Command line options Context

ARMWSD.exe can be used in batch files with command line parameters. The general format is as follows:
ARMWSD.exe AppPath\armwsd.ini af=AppPath\Sample.hex aa=n ap=ADuC7026 cp=com1 cb=9600 fe=n fp=y fv=n fh=n fk=123 fm=0

All parameters are optional and if not specified then defaults will be used.
The example above shows the defaults.

The application name ARMWSD.exe is obviously necessary and must be first.

AppPath\armwsd.ini, if specified, comes next and can be any complete path plus filename ending in .ini. If the .ini file does not exist a new blank one will be created resulting in default application parameters. If the .ini exists its contents will be used to provide the initial parameters of the application. Then the remaining parameters of the command line will be be used to replace the specified parameters. It is advised that a user has a look at a .ini file generated without command line parameters using the GUI. The user will notice the close link between the command line parameters and the parameters in the .ini file. This method would also be advisable to determine flash protection values if required.

The parameter specifying the .hex file to download comes next. It can be ommited if this file is already specified in the .ini file. If specified, this parameter starts with af= followed by the complete path and filename of the required .hex file.

aa=y comes next if used. It would normally be used as it makes the downloading automatic without requiring operator input. This parameter is not stored in the .ini file.

Next follow the other parameters in any order. These consist of 2 lower case letters followed by the = character followed by the parameter value.

The parameters aa=, fe=, fp=, fv= and fh= require parameters of Yes or No. Only the first letter is significant with an 'n ' or 'N' indicating No and any other first letter indicating Yes.

fe= stands for the Flash Mass Erase option.
fp= stands for the Flash Program option.
fv= stands for the Flash Verify option.
fh= stands for the Flash Protect (Hide) option.

fk= must be followed by the flash protection key to be used.
fm= must be followed by the protection mask to be applied.

ap= must be followed by the part number.

Once a particular .ini has been created with the desired options then this file can be used directly without the need to again specify options in the command line. Conversely if you wish to start off with the defaults you need to delete the .ini file to create it anew with default values.
The application returns an errror code to indicate success or errors as in following table:

0 Success
1 Too many retries
2 File error
3 Memory range error
4 Communication error
5 Erase error
6 Undefined error
7 Write error
8 Verify error
9 Protection error