Agilent 3458 Instrument Driver Readme

To rate this instrument driver, go to the driver download page on the Instrument Driver Network.

1. Overview

Instrument Driver Technology: LabVIEW Plug and Play (project-style)
Manufacturer: Agilent
Supported Language(s): LabVIEW
Supported Model(s): 3458A
Model(s) Tested: 3458A
Interface(s): GPIB
Firmware Revision(s) Tested: Master Processor Firmware Revision 7.0, Slave Processor Firmware Revision 2.0

Certified: Yes
NI Supported: Yes
Source Code Available: Yes

Driver Revision: 1.0.2
Original Release Date: 08/01/2007
Current Revision Date: 08/17/2012

2. Required Software

Some software components need to be installed before using this instrument driver. The minimum versions of these components are listed below, and can be downloaded from the Download Site.

VISA 3.0 or later

For more details, refer to the LabVIEW Help under Help » Search the LabVIEW Help.

3. Known Issues

To report issues or provide feedback about this instrument driver, please send an email to

Setting the number of PLCs to 0 when measuring values below 1 Volt when autoranging is enabled will cause the instrument to return incorrect values when the resolution is higher than 4.5 digits. If 8.5 digits of resolution are desired, the NPLCs must be 10 or greater.

4. Revision History

The latest version of this and other LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI instrument drivers can be downloaded at the Instrument Driver Network.

REV 1.0, 08/01/2007
Modified by: Phil Nwoha, Austin,TX.
Original release.

REV 1.0.1, 09/03/2008
Modified by: Nathan T., Austin,TX.
Changed Default Instrument Setup - changed the number of integration cycles from 0 to 10. This is a fix for a problem that occured when measuring values below 1 Volt with Autoranging enabled

REV 1.0.2, 08/17/2012
Modified by: Kartik H., Austin,TX.
Changed Read Measurement (Single Point) - Removed RMEM,1 from the command string. This is to fix the problem that it always returns repeated copies of the first measurement.