this file was named Readme.txt and was in NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0 Copyright 2002 National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This file contains release notes, patent information, and last-minute information for NI-488.2 for Windows. Information in this file is too recent to be included in the official documentation set. Release Notes ------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, is the latest driver offering from National Instruments. This new release makes the migration path to other operating systems easier as it strives to make the NI-488.2 API uniform across platforms. Every attempt has been made to maintain backward compatibility with the installed base of existing NI-488.2 applications. Supported Interfaces -------------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, supports the following hardware on Windows 2000/XP/Me/98. Any special requirements or conditions are stated below the list in the Notes section. GPIB-ENET GPIB-ENET/100 GPIB-USB-A GPIB-USB-B PCI-GPIB PCI-8212 PMC-GPIB PXI-GPIB PXI-8212 Notes: 1) Neither the Controller nor Analyzer functionality of the PCI-GPIB+ interface is supported in Version 2.0. 2) The GPIB-ENET product is obsolete. The interface is supported in Version 2.0, but it should not be used for future designs. Use the GPIB-ENET/100 instead. Robust Multithreaded/Multiprocess Behavior ------------------------------------------ With NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, multithreaded behavior is consistent across platforms. Refer to Application Note 101, "Developing Multithreaded GPIB Applications using NI-488.2," for full information on the multithreaded/multiprocess behavior in NI-488.2, Version 2.0. This Application Note is available from our website, NI-488.2 Locking Functionality ------------------------------ NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, adds a locking mechanism for all supported platforms and interfaces. This mechanism is useful for preventing multiple threads/processes from corrupting each other. Refer to the IBLCK topic in the NI-488.2 online help for complete information. Enhancements in Version 2.0 --------------------------- Installer - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, improves the installation experience for the user. Windows XP/2000 - In the past, there were separate drivers for plug-in interface boards (PCI-GPIB, etc.), the GPIB-ENET family, and the GPIB-USB-A. Only one of these three could be installed and used at any one time. NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, removes this restriction. All supported interfaces function simultaneously with the same driver. Windows XP/2000 - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, resolves the issue that prevents users running the software in USER mode (as opposed to ADMINISTRATOR mode). Internationalized Software Support - NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, offers an improved localized solution in Japanese. Win16 and DOS Support --------------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, does not support Win16 applications for Windows Me/9x platforms. Win16 support is available under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. To use these applications under Windows 9x/Me, you must use a previous version of NI-488.2 for Windows. DOS support is available on all operating systems supported by this driver. Device Templates and DOS Applications for Windows Me/9x ------------------------------------------------------- Existing DOS-based NI-488.2 applications may use device templates to access GPIB devices. If you make changes to the device templates on a Windows Me/9x system, you must restart Windows before the changes are available to DOS applications. Fast User Switching with Windows XP ----------------------------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, does not support Fast User Switching. Fast User Switching, a feature of Windows XP, makes it possible for you to quickly switch between users without actually logging off from the computer. Multiple users can share a computer and use it simultaneously, switching back and forth without closing the programs they are running. If any user has a handle open into NI-488.2 for Windows, all other users will receive an error message when attempting to use NI-488.2 for Windows. Suspend, Hibernate, and Standby Modes ------------------------------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, does not support the power saving Suspend, Hibernate, or Standby Modes. New C/C++ Header File --------------------- NI-488.2 for Windows, Version 2.0, provides a new C/C++ header file, ni-488.h. This file is a direct replacement for decl-32.h. The header file, decl-32.h, is still usable, but should not be used for new programs. Use ni-488.h instead. Patent Information ------------------ For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or