12/98 README CTS 850 Reference Manual on CD 063-3013-01 This CD contains the CTS 850 reference manual -- 526 pages. The files are presented in .PDF format (Adobe Acrobat). For your convenience, an Adobe Acrobat Reader (Acroread.exe) is also available on the CD. See the Acrobat Help subdirectory on CD for further information. There is a list of files, see 85-2file.doc (Word 97 format) or 85-2file.txt (.TXT format). The material on this CD is also available via a Hotlinked Table of Contents file (85-2_TOC.html). This file is coded in .HTML - use a Web browser to view this file and double-click on the links to view the individual files. Use the Table of Contents (contents_sdh.pdf) and Index (Index.pdf) to find specific material within the reference manual. There is also a Navigation guide to the CTS 850 user manual within the Getting Started chapter (getstart.pdf). See page 1-4. Also helpful in getting around the CTS 850 test unit are Menu Maps, presented in Appendix A (menum850.pdf).