, Chr6310A_UnlockSession releases the lock and sets the value of the parameter to VI_FALSE. Thus, you can, call Chr6310A_UnlockSession at the end of your function without worrying about whether you actually have the lock. Example: ViStatus TestFunc (ViSession vi, ViInt32 flags) { ViStatus error = VI_SUCCESS; ViBoolean haveLock = VI_FALSE; if (flags & BIT_1) { viCheckErr( Chr6310A_LockSession(vi, &haveLock)); viCheckErr( TakeAction1(vi)); if (flags & BIT_2) { viCheckErr( Chr6310A_UnlockSession(vi, &haveLock)); viCheckErr( TakeAction2(vi)); viCheckErr( Chr6310A_LockSession(vi, &haveLock); } if (flags & BIT_3) viCheckErr( TakeAction3(vi)); } Error: /* At this point, you cannot really be sure that you have the lock. Fortunately, the haveLock variable takes care of that for you. */ Chr6310A_UnlockSession(vi, &haveLock); return error; } Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). 3FFF0005 The specified termination character was read. 3FFF0006 The specified number of bytes was read. BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chr6310A_WriteInstrData Function Chr6310A_WriteInstrData As ViStatus (ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession, writeBuffer As ViChar) Purpose This function writes a user-specified string to the instrument. Note: This function bypasses IVI attribute state caching. Therefore, when you call this function, the cached values for all attributes will be invalidated. Parameter List ByVal instrumentHandle As ViSession The ViSession handle that you obtain from the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Default Value: None writeBuffer As ViChar Pass the string to be written to the instrument. Return Value Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, or if the status code is not listed below, call the Chr6310A_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, use the Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo and Chr6310A_ClearErrorInfo functions. Status Codes: Status Description ------------------------------------------------- 0 No error (the call was successful). BFFF0000 Miscellaneous or system error occurred. BFFF000E Invalid session handle. BFFF0015 Timeout occurred before operation could complete. BFFF0034 Violation of raw write protocol occurred. BFFF0035 Violation of raw read protocol occurred. BFFF0036 Device reported an output protocol error. BFFF0037 Device reported an input protocol error. BFFF0038 Bus error occurred during transfer. BFFF003A Invalid setup (attributes are not consistent). BFFF005F A "no listeners" condition was detected. BFFF0060 This interface is not the controller-in-charge. BFFF0067 Operation is not supported on this session. ________________________________________________________________________________ Attribute Information for the Following Functions: Chr6310A_SetAttributeViInt32 Chr6310A_GetAttributeViInt32 Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViInt32 Chr6310A_SetAttributeViReal64 Chr6310A_GetAttributeViReal64 Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViReal64 Chr6310A_SetAttributeViSession Chr6310A_GetAttributeViSession Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViSession Chr6310A_SetAttributeViBoolean Chr6310A_GetAttributeViBoolean Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViBoolean Chr6310A_SetAttributeViString Chr6310A_GetAttributeViString Chr6310A_CheckAttributeViString Inherent IVI Attributes User Options Range Check CHR6310A_ATTR_RANGE_CHECK Query Instrument Status CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_INSTR_STATUS Cache CHR6310A_ATTR_CACHE Simulate CHR6310A_ATTR_SIMULATE Record Value Coercions CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS Driver Identification Description CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_DESCRIPTION Driver Prefix CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_PREFIX Driver Vendor CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_VENDOR Major Version CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_MAJOR_VERSION Minor Version CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_MINOR_VERSION Revision CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_REVISION Class Specification Major Version CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_CLASS_SPEC_MAJOR_VERSION Class Specification Minor Version CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_CLASS_SPEC_MINOR_VERSION Driver Capabilities Supported Instrument Models CHR6310A_ATTR_SUPPORTED_INSTRUMENT_MODELS Class Group Capabilities CHR6310A_ATTR_GROUP_CAPABILITIES Number of Channels CHR6310A_ATTR_NUM_CHANNELS Instrument Identification Manufacturer CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER Model CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MODEL Firmware Revision CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_FIRMWARE_REVISION Error Info Primary Error CHR6310A_ATTR_PRIMARY_ERROR Secondary Error CHR6310A_ATTR_SECONDARY_ERROR Error Elaboration CHR6310A_ATTR_ERROR_ELABORATION Advanced Session Information Logical Name CHR6310A_ATTR_LOGICAL_NAME Resource Descriptor CHR6310A_ATTR_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR I/O Session Type CHR6310A_ATTR_IO_SESSION_TYPE Instrument I/O Session CHR6310A_ATTR_IO_SESSION Miscellaneous Attributes ID Query Response CHR6310A_ATTR_ID_QUERY_RESPONSE COMMON COMMANDS CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_ENABLE CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_ENABLE CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_REGISTER CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_REGISTER CHR6310A_ATTR_RECALL_INSTRUMENT_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_RECALL_INSTRUMENT_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_SERVICE_REQUEST_ENABLE CHR6310A_ATTR_SERVICE_REQUEST_ENABLE CHR6310A_ATTR_SAVE_INSTRUMENT_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_SAVE_INSTRUMENT_STATE CHANNEL Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MIN_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MIN_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MAX_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MAX_CHANNEL_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_ACTIVE CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_ACTIVE CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZED CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZED CONFIGURE Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_GET_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_GET_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_LATCH CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_LATCH CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_MODE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_MODE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_SOUND CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_SOUND CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_REMOTE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_REMOTE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TRIGGER CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TRIGGER CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TIMEOUT CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TIMEOUT CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_FINAL_V CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_FINAL_V CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_MEASURE_AVERAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_MEASURE_AVERAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_DIGITAL_IO CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_DIGITAL_IO CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_KEY CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_KEY CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_ECHO CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_ECHO CURRENT Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T2 RESISTANCE Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_FALL_SLEW VOLTAGE Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_CURRENT_LIMIT CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_CURRENT_LIMIT CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_RESPONSE_SPEED CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_RESPONSE_SPEED POWER Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_RISE_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_FALL_SLEW CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_FALL_SLEW OCP Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TEST CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TEST CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_STEP_COUNT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_STEP_COUNT CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_DWELL_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_DWELL_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH OPP Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TEST CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TEST CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_STEP_COUNT CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_STEP_COUNT CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_DWELL_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_DWELL_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH LED Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VOLTAGE_OUT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VOLTAGE_OUT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CURRENT_OUT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CURRENT_OUT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_COEFFICIENT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_COEFFICIENT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_OHM CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_OHM CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VF CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VF CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_CURRENT_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_CURRENT_RANGE CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RD_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RD_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SET CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SET CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SHORT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SHORT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SELECT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SET CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SET CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SET_ALL_LED CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SET_ALL_LED LOAD Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_STATE CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_KEY CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_KEY SHOW Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_SHOW_DISPLAY CHR6310A_ATTR_SHOW_DISPLAY SPECIFICATION Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_UNIT CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_UNIT CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_CENTER CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_LOW CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_TEST CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_TEST MEASURE Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_INPUT CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_INPUT CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_SCAN CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_SCAN MODE Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_MODE CHR6310A_ATTR_MODE PROGRAM Subsystem CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_FILE CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_FILE CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ACTIVE CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ACTIVE CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_CHAIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_CHAIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_MODE CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_MODE CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_CHANNEL CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_CHANNEL CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_TIME CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_RUN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_RUN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_KEY CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_KEY Query Min and Max CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L1 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L2 CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX CHR6310A_ATTR_CACHE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: Specifies whether to cache the value of attributes. When caching is enabled, the instrument driver keeps track of the current instrument settings and avoids sending redundant commands to the instrument. Thus, you can significantly increase execution speed. The instrument driver can choose always to cache or never to cache particular attributes regardless of the setting of this attribute. The default value is VI_TRUE. Use the Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function to override this value. CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_FALL_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MAX_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_MIN_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_RISE_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T1_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_DYNAMIC_T2_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_FALL_SLEWRATE_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_RISE_SLEWRATE_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MAX_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CC_STATIC_MIN_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_ACTIVE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It enables or disables the load module. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_LOAD Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It selects a specific channel by which the coming channel-specific command will be received and executed. Range: 6312A (1 ~ 4) 6314A (1 ~ 8) Values: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 CHR6310A_ATTR_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZED Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the load module to receive synchronized command action of RUN ABORT or not. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_LOAD Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets if the load module will do Auto Load On during power-on. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_AUTO_MODE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the Auto Load On to LOAD ON or PROGRAM. Parameter: 0|PROGRAM , 1|LOAD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_DIGITAL_IO Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the Digital IO to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_ECHO Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets to reply new or old Model Name when querying the device's model name. Parameter: 0|NEW , 1|OLD CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_KEY Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets if change the MEAS key on the Module to Static/Dynamic. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_LOAD Data Type: ViBoolean Description: The value at the setting of load module as LOADON is the one changed by the rotary knob (UPDATED/1) or the original set value (OLD/0). Parameter: 0|OLD , 1|UPDATE CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_MEASURE_AVERAGE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the average number of times for measurement. Range: 1 ~ 64 CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_REMOTE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the status of remote control (only effective in RS232C). Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_SOUND Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the buffer sound of load module to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_STATE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the timing function to ON or OFF. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TIMEOUT Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets timeout for Timing function from 1ms to 24 hr. Range: 1 ~ 86400000(ms) CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_TIMING_TRIGGER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the voltage for Timing function at time out. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_FINAL_V Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the final loading voltage. Model Range: when mode is CCL,CCH,CCDL,CCDH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Low:0 ~ 100(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CRL 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 16(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 125(V) 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is CRH,CV 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CPL,CPH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is LEDL 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is LEDH 63110A :0 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOFF_STATE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets VOFF function ON or OFF. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_LATCH Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the action type of Von. Parameter: 0|OFF , 1|ON CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the voltage measurement range in CC mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A 0 ~ 16(V) is Low measurement range 17 ~ 80(V) is High measurement range 63105A|63108A 0 ~ 125(V) is Low measurement range 126 ~ 500(V) is High measurement range 63110A 0 ~ 100(V) is Low measurement range 101 ~ 500(V) is High measurement range CHR6310A_ATTR_CONFIGURE_VON Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the voltage of sink current on. Model Range: when mode is CCL,CCH,CCDL,CCDH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Low:0 ~ 100(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CRL 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 16(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 125(V) 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is CRH,CV 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is CPL,CPH 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) when mode is LEDL 63110A :0 ~ 100(V) when mode is LEDH 63110A :0 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_FALL_SLEW_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_RISE_SLEW_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MAX_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CP_STATIC_MIN_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_FALL_SLEW_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_RISE_SLEW_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MAX_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CR_STATIC_MIN_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_FALL_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the Dynamic Load Current during constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_RISE_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current dynamic mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the duration parameter T1 of dynamic load. Range: 0.000025 ~ 50(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_DYNAMIC_T2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the duration parameter T2 of dynamic load. Range: 0.000025 ~ 50(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_FALL_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the current fall slew rate of constant current static mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the Static Load Current of constant current mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_CURRENT_STATIC_RISE_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the current rise slew rate of constant current static mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.00064 ~ 0.160(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A Low:0.00032 ~ 0.008(A/us) , High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00016 ~ 0.04(A/us) 63105A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A Low:0.002 ~ 0.5(A/us) , High:0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) Low:0.0008 ~ 0.2(A/us) 63107A(L) Low:0.00064 ~ 0.16(A/us) , High:0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0.00032 ~ 0.08(A/us) 63108A (V Range is LOW) High:0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.004 ~ 1(A/us) , High:0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A Low:0.001 ~ 0.25(A/us) , High:0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_CURRENT_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MAX_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_CV_STATIC_MIN_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_ERROR_ELABORATION Data Type: ViString Description: An optional string that contains additional information concerning the primary error condition. CHR6310A_ATTR_GET_CONFIGURE_VOLTAGE_RANGE Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It returns the Voltage range. CHR6310A_ATTR_GROUP_CAPABILITIES Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains a comma-separated list of class-extention groups that this driver implements. CHR6310A_ATTR_ID_QUERY_RESPONSE Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Returns the ID Query response string. The instrument driver gets the value of this attribute when you pass VI_TRUE for the ID Query parameter to the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function. CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_FIRMWARE_REVISION Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains the firmware revision information for the instrument you are currently using. CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains the name of the instrument manufacturer you are currently using. CHR6310A_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MODEL Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains the model number or name of the instrument that you are currently using. CHR6310A_ATTR_IO_SESSION Data Type: ViSession Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Specifies the I/O session that the specific driver uses to communicate with the instrument. CHR6310A_ATTR_IO_SESSION_TYPE Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Contains the type of the I/O session that this driver uses to communicate with the instrument. CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_CURRENT_RANGE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the current range of CR mode. Parameter: 0:Low 1:High CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RD_SELECT Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It selects the parameters to be set for LED Mode. Parameter: 0:DEFAULT 1:COEFF 2:OHM 3:VF CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SELECT Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the response speed of Electronic Load to default or user-defined. Parameter: 0:SET 1:DEFAULT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE_SET Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the response speed of Electronic Load. Parameter¡G 1 ~ 5 CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the Rr function to on or off. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SELECT Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the Rr to default or user-defined. Parameter: 0:SET 1:DEFAULT CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_RR_SET Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the ripple resistance Rr to default or user-defined. Range¡G 5 ~ 125 CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SET_ALL_LED Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the LED mode setting for one single channel or all channels. Parameter: 0:SINGLE 1:ALL CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CONFIGURE_SHORT Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets if enable Short function when pressing the SHORT key on Module. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_CURRENT_OUT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the output current of LED driver. Range¡G0.00004 ~ 2(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_COEFFICIENT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the LED operating point impedance. Rang¡G0.001 ~ 1 CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_RD_OHM Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the Ohm of operating point impedance Rd. Rang: LEDL :3 ~ 1000(ohm) LEDH :10 ~ 10000(ohm) CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VF Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the forward bias of LED. Rang¡G LEDL :0.004 ~ 100(V) LEDH :0.02 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_LED_VOLTAGE_OUT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the output voltage of LED driver. It sets the output voltage of LED driver. Range¡G LEDL :0.004 ~ 100(V) LEDH :0.02 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_KEY Data Type: ViBoolean Description: CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_SHORT_STATE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It activates or inactivates the short-circuited simulation. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_LOAD_STATE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: The LOAD command makes the electronic load active/on or inactive/off. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_LOGICAL_NAME Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string containing the logical name you specified when opening the current IVI session. You may pass a logical name to the Chr6310A_init or Chr6310A_InitWithOptions functions. The IVI Configuration utility must contain an entry for the logical name. The logical name entry refers to a virtual instrument section in the IVI Configuration file. The virtual instrument section specifies a physical device and initial user options. CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_INPUT Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It selects the input port of electronic load to measure the voltage. Parameter: 0:LOAD 1:UUT CHR6310A_ATTR_MEASURE_SCAN Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the scanning mode of frame to load module. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_MODE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This command sets operational modes of the electronic load. Parameter: 0|CCL, 1|CCH , 2|CCDL , 3|CCDH , 4|CRL , 5|CRH , 6|CV , 7|CPL , 8|CPH , 9|LEDL , 10|LEDH Note: 1. 63107A(R) not support CCH,CCDH,CPH. 2. 63110A not support CCDL,CCDH,CPL,CPH. 3. 63105A when V_Range is HIGH ,not support CCL,CCDL. 4. 63108A when V_Range is HIGH ,not support CCL,CCDL. 5. only 63110A support LEDL,LEDH. Values: CHR6310A_VAL_CCL 0 CHR6310A_VAL_CCH 1 CHR6310A_VAL_CCDL 2 CHR6310A_VAL_CCDH 3 CHR6310A_VAL_CRL 4 CHR6310A_VAL_CRH 5 CHR6310A_VAL_CV 6 CHR6310A_VAL_CPL 7 CHR6310A_VAL_CPH 8 CHR6310A_VAL_LEDL 9 CHR6310A_VAL_LEDH 10 CHR6310A_ATTR_NUM_CHANNELS Data Type: ViInt32 Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Indicates the number of channels that the specific instrument driver supports. For each attribute for which the IVI_VAL_MULTI_CHANNEL flag attribute is set, the IVI engine maintains a separate cache value for each channel. CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_DWELL_TIME Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the dwell time for OCP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000(ms) CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the end current for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_END_CURRENT_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_RANGE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the range for OCP execution. Parameter: 0:LOW 1:HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the high level current of specification for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_SPECIFICATION_LOW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the low level current of specification for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the start current for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63102A Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63103A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) 63105A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 10(A) 63105A (V Range is LOW) Low: 0 ~ 1(A) , High:0 ~ 10(A) 63106A Low:0 ~ 12(A) , High:0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 4(A) , High:0 ~ 40(A) 63108A (V Range is HIGH) High:0 ~ 20(A) 63108A (V Range is LOW) Low:0 ~ 2(A) , High:0 ~ 20(A) 63110A Low:0 ~ 0.6(A) , High:0 ~ 2(A) 63112A Low:0 ~ 24(A) , High:0 ~ 240(A) 63123A Low:0 ~ 6(A) , High:0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_START_CURRENT_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_STEP_COUNT Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the step count for OCP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000 CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TEST Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It executes or cancels the OCP Test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the trigger voltage for OCP test mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A When CC Voltage Range is Low:0 ~ 16(V) , High:0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A When CC Voltage Range is Low:0 ~ 125(V) , High:0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Not Support CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OCP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_DWELL_TIME Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the dwell time for OPP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000(ms) CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the end power for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_END_POWER_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_RANGE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the range for OPP execution. Parameter: 0:LOW 1:HIGH CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_H_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_HIGH Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the high level power of specification for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_L_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_SPECIFICATION_LOW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the low level power of specification for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the start power for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_START_POWER_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_STEP_COUNT Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the step count for OPP test mode. Range: 1 ~ 1000 CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TEST Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It executes or cancels the OPP Test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the trigger voltage for OPP test mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A :0 ~ 500(V) 63110A Not Support CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_OPP_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_FALL_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant power. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.032 ~ 8(W) 63102A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.016 ~ 4(W) 63103A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.050 ~ 12.5(W) 63105A Low:4.8 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.048 ~ 12(W) 63106A Low:0.01 ~ 2.5(W) , High:0.1 ~ 25(W) 63107A(R) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) 63107A(L) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.04 ~ 10(W) 63108A Low:0.0096 ~ 2.4(W) , High:0.096 ~ 24(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.02 ~ 5(W) , High:0.2 ~ 50(W) 63123A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.05 ~ 12.5(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the static power level of constant power mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 200(W) 63102A Low:0 ~ 20(W) , High:0 ~ 100(W) 63103A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63105A Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 300(W) 63106A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63107A(R) Low:0 ~ 30(W) 63107A(L) Low:0 ~ 30(W) , High:0 ~ 250(W) 63108A Low:0 ~ 60(W) , High:0 ~ 600(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0 ~ 120(W) , High:0 ~ 1200(W) 63123A Low:0 ~ 35(W) , High:0 ~ 350(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_POWER_STATIC_RISE_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant power. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.032 ~ 8(W) 63102A Low:0.0032 ~ 0.8(W) , High:0.016 ~ 4(W) 63103A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.050 ~ 12.5(W) 63105A Low:4.8 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.048 ~ 12(W) 63106A Low:0.01 ~ 2.5(W) , High:0.1 ~ 25(W) 63107A(R) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) 63107A(L) Low:0.0048 ~ 1.2(W) , High:0.04 ~ 10(W) 63108A Low:0.0096 ~ 2.4(W) , High:0.096 ~ 24(W) 63110A Not Support 63112A Low:0.02 ~ 5(W) , High:0.2 ~ 50(W) 63123A Low:0.005 ~ 1.25(W) , High:0.05 ~ 12.5(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_PRIMARY_ERROR Data Type: ViInt32 Description: A code that describes the first error that occurred since the last call to Chr6310A_GetErrorInfo on the session. The value follows the VXIplug&play completion code conventions. A negative value describes an error condition. A positive value describes a warning condition and indicates that no error occurred. A zero indicates that no error or warning occurred. The error and warning values can be status codes defined by IVI, VISA, class drivers, or specific drivers. CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ACTIVE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It selects the active load modules. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_CHAIN Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the type of program file in serial execution. Range: 0 ~ 10 CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_FILE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the program number. Range: 1 ~ 10 CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_KEY Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It echoes the manual key code. Parameter: 0 :Key 0 1 :Key 1 2 :Key 2 3 :Key 3 4 :Key 4 5 :Key 5 6 :Key 6 7 :Key 7 8 :Key 8 9 :Key 9 10 :Key Up 11 :Key Down CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the load off time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_OFF_TIME_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the load on time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_ON_TIME_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the load Pass/Fail delay time of program file. Range: 0 ~ 30(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MAX Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_PF_DELAY_TIME_MIN Data Type: ViReal64 Description: Example value: 63102A CHR6310A_ATTR_PROGRAM_RUN Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It executes the program. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:ON CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_INSTR_STATUS Data Type: ViBoolean Description: Specifies whether the instrument driver queries the instrument status after each operation. Querying the instrument status is very useful for debugging. After you validate your program, you can set this attribute to VI_FALSE to disable status checking and maximize performance The instrument driver can choose to ignore status checking for particular attributes regardless of the setting of this attribute. The default value is VI_TRUE. Use the Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function to override this value. CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MAX_CHANNEL_LOAD Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It returns the current max specific channel. CHR6310A_ATTR_QUERY_MIN_CHANNEL_LOAD Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It returns the current min specific channel. CHR6310A_ATTR_RANGE_CHECK Data Type: ViBoolean Description: Specifies whether to validate attribute values and function parameters. If enabled, the instrument driver validates the parameter values that you pass to driver functions. Range checking parameters is very useful for debugging. After you validate your program, you can set this attribute to VI_FALSE to disable range checking and maximize performance. The default value is VI_TRUE. Use the Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function to override this value. CHR6310A_ATTR_RECALL_INSTRUMENT_STATE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This command restores the electronic load to a state that was previously stored in memory with the *SAV command to the specified location. Range: 1 to 101 CHR6310A_ATTR_RECORD_COERCIONS Data Type: ViBoolean Description: Specifies whether the IVI engine keeps a list of the value coercions it makes for ViInt32 and ViReal64 attributes. You call Chr6310A_GetNextCoercionRecord to extract and delete the oldest coercion record from the list. The default value is VI_FALSE. Use the Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function to override this value. CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_FALL_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the resistive fall slew rate of constant resistance. Model Range: 63101A :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A :0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A :0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) :0.0008 ~ 0.200(A/us) 63107A(L) :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A :0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63102A Low:0.075 ~ 300(ohm) , High:3.75 ~ 15000(ohm) 63103A Low:0.025 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) 63105A Low:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) , High:50 ~ 200(ohm) 63106A Low:0.0125 ~ 50(ohm) , High:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) 63107A(R) Low:0.3 ~ 1200(ohm) , High:15 ~ 60000(ohm) 63107A(L) Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63108A Low:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) , High:25 ~ 100000(ohm) 63110A Low:3 ~ 1000(ohm) , High:10 ~ 10000(ohm) 63112A Low:0.00625 ~ 25(ohm) , High:0.3125 ~ 1250(ohm) 63123A Low:0.01 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 12500(ohm) CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the static resistance level of constant resistance mode. Model Range: 63101A Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63102A Low:0.075 ~ 300(ohm) , High:3.75 ~ 15000(ohm) 63103A Low:0.025 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) 63105A Low:1.25 ~ 5000(ohm) , High:50 ~ 200(ohm) 63106A Low:0.0125 ~ 50(ohm) , High:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) 63107A(R) Low:0.3 ~ 1200(ohm) , High:15 ~ 60000(ohm) 63107A(L) Low:0.0375 ~ 150(ohm) , High:1.875 ~ 7500(ohm) 63108A Low:0.625 ~ 2500(ohm) , High:25 ~ 100000(ohm) 63110A Low:3 ~ 1000(ohm) , High:10 ~ 10000(ohm) 63112A Low:0.00625 ~ 25(ohm) , High:0.3125 ~ 1250(ohm) 63123A Low:0.01 ~ 100(ohm) , High:1.25 ~ 12500(ohm) CHR6310A_ATTR_RESISTANCE_STATIC_RISE_SLEW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the resistive rise slew rate of constant resistance. Model Range: 63101A :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63102A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63103A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) 63105A :0.0016 ~ 0.4(A/us) 63106A :0.02 ~ 5(A/us) 63107A(R) :0.0008 ~ 0.200(A/us) 63107A(L) :0.0064 ~ 1.6(A/us) 63108A :0.0032 ~ 0.8(A/us) 63110A Not Support 63112A :0.04 ~ 10(A/us) 63123A :0.01 ~ 2.5(A/us) CHR6310A_ATTR_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Indicates the resource descriptor the driver uses to identify the physical device. If you initialize the driver with a logical name, this attribute contains the resource descriptor that corresponds to the entry in the IVI Configuration utility. If you initialize the instrument driver with the resource descriptor, this attribute contains that value. CHR6310A_ATTR_SAVE_INSTRUMENT_STATE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This command stores the present state of the single electronic load and the states of all channels of the multiple loads in a specified location in memory. Range: 1 to 100 CHR6310A_ATTR_SECONDARY_ERROR Data Type: ViInt32 Description: An optional code that provides additional information concerning the primary error condition. The error and warning values can be status codes defined by IVI, VISA, class drivers, or specific drivers. Zero indicates no additional information. CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the sequence of program file. Range: 1 ~ 10 CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_MODE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the the type of sequence. Parameter: 0 :SKIP 1 :AUTO 2 :MANUAL 3 :EXT Values: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_CHANNEL Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the the short channel of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 255 Channel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bit Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 CHR6310A_ATTR_SEQUENCE_SHORT_TIME Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the short time of program file sequence. Range: 0 ~ 30.0(S) CHR6310A_ATTR_SERVICE_REQUEST_ENABLE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This command sets the condition of the Service Request Enable register, which determines which events of the Status Byte register (see *STB) are allowed to set the MSS( Master Status Summary) bit. Range: 0 ~ 255 CHR6310A_ATTR_SHOW_DISPLAY Data Type: ViInt32 Description: It sets the the display mode of the electronic load. Parameter: 0 :L It displays the voltage and current values of channel L. 1 :LPI It displays the power and current values of channel L. 2 :LVP It displays the voltage and power values of channel L. 3 :R It displays the voltage and current values of channel R. 4 :RPI It displays the power and current values of channel R. 5 :RVP It displays the voltage and power values of channel R. 6 :LRV It displays the voltage value of channel L and channel R. 7 :LRI It displays the current value of channel L and channel R. 8 :LRP It displays the power value of channel L and channel R. Values: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 CHR6310A_ATTR_SIMULATE Data Type: ViBoolean Description: Specifies whether or not to simulate instrument driver I/O operations. If simulation is enabled, instrument driver functions perform range checking and call Ivi_GetAttribute and Ivi_SetAttribute functions, but they do not perform instrument I/O. For output parameters that represent instrument data, the instrument driver functions return calculated values. The default value is VI_FALSE. Use the Chr6310A_InitWithOptions function to override this value. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_CLASS_SPEC_MAJOR_VERSION Data Type: ViInt32 Restrictions: Not settable. Description: The major version number of the class specification with which this driver is compliant. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_CLASS_SPEC_MINOR_VERSION Data Type: ViInt32 Restrictions: Not settable. Description: The minor version number of the class specification with which this driver is compliant. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_DESCRIPTION Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains a brief description of the specific driver CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_MAJOR_VERSION Data Type: ViInt32 Restrictions: Not settable. Description: The major version number of this instrument driver. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_MINOR_VERSION Data Type: ViInt32 Restrictions: Not settable. Description: The minor version number of this instrument driver. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_PREFIX Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains the prefix for the instrument driver. The name of each user-callable function in this driver starts with this prefix. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_REVISION Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains additional version information about this instrument driver. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_VENDOR Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: A string that contains the name of the vendor that supplies this driver. CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_CENTER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the center current specification for CV Mode. Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_HIGH Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the high current specification for CV Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_CURRENT_LOW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the low current specification for CV Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_CENTER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the center power specification for LED Mode. Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_HIGH Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the high powerspecification for LED Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_POWER_LOW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the low power specification for LED Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63110A :0 ~ 100(W) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_TEST Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It starts or closes the specification test. Parameter: 0:OFF 1:On CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_UNIT Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the specific entry mode. Parameter: 0:PERCENT 1:VALUE CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_CENTER Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the center voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_HIGH Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the high voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_VOLTAGE_LOW Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the low voltage specification for CC,CR,CP Mode. When Specific entry mode is VALUE Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) When Specific entry mode is PERCENT Range: 0 ~ 100(%) CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_ENABLE Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This command sets the condition of the Standard Event Status Enable register, which determines which events of the Standard Event Status Event register (see *ESR?) are allowed to set the ESB (Event Summary Bit) of the Status Byte register. CHR6310A_ATTR_STANDARD_EVENT_STATUS_REGISTER Data Type: ViInt32 Description: This query reads the Standard Event Status register. Reading the register clears it. See detailed explanation of this register in Chapter 8 Status Reporting. CHR6310A_ATTR_SUPPORTED_INSTRUMENT_MODELS Data Type: ViString Restrictions: Not settable. Description: Contains a model code of the instrument. For drivers that support more than one device, this attribute contains a comma-separated list of supported instrument models. CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_CURRENT_LIMIT Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the current limit of constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A :0 ~ 40(A) 63102A :0 ~ 20(A) 63103A :0 ~ 60(A) 63105A :0 ~ 10(A) 63106A :0 ~ 120(A) 63107A(R) :0 ~ 5(A) 63107A(L) :0 ~ 40(A) 63108A :0 ~ 20(A) 63110A :0 ~ 2(A) 63112A :0 ~ 240(A) 63123A :0 ~ 60(A) CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_RESPONSE_SPEED Data Type: ViBoolean Description: It sets the response speed of CV mode. Parameter: 0:SLOW 1:FAST CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L1 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V) CHR6310A_ATTR_VOLTAGE_STATIC_L2 Data Type: ViReal64 Description: It sets the voltage of static load during constant voltage mode. Model Range: 63101A|63102A|63103A|63106A|63107A|63112A|63123A :0 ~ 80(V) 63105A|63108A|63110A :0 ~ 500(V)