These are the installation instructions for replacing the firmware in a TDS 3000 family oscilloscope with the firmware in this "zip" package. Contents of this zip package: README.TXT - this text file disk1 - folder (directory) fwdisk1.dat - binary firmware file version.dat - ASCII text file containing new firmware version number disk2 - folder (directory) fwdisk2.dat - binary firmware file fwdisk2a.dat - binary firmware file version.dat - ASCII text file containing new firmware version number disk3 - folder (directory) fwdisk3.dat - binary firmware file version.dat - ASCII text file containing new firmware version number disk4 - folder (directory) fwdisk4.dat - binary firmware file version.dat - ASCII text file containing new firmware version number Instructions: 1. You will need four empty IBM format high density 3.5" (1.44MB) floppy disks. 2. Determine the version number of the firmware currently loaded into your TDS 3000 oscilloscope. You can determine which version you have by turning on your oscilloscope and noting the version listed at the turn-on screen. 3. Determine the version number of the firmware in this zip package. If you do not already know this, you can open and read any one of the "version.dat" files included in this package. 4. Copy the contents of the disk1 folder to one of the floppy disks and label this disk "disk1". (Do not copy the folder itself to the disk.) 5. Repeat the previous step for each of the remaining disks. Be sure and label the disks correctly because it is important that the firmware disks be loaded in ascending numerical order. 6. Turn off the oscilloscope power. 7. Insert the disk labeled disk 1 into the oscilloscope and turn on the power. 8. When prompted, start the firmware loading process by pushing the "OK Load New Firmware" menu button. Wait for the first disk to be loaded. When the disk 1 load operation is complete, a note will be displayed on the screen instructing you to insert disk 2. 9. Eject disk 1 and insert disk 2. Push the "OK Load New Firmware" button to start the load process for disk 2. 10. Wait for disk 2 to be loaded. Depending on firmware versions, the instrument may or may not reboot itself once disk 2 has been loaded. In any event, wait until you are prompted to insert disk 3. 11. Eject disk 2 and insert disk 3. Push the "OK Load New Firmware" and wait until you are prompted to insert disk 4. 12. Eject disk 3 and insert disk 4. Push the "OK Load New Firmware" and wait until you are prompted to insert disk 4. 13. Wait for disk 4 to be loaded. There will be an approximate 25 second pause at the end of the firmware load process while the instrument reboots itself. 14. Remove disk 4 when prompted. The new firmware should now be loaded into your oscilloscope. Note: If you are replacing version 2.11 or lower with version 2.20 or higher, you must execute the self-calibration procedure after the new firmware has loaded. You will be prompted by on-screen messages to run Signal Path Compensation (SPC) after the firmware has loaded. Follow the on-screen instructions or run SPC later from the UTILITY->Cal->Signal Path menu. Problems? If something goes wrong during the installation process, it may be necessary to start over by going to step 6 above. Here are some common reasons why the installation may fail: 1. A defective floppy disk. In this case please try a different freshly formatted disk in place of the one that fails. 2. Failure to install the disks in the correct order. 3. Ejecting a disk too soon, before being prompted. If you are still unable to load the new firmware, please contact the Tektronix Technical Support center at: Customers calling within the U.S. call 1-800-833-9200 press 3. Customers calling from outside the U.S. call 503-627-2400. © Copyright Tektronix, Inc.