Date: 09/07/2006 Product: TDSRT-Eye Serial Compliance and Analysis with InfiniBand Compliance Module PCI Express Compliance Module SAS Compliance Module SATA Compliance Module FBDIMM Compliance Module Version: v3.0.1 (September 07, 2006) =============================================================== Contents of this Readme File: 1. System Requirements 2. Contents of Distribution 3. New Features 4. Release Notes 5. Known Problems 6. Installation 7. Contact Information =============================================================== 1. System Requirements - The TDSRT-Eye Application is intended for Tektronix oscilloscopes that support 4.0+ GHz of bandwidth. The Serial Analysis module alone can be used on systems with a bandwidth as low as 1.5GHz. The PCI Express and Infiniband Compliance modules operate on 4.0+ GHz systems, with specific target platforms being the TDS6604/6404, TDS6804/6604B, TDS6154 / 6124C, TDS/CSA 7404 and TDS7704B, DPO70404, DSA70404, DPO70604, DSA70604, DPO70804, DSA70804 . The FB-DIMM, Serial ATA (SATA) and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Analysis modules only operate on 6.0+ GHz systems, specifically the TDS6604, TDS6604B, TDS6804B, TDS6124C, TDS6154C , TDS7704B, DPO70604, DSA70604, DPO70804, DSA70804 models. This product requires target systems to have 1024MB of system memory if record lengths in excess of 4Mpt are to be analyzed. This product is intended for use on Windows 2000/Windows XP based instruments. P7330/P7350SMA differential probes and P7260 single ended probes are intended as the principal interface to the device under test for this analysis tool. The user needs to ensure that the probing configuration in this tool matches his or her physical setup. P7380/P7380SMA/P7313 differential probes and SMA cable single ended probes are the principal interface to the device under test for FB-DIMM/SAS/SATA testing. - Sun Microsystem's Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.2_04 is required for this release. It will automatically be installed if necessary when the application is installed. - Disk space requirements: 200 MB of free disk space is required to install and operate this application including all compliance modules. Less space is required if only a subset of the available modules is installed. - Refer to the TDSRT-Eye online help for more requirements. - Note that the recommended MS Windows(TM) task bar settings for running this application are: - Always on top = unchecked - Auto Hide = unchecked - It may be necessary to configure file/folder properties to allow users privileges to create and write. Consult the appropriate Microsoft documentation for details. The following folders and their contents may need to be so configured: C:\Program Files\TekApplications\tdsrt-eye C:\Program Files\TekApplications\ReportGenerator C:\TekApplications\tdsrt-eye =============================================================== 2. Contents of Distribution - TDSRT-Eye v3.0.1 Serial Compliance and Analysis Software (Option RTE) - PCE v3.0.1 PCI Express compliance Module (option PCE, requires RTE) - IBA v3.0.1 InfiniBand compliance Module (option IBA, requires RTE) - SATA v3.0.1 Serial ATA compliance Module (option SST, requires RTE) - SAS v3.0.1 Serial Attached SCSI compliance Module (option SST, requires RTE) - FB-DIMM v3.0.1 Fully-Buffered DIMM compliance Module (option FBD, requires RTE) - MATLAB Release 13 RunTime Server - SUN's JRE version 1.4.2_04 - Tektronix Report Generation tools and SA, IBA, PCI, SAS, SATA and FBDIMM templates =============================================================== 3. New Features - 09/07 (V3.0.1) Corrected issues with SATA measurements and PCI-Express / Infiniband modules. - 07/06 (V3.0.0) Support for DPO and DSA scopes. - 06/06 (V2.0.5) Few defect fixes in SATA, PCIE and FBDIMM modules. - 02/06 (V2.0.2) Added a true SATA 1.0 N-Period measurement to the SATA module, and made the clock recovery system more robust. - 10/05 (v2.0.1) In PCI-Express and FBDIMM modules, reference clock jitter measurement issue has been corrected. - 08/05 (v2.0.0) New FB-DIMM module introduced, covering 3.2, 4.0 and 4.8 Gb/s rates. Complete update of PCI-Express module to cover Rev 1.0a, Rev 1.1, and Gen 2 (latest) standards. Filtered reference clock measurements for FB-DIMM and PCI-Express. Sigtest integration for FB-DIMM and PCI-Express. Additional testpoints for PCI-Express (Cable, Expansion Module, Mobile, etc) Rj/Dj analysis on arbitrary patterns. Dual-Dirac Rj/Dj/Tj analysis added where required by specs. 3D color-graded eye rendering, with incremental update of eye. Enhanced clock recovery, including 1st-order PLL + nominal bitrate support. Set-up Wizard to provide step-by-step guidance for many tasks. MyTest feature for one-button access to custom measurements. SAS masks have been corrected. - 03/05 (v1.3.5) Minor enhancements to ensure that PDF versions of manuals start properly on all platforms. - 02/05 (v1.3.4) SATA mask hit issue is fixed. Trend plots were removed. Waveform plot was added to Eye Diagram measurements. 09/04 (1.2.0) - SATA and SAS modules added. (The 5-free trial offer is available for both SATA and SAS modules, together in any combination.) 06/04 - Updated the PCI-Express masks to reflect a choice of System board or Add in card eye geometries. - Corrected a rare initial bit estimation error on ultra low jitter signals. 11/04 - PCI-Express setup files for midbus connector for Serial Analysis. - XGA support. - Explicit Autoset for InfiniBand and PCIExpress modules. The button appears on the Measurement Select area. RGPIB commands are: autosetIBA and autosetPCE. For FBDIMM, the command is autosetFBD. - Corrected incorrect PLL selection for IB module. =============================================================== 4. Release Notes - Beginning with Serial Analysis version 2.0.0, the setup file format has been revised. You may recall and use setup files from prior versions. In this case the application will use logical defaults for any control parameters not formerly present. You may wish to review the settings to verify that any new parameters are acceptable. You may then resave the setup file to the same name to permanently update it to the new format, or save it to a new name if you wish to retain the old setup file. The new file format is not backward compatible. - In compliance modules, only measurements for which the specification gives PASS/FAIL limits will appear in the Results>Summary panel. If you select additional measurements, results will only show up in the Results>Details panels. - The AC Common-Mode Voltage measurement has been changed from a peak to an RMS measurement, to conform with specification requirements. If a setup file from a prior version of RT-Eye contains an AC CM voltage measurement, the current RMS measurement will NOT be turned on during recall of the file. - This version of the RT-Eye application includes several minor improvements to areas such as PLL clock recovery, Rj/Dj separation, smart-gating boundary conditions and the calculation of reference levels. These may lead to small variations in measurement results between this version and prior versions, for identical waveforms. - NOTE ON FBDIMM COMPLIANCE TESTING * The device under test should be in a test mode transmitting the compliance test pattern. * In an FBDIMM system you can have the blank DIMM (NEX-TDSFBDP) at the first slot (nearest to the memory controller) and test the signal, provided the system is transmitting the compliance pattern (IBIST pattern) typically using the Vendor Specific Memory Controller software or is in a test mode wherein the memory controller transmits the signal even in the absence of the AMB. In this case you will be testing the Memory Controller signals. The probing will be at the RX ball of our NEX-TDSFBDP blank DIMM. * If your customer FBDIMM is to be tested , it should be in the first slot (nearest to the memory controller) and you need to have the NEX-TDSFBDP blank DIMM in the immediately adjacent Southbound slot. The DIMM under test should be transmitting the compliance pattern typically using the Vendor specific Memory Controller/AMB software. Here again you will test the DIMM Under Test signal at the RX ball of the NEX-TDSFBDP Blank DIMM. (It will be like testing the customer FBDIMM TX signal at the RX point of the immediate south bound NEX-TDSFBDP blank DIMM.) Using the NEX-TDSFBDP you can test at the RX and Ref Clk test point and more so the Southbound traffic. * Customers TDSN4238B ot the new Intel’s DLB test fixture with our setup and perform the compliance testing. - Eye rendering of record lengths in excess of 4MPt should be avoided. However, all limitations related to record length may be disabled by creating a file called unlimitedRL.txt and placing it at C:\TekApplications\tdsrt-eye. (The filename is case-sensitive. The file itself can be empty.) If RT-Eye is launched after this file is created, no record-length limits will be enforced. Operation in this configuration is not supported. - If you create a custom eye mask, it must have exactly three sections, defining the high, middle (center), and low keep-out area, and they must appear in that order. Consult supplied masks for examples. - The "Use Sigtest" feature in RT-Eye provides a mechanism to use the Sigtest software from within the PCI-Express or FB-DIMM modules. Some versions of Sigtest may include alpha or beta code. If the Sigtest utility becomes unresponsive, we recommend that you: A) Press the "Exit Sigtest" button provided in the RT-Eye application. B) Use the Windows Task Manager to end the "Sigtest.exe" process, if Step A is ineffective. - FREE TRIALS * If you install the software for a module for which an option key has not been installed, you will have 5 free trials of that module. * In the case of the Serial Analysis module, a free trial will be consumed each time you launch the RT-Eye application. * In the case of the other (optional) modules, you may enter a module and explore its user interface at any time; the free trial will not be consumed until you either run an Autoset or a measurement. You may then run additional measurements; a new free trial will not be required unless you leave the module and re-enter it. * Since the SAS and SATA modules both use the same option key (SST), you are allowed a total of five free trials shared between these modules, e.g. two trials of SAS and three trials of SATA. =============================================================== 5. Known Problems - While using the programmatic interface (RGPIB) to control RT-EYE, the Visa Call Monitor can inadvertently lock the connection and cause the RT-EYE application to stop. It is recommended that the Call Monitor be closed when using the programmatic interface. - The application input source has a restriction to the way file names are applied. Following Keywords should not be used in the file names – “diff” and “cm” except for differential voltage measurement. These keywords are internally used by the algorithm and using them in the file name causes the E400 error. - In the Serial ATA and SAS modules, the measured values and limits of Rise/Fall Time measurements in "Unit Interval" time units is based on the measured UI duration for each scan. We recommend to use "Seconds" time units, which use fixed specification limits to compare the measured results with SATA WG specs. - In the Serial ATA module, we recommend that you perform Bit Rate measurement on HFTP (0101010101b) or Align pattern. Patterns that do not contain a bit sequence of '010' or '101' may cause incorrect clock recovery, leading to errors in Bit Rate, Eye Height/Width, and other measurements. - When SATA input source is selected in file based mode, it is necessary to use any of the steps. Otherwise the file name with out 'Enter' or using 'Browse' or ‘Select’ button will not reflect the change. Use the 'Browse' button to select the file name. Edit the file name in the file path and click ‘Enter' from the keyboard. Use ‘Select’ button to confirm the change. - You may wish to adjust the AWG settings for SATA and SAS testing: * The SATA and SAS applications assume a 5X attenuator is placed between the AWG marker output and the device under test. The application automatically programs the AWG610 and AWG710 to the following levels: Marker High = 2.5V; Marker Low = 0.5V. This results in an output that switches between 0.5V and 0.1V single ended, or a differential output of 0.4V peak to peak. You may wish to manually adjust the AWG marker high to 2.0V and marker low to 0.0V. This will maintain the differential output of 0.4V while eliminating the 0.1V offset. * 2X attenuators are recommended for the AWG615 and AWG710B. You must manually set the AWG marker levels; we recommend Marker High = 0.8V and Marker Low = 0.0V. This results in an output that switches between 0.4V and 0.0V, or 0.4V differential. * The minimum voltage required to drive the Gen 2 and Gen 1 DUT's is 400mV. Manually adjust the AWG voltage levels as necessary for other SATA usage models. - For SATA measurements there is a known defect concerning the trigger level. The application automatically sets the trigger level to 1.44V. You must manually adjust the trigger level to 0.2V using the trigger adjustment knob on the front panel of the oscilloscope. - If the trigger configuration in the scope is such that it does not trigger when you select the Start button, a blinking "Waiting for Trigger" will appear. You should verify that the scope trigger is correctly configured if this occurs for short record lengths. However, the blinking window will frequently appear when long records are processed, even though the scope has successfully triggered. In particuler, when the probe configuration is Single-Ended, the application will display the blinking window several times as it processes the Vpos, Vneg, and Vdiff waveforms. No corrective action is required in these cases. - If a measurement cycle is terminated using the RT-Eye Stop button because the scope has failed to trigger, it may take up to five minutes for the scope to time out and return to a usable state. It may be preferable to press the Run/Stop button on the scope in this case, which will cause RT-Eye to reprocess the waveform currently in memory. The results should be discarded for this measurement cycle. - Compliance reports sometimes contain scope screenshots unrelated to the current test. In particular, if a popup error message "Cannot open C:\TEMP\TEK<#>.jpg" occurs during report generation, you should delete all jpg files in the C:\temp directory and generate the report again. Clearing all jpg files from this directory prior to report generation should prevent the error from occuring. - Compliance reports can become fragmented during .rtf exporting when graphics, tables and result fields close to the right margin are used in the layout. The default templates provided with this product are left justified to work around this problem. - When a report that has been exported to RTF format is opened using Windows XP / Office XP, the Data in the Results Table will have small formatting changes and the images will be smaller than those seen in the original report. - If the sample rate of the oscilloscope is manually changed after an eye has been rendered, you should hit the Clear button before accumulating additional eyes, to prevent non-commensurate eye data from being merged. - This analysis tool is extremely computationally intensive and a heavy consumer of memory and disk resources. - Serial Analysis Summary Status Panel may not show all measurement results found in the details panel. - Population Limit Control Doesn't stop on Jitter @ BER measurements when control properties are set to acquisition. - IBA module Autoset is ineffective on Disabled state measurements. - FB-DIMM Autoset on TDS6604 scopes incorrectly sets the horizontal system to 1 usec and 50ps/point. It should be set to 2 usec and 50 ps/point. - Do not use the LabView and Matlab example programs included with the Oscilloscope Application distribution concurrently with the TDSRT-Eye product. They will compete for access to the instrument, and both environments will likely be left inoperative. - If single-ended reference waveforms are used for inputs to TDSRT-Eye, they should first be loaded into the instrument's reference waveform memory and sourced from that location, rather than using the reference waveform files as source. - Exporting masks from the base instrument can result in either relative or absolute coordinate mask. At present, manual intervention may be required to convert and import a relative mask into the RT-Eye product. =============================================================== 6. Installation Normally, the TDSRT-Eye application resides on the hard drive of your oscilloscope. If the application is not installed on the hard disk perform the following steps to install the application from the Optional Applications Software on a Windows-Based Oscilloscope Compact disc (CD-ROM) - If a version of TDSRT-Eye prior to v2.0.0 is already installed on your oscilloscope, you must use Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs to uninstall RT-Eye Serial Compliance and Analysis. Select Change/Remove, choose the "Remove" option, follow the prompts to complete the removal, reboot the oscilloscope and then proceed with the v2.x installation. Do not use the "Repair" option. 1. If the keyboard is not installed, connect it to the oscilloscope rear panel. 2. Power on the oscilloscope to start Windows. 3. Install the optional applications software CD in the CD-ROM reader of the oscilloscope. 4. The autorun utility will start the installation program. If the autorun utility doesn't start up automatically, browse to the CDROM and double- click the launch.exe. 5. Select the option 'Serial Data Compliance and Analysis'. 6. Select the option 'Install Now'. 7. Follow the instructions given by the InstallShield Wizard. If Java Run-time Environment (JRE 1.4.2_04) software is not previously installed then the InstallShield Wizard will prompt for installing it. Click "Yes". Do not change the default locations to install the files. The oscilloscope must reboot to complete the installation process. 8. You will need to enter the authorized Option Installation Key to enable the application. The key is specific to the serialized oscilloscope and options for which it was purchased. To enter the key number, follow these steps: a. If the oscilloscope powered on in the toolbar mode (default), select the Menu button (upper right corner of the display) to put the oscilloscope into menu-bar mode. In menu-bar mode you should see a PC-style menu across the top of the display. b. Go to the Utilities menu in the menu bar and select Option Installation. c. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter the alphanumeric key number exactly as it is printed on the rear-panel label. The TDSRT-Eye application is now ready for use. Start the application through the oscilloscope menu selection: * App>RT-Eye Serial Compliance and Analysis (B/C series oscilloscopes) * File->Run Application->RT-Eye Serial Compliance and Analysis (all others) =============================================================== 7. Contact Information - Telephone: Contact your North America Tektronix Representative at 1-800-833-9200 Sales support, select option 1 Service support, select option 2 Technical support, select option 3 For product support outside of North America, contact your local Tektronix sales office or distributor. -WEB: Click on "Software & Drivers" under the "Resources" set of links on the left. ---End of File---