Place & Route TRACE Report

Loading design for application trce from file nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ncd.
Design name: nvm_ctrl
NCD version: 3.3
Vendor:      LATTICE
Device:      LCMXO2-1200HC
Package:     TQFP100
Performance: 5
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.42.
Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report

Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Sun May  8 22:04:12 2022

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Report Information
Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 5 -sphld m -o nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.twr -gui -msgset /home/jarin/storage/main/backup_mg/works/nvm/fpga/2/promote.xml nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ncd nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.prf 
Design file:     nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ncd
Preference file: nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.prf
Device,speed:    LCMXO2-1200HC,5
Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference

Preference Summary

  • FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz (268 errors)
  • 370 items scored, 268 timing errors detected. Warning: 21.949MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
  • FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz (4096 errors)
  • 4096 items scored, 4096 timing errors detected. Warning: 45.783MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
  • FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz (821 errors)
  • 883 items scored, 821 timing errors detected. Warning: 5.675MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. Report Type: based on TRACE automatically generated preferences BLOCK ASYNCPATHS BLOCK RESETPATHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; 370 items scored, 268 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.481ns (weighted slack = -43.309ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_frame_state_i1 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF uart_frame_state_i0 Delay: 4.003ns (32.8% logic, 67.2% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.003ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_216 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.481ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_216: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 0.392 R7C12C.F1 to R7C12C.C0 uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.C0 to R7C12C.F0 SLICE_291 ROUTE 1 1.658 R7C12C.F0 to R5C12B.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_12 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 4.003 (32.8% logic, 67.2% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_216: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R5C12B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i39 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i38 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_273 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_273: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R9C13C.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_273: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C13C.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i1 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i0 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_282 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R8C13B.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C13B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i28 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i27 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_285 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_285: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R7C9A.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_285: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C9A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i3 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i29 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_286 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_286: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R9C10B.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_286: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C10B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i42 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i41 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_287 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_287: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R9C11B.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_287: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C11B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i9 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i8 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_288 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_288: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R9C10A.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_288: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C10A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i11 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i10 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_291 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R7C12C.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C12C.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i33 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i32 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_294 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_294: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R7C8D.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_294: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C8D.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.117ns (weighted slack = -10.535ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i46 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) FF frame_content_i0_i45 Delay: 3.639ns (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.639ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_297 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.117ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_297: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.640 R5C12D.Q0 to R7C12C.D1 uart_frame_start CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C12C.D1 to R7C12C.F1 SLICE_291 ROUTE 26 2.138 R7C12C.F1 to R8C10A.CE uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 3.639 (23.7% logic, 76.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_297: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 3.337 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C10A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Warning: 21.949MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; 4096 items scored, 4096 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.763ns (weighted slack = -17.369ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i2 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i1 Delay: 5.769ns (22.8% logic, 77.2% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.769ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_346 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 7.763ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_346: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B0 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B0 to R9C8C.F0 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 2.483 R9C8C.F0 to R3C11B.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_152 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 5.769 (22.8% logic, 77.2% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_346: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R3C11B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.491ns (weighted slack = -16.760ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i24 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i23 Delay: 5.497ns (23.9% logic, 76.1% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.497ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_310 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 7.491ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_310: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.570 R8C8B.F1 to R8C7B.D1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C7B.D1 to R8C7B.F1 SLICE_94 ROUTE 4 2.581 R8C7B.F1 to R9C11A.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_137 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 5.497 (23.9% logic, 76.1% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_310: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R9C11A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.457ns (weighted slack = -16.684ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i11 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i10 Delay: 5.463ns (24.0% logic, 76.0% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.463ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_339 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 7.457ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_339: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B1 to R9C8C.F1 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 2.177 R9C8C.F1 to R4C11D.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_145 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 5.463 (24.0% logic, 76.0% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_339: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C11D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.006ns (weighted slack = -15.675ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i22 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i21 Delay: 5.012ns (26.2% logic, 73.8% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.012ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_302 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 7.006ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_302: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.570 R8C8B.F1 to R8C7B.D1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C7B.D1 to R8C7B.F1 SLICE_94 ROUTE 4 2.096 R8C7B.F1 to R9C9D.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_137 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 5.012 (26.2% logic, 73.8% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_302: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R9C9D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.005ns (weighted slack = -15.673ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i6 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i5 Delay: 5.011ns (26.2% logic, 73.8% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.011ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_335 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 7.005ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_335: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B0 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B0 to R9C8C.F0 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 1.725 R9C8C.F0 to R5C9B.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_152 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 5.011 (26.2% logic, 73.8% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_335: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R5C9B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 6.713ns (weighted slack = -15.020ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i9 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i16 Delay: 4.719ns (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.719ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_315 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 6.713ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_315: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B1 to R9C8C.F1 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 1.433 R9C8C.F1 to R4C8A.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_145 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 4.719 (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_315: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C8A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 6.713ns (weighted slack = -15.020ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i15 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i14 Delay: 4.719ns (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.719ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_316 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 6.713ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_316: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B1 to R9C8C.F1 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 1.433 R9C8C.F1 to R4C8C.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_145 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 4.719 (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_316: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C8C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 6.678ns (weighted slack = -14.941ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i13 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i12 Delay: 4.684ns (28.0% logic, 72.0% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.684ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_296 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 6.678ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_296: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.940 R8C8B.F1 to R9C8C.B1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C8C.B1 to R9C8C.F1 SLICE_336 ROUTE 4 1.398 R9C8C.F1 to R7C14D.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_145 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 4.684 (28.0% logic, 72.0% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_296: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R7C14D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 6.627ns (weighted slack = -14.827ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i20 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i19 Delay: 4.633ns (28.3% logic, 71.7% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.633ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_295 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 6.627ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_295: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.570 R8C8B.F1 to R8C7B.D1 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C7B.D1 to R8C7B.F1 SLICE_94 ROUTE 4 1.717 R8C7B.F1 to R10C11C.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_137 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 4.633 (28.3% logic, 71.7% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_295: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R10C11C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 6.580ns (weighted slack = -14.722ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_frame__i30 (to CLK_32M_c +) FF uart_rx_frame__i29 Delay: 4.586ns (28.6% logic, 71.4% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.586ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_299 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 2.251ns and destination clock period of 4.477ns) 2.001ns delay constraint less 3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling -1.994ns) by 6.580ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 to SLICE_299: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C13C.CLK to R8C13C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 1.033 R8C13C.Q0 to R8C8B.D1 uart_rx_ready CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.D1 to R8C8B.F1 SLICE_149 ROUTE 6 0.413 R8C8B.F1 to R8C8B.C0 CLK_32M_c_enable_258 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C8B.C0 to R8C8B.F0 SLICE_149 ROUTE 5 1.827 R8C8B.F0 to R9C10D.CE CLK_32M_c_enable_129 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 4.586 (28.6% logic, 71.4% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_299: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R9C10D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Warning: 45.783MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; 883 items scored, 821 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.932ns (weighted slack = -173.957ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i0 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 5.454ns (24.1% logic, 75.9% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.454ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 1.932ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.677 R8C9A.Q0 to R7C13B.D1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C13B.D1 to R7C13B.F1 SLICE_345 ROUTE 2 1.157 R7C13B.F1 to R8C14A.A0 uart_rx_a/n7837 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C14A.A0 to R8C14A.F0 SLICE_324 ROUTE 1 1.307 R8C14A.F0 to R9C14A.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 5.454 (24.1% logic, 75.9% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14A.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.775ns (weighted slack = -159.821ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 5.297ns (24.8% logic, 75.2% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.297ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 1.775ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.615 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.566 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14C.D1 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14C.D1 to R9C14C.F1 SLICE_274 ROUTE 1 1.803 R9C14C.F1 to R8C13C.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_3 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 5.297 (24.8% logic, 75.2% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.719ns (weighted slack = -154.779ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 5.241ns (25.1% logic, 74.9% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 5.241ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 1.719ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.677 R8C9A.Q0 to R7C13B.D1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C13B.D1 to R7C13B.F1 SLICE_345 ROUTE 2 1.036 R7C13B.F1 to R7C14A.C0 uart_rx_a/n7837 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C14A.C0 to R7C14A.F0 SLICE_325 ROUTE 1 1.215 R7C14A.F0 to R9C14B.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_13 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 5.241 (25.1% logic, 74.9% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14B.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.220ns (weighted slack = -109.849ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i2 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 4.743ns (27.7% logic, 72.3% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.743ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.248ns LSR_SET requirement (totaling 3.523ns) by 1.220ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.615 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.876 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14A.A1 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14A.A1 to R9C14A.F1 uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 ROUTE 1 0.939 R9C14A.F1 to R9C15C.LSR uart_rx_a/n7383 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 4.743 (27.7% logic, 72.3% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C15C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.757ns (weighted slack = -68.160ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 4.279ns (20.1% logic, 79.9% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 4.279ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 3.522ns) by 0.757ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.615 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14C.A1 to R9C14C.F1 SLICE_274 ROUTE 1 1.803 R9C14C.F1 to R8C13C.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_3 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 4.279 (20.1% logic, 79.9% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.183ns (weighted slack = -16.477ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i0 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 3.804ns (34.5% logic, 65.5% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 3.804ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) 0.025ns delay constraint less -3.746ns skew and 0.150ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 3.621ns) by 0.183ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 1.615 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.876 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14A.A0 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14A.A0 to R9C14A.F0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 ROUTE 1 0.000 R9C14A.F0 to R9C14A.DI0 uart_rx_a/n6 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 3.804 (34.5% logic, 65.5% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 3.540 (38.8% logic, 61.2% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 1.372 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 2.168 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14A.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 7.286 (24.4% logic, 75.6% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 8.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_92 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i4 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 10.045ns (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 10.045ns physical path delay SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_239 exceeds 2.251ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 2.002ns) by 8.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_239: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C11C.CLK to R4C11C.Q0 SLICE_278 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 3.363 R4C11C.Q0 to R8C14B.A0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C14B.A0 to R8C14B.F0 SLICE_332 ROUTE 4 0.563 R8C14B.F0 to R8C15B.D1 uart_rx_a/n6209 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C15B.D1 to R8C15B.F1 SLICE_322 ROUTE 13 1.400 R8C15B.F1 to R7C15B.B1 uart_rx_a/n7822 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C15B.B1 to R7C15B.F1 SLICE_275 ROUTE 2 1.157 R7C15B.F1 to R9C14D.A1 uart_rx_a/n6310 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14D.A1 to R9C14D.F1 SLICE_329 ROUTE 3 1.345 R9C14D.F1 to R8C16C.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_30 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 10.045 (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_239: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C16C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 8.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_92 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) FF uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i0 Delay: 10.045ns (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 10.045ns physical path delay SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237 exceeds 2.251ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 2.002ns) by 8.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C11C.CLK to R4C11C.Q0 SLICE_278 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 3.363 R4C11C.Q0 to R8C14B.A0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C14B.A0 to R8C14B.F0 SLICE_332 ROUTE 4 0.563 R8C14B.F0 to R8C15B.D1 uart_rx_a/n6209 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C15B.D1 to R8C15B.F1 SLICE_322 ROUTE 13 1.400 R8C15B.F1 to R7C15B.B1 uart_rx_a/n7822 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C15B.B1 to R7C15B.F1 SLICE_275 ROUTE 2 1.157 R7C15B.F1 to R9C14D.A1 uart_rx_a/n6310 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14D.A1 to R9C14D.F1 SLICE_329 ROUTE 3 1.345 R9C14D.F1 to R8C16D.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_30 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 10.045 (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C16D.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 8.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_92 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i3 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) FF uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i2 Delay: 10.045ns (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 10.045ns physical path delay SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_238 exceeds 2.251ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.249ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 2.002ns) by 8.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_238: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C11C.CLK to R4C11C.Q0 SLICE_278 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 3.363 R4C11C.Q0 to R8C14B.A0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C14B.A0 to R8C14B.F0 SLICE_332 ROUTE 4 0.563 R8C14B.F0 to R8C15B.D1 uart_rx_a/n6209 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C15B.D1 to R8C15B.F1 SLICE_322 ROUTE 13 1.400 R8C15B.F1 to R7C15B.B1 uart_rx_a/n7822 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C15B.B1 to R7C15B.F1 SLICE_275 ROUTE 2 1.157 R7C15B.F1 to R9C14D.A1 uart_rx_a/n6310 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R9C14D.A1 to R9C14D.F1 SLICE_329 ROUTE 3 1.345 R9C14D.F1 to R8C16B.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_30 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 10.045 (22.1% logic, 77.9% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_238: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C16B.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 7.644ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_92 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) FF uart_rx_a/uart_rx_zero_cnt_1165__i0 Delay: 9.647ns (23.0% logic, 77.0% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 9.647ns physical path delay SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237 exceeds 2.251ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.248ns LSR_SET requirement (totaling 2.003ns) by 7.644ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_278 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.409 R4C11C.CLK to R4C11C.Q0 SLICE_278 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 4 3.363 R4C11C.Q0 to R8C14B.A0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C14B.A0 to R8C14B.F0 SLICE_332 ROUTE 4 0.563 R8C14B.F0 to R8C15B.D1 uart_rx_a/n6209 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R8C15B.D1 to R8C15B.F1 SLICE_322 ROUTE 13 1.400 R8C15B.F1 to R7C15B.B1 uart_rx_a/n7822 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C15B.B1 to R7C15B.F1 SLICE_275 ROUTE 2 0.862 R7C15B.F1 to R7C15B.A0 uart_rx_a/n6310 CTOF_DEL --- 0.452 R7C15B.A0 to R7C15B.F0 SLICE_275 ROUTE 3 1.242 R7C15B.F0 to R8C16D.LSR uart_rx_a/n5696 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 9.647 (23.0% logic, 77.0% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_237: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 3.337 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C16D.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 3.337 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Warning: 5.675MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. Report Summary -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" | | | 444.247000 MHz ; | 444.247 MHz| 21.949 MHz| 3 * | | | FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 | | | MHz ; | 223.364 MHz| 45.783 MHz| 3 * | | | FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" | | | 444.247000 MHz ; | 444.247 MHz| 5.675 MHz| 3 * | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 preferences(marked by "*" above) not met. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Nets | Loads| Errors| % of total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- n5106 | 2| 2131| 41.10% | | | n5232 | 2| 1757| 33.89% | | | n7350 | 2| 1685| 32.50% | | | n7816 | 20| 1659| 32.00% | | | n3921 | 11| 1463| 28.22% | | | n7274 | 2| 1017| 19.61% | | | n5239 | 4| 882| 17.01% | | | n4387 | 11| 869| 16.76% | | | CLK_32M_c_enable_53 | 9| 806| 15.54% | | | SW_P_N_869 | 8| 792| 15.27% | | | n6615 | 1| 792| 15.27% | | | n4007 | 2| 715| 13.79% | | | n6614 | 1| 649| 12.52% | | | n7323 | 2| 603| 11.63% | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock Domains Analysis ------------------------ Found 3 clocks: Clock Domain: uart_tx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_37.Q0 Loads: 44 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Transfers: 49 Clock Domain: uart_rx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_39.Q1 Loads: 28 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Transfers: 1 Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Loads: 179 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: uart_rx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_39.Q1 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; Transfers: 9 Timing summary (Setup): --------------- Timing errors: 5185 Score: 34529616 Cumulative negative slack: 34529616 Constraints cover 15405 paths, 9 nets, and 2406 connections (98.28% coverage) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit) Sun May 8 22:04:12 2022 Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved. Report Information ------------------ Command line: trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 5 -sphld m -o nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.twr -gui -msgset /home/jarin/storage/main/backup_mg/works/nvm/fpga/2/promote.xml nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ncd nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.prf Design file: nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.ncd Preference file: nvm_ctrl_nvm_ctrl.prf Device,speed: LCMXO2-1200HC,m Report level: verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference Summary
  • FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz (79 errors)
  • 372 items scored, 79 timing errors detected.
  • FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
  • FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz (7 errors)
  • 883 items scored, 7 timing errors detected. BLOCK ASYNCPATHS BLOCK RESETPATHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; 372 items scored, 79 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.049ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i14 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i14 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.393ns (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.393ns physical path delay SLICE_328 to SLICE_348 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.049ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_328 to SLICE_348: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C14D.CLK to R8C14D.Q0 SLICE_328 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.260 R8C14D.Q0 to R9C12D.M0 result_content_14 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.393 (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_328: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C14D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_348: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C12D.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.049ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i30 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i30 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.393ns (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.393ns physical path delay SLICE_331 to SLICE_347 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.049ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_331 to SLICE_347: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R9C15B.CLK to R9C15B.Q0 SLICE_331 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.260 R9C15B.Q0 to R9C11D.M0 result_content_30 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.393 (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_331: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R9C15B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_347: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R9C11D.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.044ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_frame_start_472 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_frame_r__i1 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.393ns (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.393ns physical path delay SLICE_215 to SLICE_214 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 1.044ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_215 to SLICE_214: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C12D.CLK to R5C12D.Q0 SLICE_215 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.260 R5C12D.Q0 to R4C12A.CE uart_frame_start (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.393 (33.8% logic, 66.2% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_215: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R5C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_214: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R4C12A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i0 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i0 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.399ns (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.399ns physical path delay SLICE_324 to SLICE_282 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_324 to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C14A.CLK to R8C14A.Q0 SLICE_324 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.266 R8C14A.Q0 to R8C13B.M0 result_content_0 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.399 (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_324: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C14A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C13B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i1 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i1 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.399ns (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.399ns physical path delay SLICE_324 to SLICE_282 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_324 to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C14A.CLK to R8C14A.Q1 SLICE_324 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.266 R8C14A.Q1 to R8C13B.M1 result_content_1 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.399 (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_324: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C14A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_282: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C13B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i10 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i10 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.399ns (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.399ns physical path delay SLICE_345 to SLICE_291 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_345 to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R7C13B.CLK to R7C13B.Q0 SLICE_345 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.266 R7C13B.Q0 to R7C12C.M0 result_content_10 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.399 (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_345: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C13B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C12C.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i11 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i11 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.399ns (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.399ns physical path delay SLICE_345 to SLICE_291 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_345 to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R7C13B.CLK to R7C13B.Q1 SLICE_345 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.266 R7C13B.Q1 to R7C12C.M1 result_content_11 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.399 (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_345: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C13B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_291: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C12C.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.043ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i24 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i24 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.399ns (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.399ns physical path delay SLICE_352 to SLICE_308 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.043ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_352 to SLICE_308: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C15C.CLK to R8C15C.Q1 SLICE_352 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.266 R8C15C.Q1 to R8C13A.M1 result_content_24 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.399 (33.3% logic, 66.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_352: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C15C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_308: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C13A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 1.035ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i7 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i7 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.407ns (32.7% logic, 67.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.407ns physical path delay SLICE_343 to SLICE_349 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 1.035ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_343 to SLICE_349: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C12C.CLK to R5C12C.Q0 SLICE_343 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.274 R5C12C.Q0 to R7C11B.M1 result_content_7 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.407 (32.7% logic, 67.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_343: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R5C12C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_349: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R7C11B.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.967ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q result_content_i0_i23 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in frame_content_i0_i23 (to uart_tx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.475ns (28.0% logic, 72.0% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.475ns physical path delay SLICE_352 to SLICE_308 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.442ns) by 0.967ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_352 to SLICE_308: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C15C.CLK to R8C15C.Q0 SLICE_352 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.342 R8C15C.Q0 to R8C13A.M0 result_content_23 (to uart_tx_bit_clock) -------- 0.475 (28.0% logic, 72.0% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_352: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C15C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_308: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7C.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7C.CLK to R4C7C.Q0 SLICE_37 ROUTE 44 1.307 R4C7C.Q0 to R8C13A.CLK uart_tx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; 4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q ad_ado_ff_454 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in ad_ado_r_455 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C13B.CLK to R3C13B.Q0 SLICE_0 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R3C13B.Q0 to R3C13B.M1 ad_ado_ff (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C13B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C13B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q ad_ado_r_455 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in adc_res_i0_i0 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_62 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_62: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C13B.CLK to R3C13B.Q1 SLICE_0 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R3C13B.Q1 to R3C13C.M0 ad_ado_r (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C13B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_62: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C13C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q comp_in_ff_452 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in comp_in_r_453 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_304 to SLICE_304 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_304 to SLICE_304: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C12B.CLK to R8C12B.Q0 SLICE_304 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R8C12B.Q0 to R8C12B.M1 comp_in_ff (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_304: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C12B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_304: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C12B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q reset_in_ff_431 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in reset_in_r_432 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_325 to SLICE_325 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_325 to SLICE_325: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R7C14A.CLK to R7C14A.Q0 SLICE_325 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R7C14A.Q0 to R7C14A.M1 reset_in_ff (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_325: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C14A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_325: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C14A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q con_start_ff_450 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in con_start_r_451 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_336 to SLICE_336 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_336 to SLICE_336: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R9C8C.CLK to R9C8C.Q0 SLICE_336 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R9C8C.Q0 to R9C8C.M1 con_start_ff (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_336: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R9C8C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_336: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R9C8C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.306ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q dac_word_i15 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in dac_do_r_448 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.287ns (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.287ns physical path delay SLICE_157 to SLICE_342 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.306ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_157 to SLICE_342: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R7C8A.CLK to R7C8A.Q0 SLICE_157 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 1 0.154 R7C8A.Q0 to R8C8A.M0 dac_word_15 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.287 (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_157: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C8A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_342: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C8A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.306ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q adc_res_i0_i11 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in adc_res_i0_i12 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.287ns (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.287ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_3 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.306ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C14B.CLK to R3C14B.Q0 SLICE_3 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 2 0.154 R3C14B.Q0 to R3C14B.M1 adc_res_11 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.287 (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C14B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C14B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.306ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q adc_res_i0_i12 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in adc_res_i0_i13 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.287ns (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.287ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_8 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.306ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_8: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C14B.CLK to R3C14B.Q1 SLICE_3 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 2 0.154 R3C14B.Q1 to R3C14A.M0 adc_res_12 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.287 (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C14B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_8: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R3C14A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.306ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q adc_res_i0_i6 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in adc_res_i0_i7 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.287ns (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.287ns physical path delay SLICE_303 to SLICE_303 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.306ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_303 to SLICE_303: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R7C12D.CLK to R7C12D.Q0 SLICE_303 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 2 0.154 R7C12D.Q0 to R7C12D.M1 adc_res_6 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.287 (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_303: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_303: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R7C12D.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.306ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_frame__i7 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in cnt_ic_set__i11 (to CLK_32M_c +) Delay: 0.287ns (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.287ns physical path delay SLICE_307 to SLICE_289 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.306ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_307 to SLICE_289: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R9C12B.CLK to R9C12B.Q0 SLICE_307 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 11 0.154 R9C12B.Q0 to R9C12C.M0 uart_rx_frame_6 (to CLK_32M_c) -------- 0.287 (46.3% logic, 53.7% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_307: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R9C12B.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_289: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R9C12C.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 0.816 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; 883 items scored, 7 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.685ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i2 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.752ns (17.7% logic, 82.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.752ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 0.685ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.619 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C15C.CE uart_rx_rst (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 0.752 (17.7% logic, 82.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C15C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.583ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.821ns (28.5% logic, 71.5% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.821ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.057ns LSR_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.404ns) by 0.583ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.437 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.150 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14B.LSR uart_rx_a/n7864 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 0.821 (28.5% logic, 71.5% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14B.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.459ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i0 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.989ns (33.9% logic, 66.1% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.989ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.448ns) by 0.459ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.437 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.217 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14A.A0 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14A.A0 to R9C14A.F0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 ROUTE 1 0.000 R9C14A.F0 to R9C14A.DI0 uart_rx_a/n6 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 0.989 (33.9% logic, 66.1% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14A.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.259ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 1.178ns (19.9% logic, 80.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 1.178ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 0.259ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.437 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.A1 to R9C14C.F1 SLICE_274 ROUTE 1 0.507 R9C14C.F1 to R8C13C.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_3 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 1.178 (19.9% logic, 80.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.158ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i2 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 1.246ns (26.9% logic, 73.1% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 1.246ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.057ns LSR_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.404ns) by 0.158ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.437 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.217 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14A.A1 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14A.A1 to R9C14A.F1 uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 ROUTE 1 0.257 R9C14A.F1 to R9C15C.LSR uart_rx_a/n7383 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 1.246 (26.9% logic, 73.1% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_228: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C15C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.049ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 1.388ns (24.1% logic, 75.9% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 1.388ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 0.049ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.463 R8C9A.Q0 to R7C13B.D1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R7C13B.D1 to R7C13B.F1 SLICE_345 ROUTE 2 0.251 R7C13B.F1 to R7C14A.C0 uart_rx_a/n7837 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R7C14A.C0 to R7C14A.F0 SLICE_325 ROUTE 1 0.339 R7C14A.F0 to R9C14B.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_13 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 1.388 (24.1% logic, 75.9% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_227: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14B.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Error: The following path exceeds requirements by 0.018ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_rdy_93 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 1.419ns (23.6% logic, 76.4% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 1.419ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250 exceeds (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 0.018ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.437 R8C9A.Q0 to R9C14C.A0 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.A0 to R9C14C.F0 SLICE_274 ROUTE 4 0.140 R9C14C.F0 to R9C14C.D1 uart_rx_a/n7864 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R9C14C.D1 to R9C14C.F1 SLICE_274 ROUTE 1 0.507 R9C14C.F1 to R8C13C.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_3 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 1.419 (23.6% logic, 76.4% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_250: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R8C13C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.020ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_rst_442 (from CLK_32M_c +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_state__i0 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 1.457ns (23.0% logic, 77.0% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 1.457ns physical path delay SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226 meets (delay constraint based on source clock period of 4.477ns and destination clock period of 2.251ns) -0.024ns CE_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less -1.461ns skew requirement (totaling 1.437ns) by 0.020ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_255 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R8C9A.CLK to R8C9A.Q0 SLICE_255 (from CLK_32M_c) ROUTE 4 0.463 R8C9A.Q0 to R7C13B.D1 uart_rx_rst CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R7C13B.D1 to R7C13B.F1 SLICE_345 ROUTE 2 0.296 R7C13B.F1 to R8C14A.A0 uart_rx_a/n7837 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R8C14A.A0 to R8C14A.F0 SLICE_324 ROUTE 1 0.363 R8C14A.F0 to R9C14A.CE uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_clock_enable_1 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 1.457 (23.0% logic, 77.0% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path CLK_32M to SLICE_255: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R8C9A.CLK CLK_32M_c -------- 1.298 (37.1% logic, 62.9% route), 1 logic levels. Destination Clock Path CLK_32M to uart_rx_a/SLICE_226: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource PADI_DEL --- 0.482 88.PAD to 88.PADDI CLK_32M ROUTE 179 0.816 88.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK CLK_32M_c REG_DEL --- 0.154 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q1 SLICE_39 ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R9C14A.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 2.759 (23.1% logic, 76.9% route), 2 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_tmp_91 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_92 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_278 to SLICE_278 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_278 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R4C11C.CLK to R4C11C.Q1 SLICE_278 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 1 0.152 R4C11C.Q1 to R4C11C.M0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_pin_tmp (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 1.307 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to SLICE_278: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C11C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 1.307 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_1167__i4 (from uart_rx_bit_clock +) Destination: FF Data in uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_1167__i4 (to uart_rx_bit_clock +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay uart_rx_a/SLICE_220 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_220 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path uart_rx_a/SLICE_220 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_220: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R4C14C.CLK to R4C14C.Q0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_220 (from uart_rx_bit_clock) ROUTE 2 0.132 R4C14C.Q0 to R4C14C.A0 uart_rx_a/uart_rx_bit_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R4C14C.A0 to R4C14C.F0 uart_rx_a/SLICE_220 ROUTE 1 0.000 R4C14C.F0 to R4C14C.DI0 uart_rx_a/n26_adj_1079 (to uart_rx_bit_clock) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_220: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C14C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 1.307 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path SLICE_39 to uart_rx_a/SLICE_220: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 28 1.307 R4C7A.Q1 to R4C14C.CLK uart_rx_bit_clock -------- 1.307 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Report Summary -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" | | | 444.247000 MHz ; | 0.000 ns| -1.049 ns| 1 * | | | FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 | | | MHz ; | 0.000 ns| 0.304 ns| 1 | | | FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" | | | 444.247000 MHz ; | 0.000 ns| -0.685 ns| 1 * | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 preferences(marked by "*" above) not met. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Nets | Loads| Errors| % of total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- uart_frame_start | 4| 31| 36.05% | | | uart_tx_bit_clock_enable_66 | 26| 26| 30.23% | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock Domains Analysis ------------------------ Found 3 clocks: Clock Domain: uart_tx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_37.Q0 Loads: 44 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_tx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Transfers: 49 Clock Domain: uart_rx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_39.Q1 Loads: 28 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "uart_rx_bit_clock" 444.247000 MHz ; Transfers: 1 Clock Domain: CLK_32M_c Source: CLK_32M.PAD Loads: 179 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: uart_rx_bit_clock Source: SLICE_39.Q1 Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_32M_c" 223.364000 MHz ; Transfers: 9 Timing summary (Hold): --------------- Timing errors: 86 Score: 60528 Cumulative negative slack: 60528 Constraints cover 15405 paths, 9 nets, and 2406 connections (98.28% coverage) Timing summary (Setup and Hold): --------------- Timing errors: 5185 (setup), 86 (hold) Score: 34529616 (setup), 60528 (hold) Cumulative negative slack: 34590144 (34529616+60528) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------