Lattice Mapping Report File for Design Module 'nvm_ctrl'

Design Information

Command line:   map -a MachXO2 -p LCMXO2-1200HC -t TQFP100 -s 5 -oc Commercial
     nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ngd -o nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl_map.ncd -pr
     nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.prf -mp nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.mrp -lpf /home/jarin/storage/ma
     in/backup_mg/works/nvm/fpga/2/nvm_ctrl/nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.lpf -lpf
     /home/jarin/storage/main/backup_mg/works/nvm/fpga/2/nvm_ctrl.lpf -c 0 -gui
     -msgset /home/jarin/storage/main/backup_mg/works/nvm/fpga/2/promote.xml 
Target Vendor:  LATTICE
Target Device:  LCMXO2-1200HCTQFP100
Target Performance:   5
Mapper:  xo2c00,  version:  Diamond (64-bit)
Mapped on:  05/08/22  22:04:05

Design Summary
   Number of registers:    421 out of  1520 (28%)
      PFU registers:          421 out of  1280 (33%)
      PIO registers:            0 out of   240 (0%)
   Number of SLICEs:       266 out of   640 (42%)
      SLICEs as Logic/ROM:    266 out of   640 (42%)
      SLICEs as RAM:            0 out of   480 (0%)
      SLICEs as Carry:         88 out of   640 (14%)
   Number of LUT4s:        514 out of  1280 (40%)
      Number used as logic LUTs:        338
      Number used as distributed RAM:     0
      Number used as ripple logic:      176
      Number used as shift registers:     0
   Number of PIO sites used: 44 + 4(JTAG) out of 80 (60%)
   Number of block RAMs:  0 out of 7 (0%)
   Number of GSRs:        0 out of 1 (0%)
   EFB used :        No
   JTAG used :       No
   Readback used :   No
   Oscillator used : No
   Startup used :    No
   POR :             On
   Bandgap :         On
   Number of Power Controller:  0 out of 1 (0%)
   Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD):  0 out of 4 (0%)
   Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCLVDSO):  0 out of 1 (0%)
   Number of DCCA:  0 out of 8 (0%)
   Number of DCMA:  0 out of 2 (0%)
   Number of PLLs:  0 out of 1 (0%)
   Number of DQSDLLs:  0 out of 2 (0%)
   Number of CLKDIVC:  0 out of 4 (0%)
   Number of ECLKSYNCA:  0 out of 4 (0%)
   Number of ECLKBRIDGECS:  0 out of 2 (0%)
      1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of
     distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
      2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and
     ripple logic.
   Number of clocks:  3
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock: 43 loads, 43 rising, 0 falling (Driver:
     uart_divider_1157_1247__i3 )

     Net CLK_32M_c: 179 loads, 179 rising, 0 falling (Driver: PIO CLK_32M )
     Net uart_rx_bit_clock: 27 loads, 27 rising, 0 falling (Driver:
     uart_divider_1157_1247__i0 )
   Number of Clock Enables:  61
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_68: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_a/uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_11: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_a/uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_69: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_a/uart_tx_busy_N_976: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_60: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_233: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_264: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_state_2_N_470_1: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_rst: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_4: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_265: 34 loads, 34 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_155: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66: 24 loads, 24 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_19: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_12: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_53: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_152: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_55: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_93: 17 loads, 17 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_25: 7 loads, 7 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_50: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_256: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_43: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_51: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_frame_start: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_243: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_54: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_56: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_57: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net reset_in_r: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_112: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_153: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_241: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_258: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_10: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_238: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_104: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net dac_update: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_129: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_137: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_145: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_203: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_229: 7 loads, 7 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_248: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_260: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_1: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_26: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_3: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_4: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_34: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_12: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_10: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs

     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_33: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_6: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_7: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_8: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_9: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_11: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_13: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_30: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_35: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
   Number of LSRs:  31
     Net uart_tx_a/uart_tx_state_2__N_961: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_a/n7367: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_60: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n5651: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net n3844: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_55: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n4387: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net n5679: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net n4377: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net reset_in_r: 17 loads, 17 LSLICEs
     Net n5699: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net n4760: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n7827: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n3921: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net n5638: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net n5698: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net n6493: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net n6180: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n5722: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n7842: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n5636: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n5643: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net n5727: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n5725: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n7760: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/n5696: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/n5688: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/n7864: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/n5640: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net uart_rx_a/n7383: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
   Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers:  0
   Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_265: 37 loads
     Net uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66: 26 loads
     Net uart_frame_cnt_0: 21 loads
     Net n7816: 20 loads
     Net reset_in_r: 20 loads
     Net uart_frame_cnt_2: 20 loads
     Net JA_SCK_N_904: 19 loads
     Net n7843: 19 loads
     Net CLK_32M_c_enable_93: 17 loads
     Net dac_state_1: 16 loads

   Number of warnings:  4
   Number of errors:    0

Design Errors/Warnings

WARNING - map: input pad net 'JA_DOUT' has no legal load.
WARNING - map: input pad net 'JA_COMP' has no legal load.
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port JA_DOUT...logic will be
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port JA_COMP...logic will be

IO (PIO) Attributes

| IO Name             | Direction | Levelmode | IO         |
|                     |           |  IO_TYPE  | Register   |
| RE3                 | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| CLK_OUT             | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| RE4                 | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| UART_TX             | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| AD_ACLK             | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| AD_ACS              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| SW_IN               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| SW_N                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| SW_P                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| DEBUG_TP3           | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| DEBUG_TP2           | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| DEBUG_TP1           | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| LED2                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| LED                 | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| RE1A                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| RE1B                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| RE2A                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |

| RE2B                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MAG1                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MAG10               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MAG100              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MS_A0               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MS_A1               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| MS_A2               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| FEN_A               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| FEN_B               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| FEN_C               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_DIN              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_C1               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_C2               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_C3               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_SCK              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| JA_CS               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| AZ_SW               | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| PW1                 | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| PW2                 | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| SU_A                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| SU_B                | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25  |            |
| CLK_32M             | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |
| RESET               | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |
| AD_ADO              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |
| COMP_IN             | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |
| UART_RX             | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |
| CON_START           | INPUT     | LVCMOS25  |            |

Removed logic

Block i2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block GSR_INST undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal startup_cnt_32__N_436 was merged into signal reset_in_r
Signal VCC_net undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_7_33/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal uart_prediv_1156_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_prediv_1156_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_prediv_1156_add_4_7/S1 undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_prediv_1156_add_4_7/CO undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal dac_div_1155_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_div_1155_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_div_1155_add_4_17/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_div_1155_add_4_17/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_546_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_546_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_17/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_17/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_546_21/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal spi_cnt_1170_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal spi_cnt_1170_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal spi_cnt_1170_add_4_7/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_neg_1159_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_neg_1159_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_neg_1159_add_4_17/CO undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_divider_1157_1247_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_divider_1157_1247_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_divider_1157_1247_add_4_5/S1 undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal uart_divider_1157_1247_add_4_5/CO undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal cnt_ic_pos_1160_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_pos_1160_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_7_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal add_7_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_pos_1160_add_4_17/CO undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal cnt_msm_1153_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_msm_1153_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_msm_1153_add_4_21/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_cnt_1152_add_4_1/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_cnt_1152_add_4_1/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_cnt_1152_add_4_9/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal dac_cnt_1152_add_4_9/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_19/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.

Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_19/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_21_3452/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_21_3452/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_0/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_0/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_0/CI undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_21/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_21/CO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_15/S1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal cnt_ic_20__I_0_15/S0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block i1013_1_lut was optimized away.


Run Time and Memory Usage

   Total CPU Time: 0 secs  
   Total REAL Time: 0 secs  
   Peak Memory Usage: 163 MB

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
     Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights