# Written by Todd Micallef # readme.txt # Rev 1.0 Initial release # Rev 1.1 Several capitalization mistakes corrected # Some steps added that were missing # Added i2cdetect step to verify hex address of BME280 sensor The empty ssh file is needed to enable ssh on boot The file will be deleted on the next boot and can be copied back if needed. It should be placed in the /boot directory of the sd card The pi user will only have ssh access For BME280 support the thermo_installer.run file should also be copied The following 3 files should be copied to the sd card /boot dir 1. install_linux_gpib.sh 2. ssh 3. thermo_installer.run This readme.txt file is not needed BME280 support will need the sensor attached to the I2C bus. Use the 3.3v supply for the sensor. Linux-GPIB support will need the USB interface plugged in before the drivers are installed. The NI USB controller works best and a hot plug script is added. gpib_config should not be needed on reboot. This is handled automatically now. Installation Steps: 1. ssh pi@'IP address' 2. sudo raspi-config 3. "Interface Options" -> SSH , SPI , I2C should all be enabled (SSH is important so it will be accessible on next boot) 4. "Localization Options" -> Locale and Timezone should be configured. 5. Do not change boot options yet. They will be configured later 6. Finish and exit raspi-config. 'Yes' to reboot. 7. cd /boot 8. sh install_linux_gpib.sh 9. Enter yes to update and install system software. 10. 'Yes' to reboot once the update finishes. 11. cd /boot 12. sh install_linux_gpib.sh 13. 'No' to update software 14. 'Yes' to install linux-gpib 15. 'Yes' or 'No' to install teckit 16. 'Yes' or 'No' to install samba 17. PITFT hat support: 'Yes' or 'No' to install Pitft hat support. If 'No' is selected, goto step 27 Select the correct Pitft hat (2) Select the rotation. (270 puts the HDMI port on top) 'Y' to put console output on the display. Rapsi-config has been modified to boot to the console without auto-login 'Y' to reboot. Next option will fail unless the pi is rebooted 18. cd /boot 19. sh install_linux_gpib.sh 20. Select 'n' until you get to enabling the desktop on the display 21. 'Y' to enable desktop frame buffer 22. 'Yes' to reboot 23. sudo raspi-config 24. System Options -> Boot / Auto Login -> Desktop Autologin 25. Finish and Yes to reboot 26. The Desktop should now be on the lcd 27. Before adding support for the BME280, it will be important to know its address on the i2c bus. Run the following command and note its hex address: "i2cdetect -y 1" The number will be in hex. ie 76 = 0x76 or 77 = 0x77 The datasheet only lists two possible hex addresses. 28. cd /boot 29. sh install_linux_gpib.sh 30. Select 'n' until prompted to add BME280 support. 31. Select 'y' 32. Select 'n' to display THP data on the lcd. Otherwise, select 'Y' for headless display. Selecting 'y' will not install the gui server 33. Select 'y' to reboot 34. If the THP data isn't displayed, the launcher.sh file in /home/pi may not have the right permissions. sudo chmod +x launcher.sh and then 'sudo reboot'. 35. If the screen is oriented in the wrong direction, it can be changed in the /boot/config.txt file at the bottom. Default is 270 degrees