I2CWSD Configuration Context

The configuration screen allows the user to configure the Communications details, Flash actions and Help options and is shown below.



Choose the desired Communications Port, i.e. USB .


Choose whether you want the part to be fully erased (Mass Erase) or only the necessary parts erased before each programming.

Select the Program option unless you just want to erase the part.

Select the Verify option if you want the program verified after programming.

Log Window

Choose whether you want the log window cleared after every download or not by selecting/deselecting the AutoClear option.


In the Browser edit box type the full path and application name of the browser you would like to use for help.

In the Help Path edit box type the full path to the help files. If you do not know where they are search for AD_I.html and use its path.


Press the OK button to fix these settings or Cancel to discard the changes.