PC-BASED Logic Analyzer AKIP-9101_Standard_V3.08 Date:2010/2/23 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dear Customers: Thank you for using PC-BASED Logic Analyzer. This document covers the installation of PC-BASED Logic Analyzer AKIP-9101_Standard_V3.08, important notices and other information. We strongly recommended you read this document before installing and updating your Logic Analyzer system. Index ================================ 1. Features 2. System Requirements 3. Install PC-BASED Logic Analyzer 4. Important Notices 4.1.New Functions 4.2.Enhanced Functions 4.3.Modified Functions 5. Contact Information ================================ 1. Features 1.1. PC-BASED Logic Analyzer includes patented Filter Delay, Trigger Page and Compression, breaking the limitation of memory depth. 1.2. Have Signal Filter to filter the unnecessary data and get more data. Use with the Filter Delay Time and Filter Bar and make the data more flexible. 1.3. External Clock Pin Input. 1.4. List Data Mode. 1.5. Internal sampling rate is up to 200MHZ. Each sampling rate can dividedly determine the inputting signal's edge signal or threshold. 1.6. For each channel, the maximum memory depth is 128KBits, and the memory depth can be selected based on requirements. There is no need to waste time to wait for gathering unimportant data. 1.7. There are 16 Sampling Channels. 1.8. USB2.0 communication can transfer mass information immediately. 1.9. Manifest the waveform's time on the Waveform Display Area. 1.10. Export the als of Logic Analyzer to become txt and csv. 1.11. When the mouse becomes the style of Hand, use it to move the image directly. 1.12. You can use Logic Analyzer to adjust the height of waveform. 1.13. When you close the window and then open it, the size and position of the window will be preserved automatically. 1.14. The Bar has the function of approaching the close edge automatically. 1.15. Ruler Mode includes two modes, Regular Ruler and Time/Sampling Site Ruler. They can switch with each other. The default is Time/Sampling Site Ruler, and the two modes correspond with the Waveform Display Mode. 1.16. The unit is percentage under the zoom in and out divided by percentage, and there is a Time Mode added, whose unit is time. You can input the number or select from the pull-down menu in these two modes. 1.17. You can add any Bar as your requirements. 1.18. Automatically check the Update. 1.19. With the ToolTip function, display the state of channels and the width of waveform for the position where the mouse is. 1.20. You can input the frequency by yourself under using the external clock. 1.21. Add the Trigger Delay and Trigger Delay Clock. 1.22. Select an Analytic Range. 1.23. Statistics. 1.24. There are three kinds of language systems (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English) that you can choose. 1.25. Add ASCII to the Data Format of Bus. 1.26. Signal Filter Setup, which can be gotten from the menu of Sampling Setup. 1.27. Support the Protocol Analyzer plug-in. 1.28. Analyze several buses of the same Protocol Analyzer. 1.29. Protocol Analyzer can support the hardware identification. 1.30. Set the starting and ending points for Protocol Analyzer. 1.31. New chronograph to count the bus time. The system of C series logic analyzer has three types of time. 1.32. Bus Packet List: List the bus packet. 1.33. Status Menu Can Display Data Changed. 1.34. Add the export of Data Changed Dot(Compression) in the Export Waveform dialog box. 1.35. Add the function of Export Packet List. 1.36. Set the Font Size as your requirements. 1.37. Auto-Save Function. 1.38. Packet and Waveform Synchronization. 1.39. Add the settings of Trigger Range in the Trigger Property dialog box. 1.40. The export format of Pure Data Form in the Export Packet List dialog box. 1.41. Pulse Width Trigger Module. 1.42. Software Version Information Display 1.43. Navigator for Waveform 1.44. Analog Waveform 1.45. Reverse for Waveform 1.46. Find Pulse Width 1.47. Chain-Data-Find 1.48. Bus Width Filter 1.49. Memory Analyzer 1.50. Support the Wide-screen Display and Double-screen Display 1.51. Support the SDK for the Data Contrast 1.52. Support the SDK for the Protocol Analyzer 2. System Requirements Operation System: Windows 2000 (Professional & Server series). Windows XP (Home & Professional Editions 32-Bit version). Windows Vista (32-Bit and 64-Bit version). Windows 7 (32-Bit version). Hardware System Requirements: CPU: 166MHz (Lowest Configuration), or above 166MHz (Recommended Configuration). Memory Size: 64MB or above (Lowest Configuration). 256MB or above (Recommended Configuration). Display Device: VGA Display Capability with 1024x768 resolution or higher. Disk Space: At least 100MB available disk space. USB: USB1.1 compatible (Lowest Configuration); USB2.0 compatible (Recommended Configuration). 3. Install AKIP Logic Analyzer 3.1. Before installing AKIP-9101_Standard_V3.08, please close any running programs and uninstall any previous version of the Logic Analyzer software. 3.2. Insert the installation disk of AKIP Logic Analyzer into CD-ROM and carry out the following process: 1.If the drive auto-runs the installation program, please click "Install AKIP Logic Analyzer" button. 2.If CD isn't auto-run, please double-click "My computer" icon on desktop and double-click Setup.exe on CD-Rom. Then, click "Next" button. [Note] During the installation process, if your computer requests authorization, please click to authorize permission to install the program. If there is an error message during the installation process, please check with your system administrator to ensure that the account has sufficient rights to install system drivers. 3.3. After installation, please click [I accept the terms in the license agreement] to continue installing. If you don't accept the terms, the installation will be cancelled. 3.4. When the installation is completed, system will ask you to re-start. You can choose to re-start system right now or later. "Yes" is recommended. 3.5. After you connect and apply power to the Logic Analyzer, the system will find the new hardware and install the Logic Analyzer's driver automatically. When the installation is completed, the Logic Analyzer is ready for use. 3.6. If the system doesn't find the the Logic Analyzer when it has been connected and switched on, please check that the file, USB_LA.inf, is in the path, "C:\Program Files\AKIP\9101\Standard_V3.08". (This path is created during the installation or selected by yourself). 3.7. You may see a "AKIP-9101_Standard_V3.08" icon on the Desktop. Double-Click this icon and then you can execute the Logic Analyzer software. Besides, you can click the "Start" button at the left side of menu bar. Next, move the mouse cursor to "Program Files" and then you can see the "AKIP" item from the pull-down menu and select the "9101" to execute the Logic Analyzer software. 4. Important Notices In the PC-BASED Logic Analyzer AKIP-9101_Standard_V3.08, the below funcitons have been added or enhanced: 4.1. New Functions 4.1.1. Software Version Information Display The software will open a small window after activating the software, and the window will display the current version of the software, the new functions and the modification status. It is convenient for users to learn the current version information of the software. Users can also decide whether to display this window next time. 4.1.2. Navigator for Waveform As there is larger waveform data, this function is required for quickly searching or tracing some data. Users can view the position of the current displayed waveform area relative to the whole waveform according to the Navigator window. They can also find the appointed waveform quickly according to the Navigator window. 4.1.3. Analog Waveform The Analog Waveform means that the Display Mode of Bus data is not the pure Data Mode, while it displays data change with the curve which looks like a waveform, which, in fact, is a curve to describe the data change. So it is called the Analog Waveform. And also there are two display modes, Single Analog Display and Mixed Analog Display. Single Analog Display: It displays only the Analog Waveform, and the waveform of the four selected sub-channels is not displayed. Mixed Analog Display: It displays not only the Analog Waveform, but also the waveform of the four selected sub-channels. 4.1.4. Reverse for Waveform The function of Reverse is used to reverse the captured signal. For example, the high level is changed into low level, and the low level is changed into high level. At the same time, the result of the Reverse is displayed with the broken line. 4.1.5. Find Pulse Width The function is mainly used for finding the pulse width in a single channel and the single channel of a Bus. The desired channel can be selected in the Signal Name column; the width value can be entered in the (Min/Max) Pulse Width column according to the Sampling Site Display or Time Display which is selected in the program. 4.1.6. Pulse Width Trigger Module The Pulse Width Trigger Module is the peripheral device which is suitable for the LAP-A Series Modules. The Logic Analyzer can set the Pulse Width as the Trigger Condition. All the LAP-A Series Modules can support the function of the Pulse Width Trigger Module. But it is necessary to register before using this function. 4.1.7. Chain-Data-Find When activating the function of the Chain-Data-Find, users can input some consecutive data of a Bus, and these data can be comparted by the comma. The software will start the Chain-Data-Find for the consecutive data according to the inputted data. 4.1.8. Bus Width Filter When we capture the signal, some noises will appear because of Sampling Frequency or Hardware, ect. In order to avoid influencing the analysis of the Bus data, we use the function of Bus Width Filter to filter the noises. 4.1.9. Memory Analyzer The function of Memory Analyzer is used to divide the packet formats in the protocol analyzer and display the Address and Data in an independent list which is better for learning the corresponding relations and status between the Address and Data in the communication of protocol analyzers. Moreover, when users use this function, they can learn its operation, which can improve the efficiency of learning the status. 4.1.10.Multi-stacked Logic Analyzer Settings Multi-stacked Logic Analyzer Settings means that many logic analyzers with the same type can adopt some method to connect with the hardware, and the independent logic analyzers are stacked to work by the software, which reinforces the analytic function of the logic analyzer. The number of stacking the Logic Analyzers is ˇ§4ˇ¨ at present. It mainly functions in two aspects, such as increasing the RAM Size and the number of the test channels. (This function is available for the AKIP-9102 and AKIP-9103 Modules, and it is not available for the AKIP-9101 Modules.) 4.1.11.Support the Wide-screen Display and Double-screen Display Wide-screen Display: The resolution of the displayer is above 1024*768. When the Display Width of the waveform becomes wider, the number of the displayed Waveform is fixed in the former Version. But in the V3.08 Software, the number of the displayed Waveform will be automatically adjusted according to the Display Width of the Screen. Double-screen Display: The V3.08 Software can support the Double-screen Display with which the software can display more waveforms. 4.1.12.Support the SDK for the Data Contrast "Open the SDK for the Data Contrast", it means that our Logic Analyzer Software has the function of the Data Contrast and we provide the SDK for users modifying the function of the Data Contrast according to their requirements; the Data Contrast Interface which is designed by users will be supported by the main program. 4.1.13.Support the SDK for the Protocol Analyzer "SDK for the Protocol Analyzer", it means we open the SDK for the Protocol Analyzer in our AKIP Software; users can develop the Protocol Analyzer according to their requirements. The SDK of the AKIP Software will be issued independently. 4.2. Emphatic FunctionsˇG 4.2.1. Add a Default Button in the Dialog Box of the Bus Data Color There is a Default Button added in the Bus Data Color dialog box; it is convenient for users to restore the setting value to the default. 4.2.2. Modify the Position of Some Buttons For the convenience of users, the Zoom Out/ Zoom In buttons of Zoom, and the Up/ Next buttons of RAM Size, Internal Clock and Trigger Position, which are located on the both sides of them, are all moved to the same side (right). 4.2.3. Add the Prompting Information of the Shortcut Keys in the Tooltips of the Tool Bar The prompting information of the shortcut keys has been added in the Tooltips of the Tool Bar. For example, the prompting information of the New button is ˇ§New (Ctrl+N)ˇ¨. ˇ§Ctrl+Nˇ¨ is the Shortcut Key of the function of New. So the added information is convenient for users to know the shortcut keys of the functions. 4.2.4. Add a Range Display of the Waveform Display Area in the Information Bar There has been added the Display Range in the Information Bar, and the Trigger Pos in the Information Bar has been deleted. Because the Trigger Pos is always ˇ§0ˇ¨, it is not significant for the display of Trigger Pos. Therefore, we replace the Trigger Pos with the Display Range. 4.2.5. Improve the Function of Print The function of Print has been improved so that users can select the pages which they want to print or only the Current Page. 4.2.6. Optimize the Function of Packet List As the relative function of the main program is required to be extended, it is necessary to enhance the whole use efficiency of the Logic Analyzer. And the enhanced function can improve the whole value of the Logic Analyzer. Now the function of Packet List can be optimized in six aspects; the details are listed as below. (1) The Packet List Window Supports the Display of the Toolbar of the Protocol Analyzer The Packet List Window can support the display of the Toolbar of the Protocol Analyzer. The Toolbar is provided by the DLL of Protocol Analyzer; the main program provides the Function Interface and Operating Interface. When the main program detects the Toolbar of Protocol Analyzer, the Toolbar will be created and displayed on the Packet List Window. The Toolbar is different for each Protocol Analyzer, but it provides the same function. (2) Support the Display of the Second-order Decoding of the Protocol Analyzer The Toolbar provides the operating window for Second-order Decoding of the Protocol Analyzer. When users activate the function of the Second-order Decoding of the Protocol Analyzer, the Protocol Analyzer will carry out the function of the Second-order Decoding; the data of the packet and waveform will be refreshed according to the results of the Second-order Decoding. The Second-order Decoding is different for each Protocol Analyzer; it can be realized by the function which is provided by the Protocol Analyzer. (3) Support the Display of the Toolbar of the Packet Format Filter This function is convenient for users to detect the change of the appointed packet. The Protocol Analyzer supplies the Toolbar which is the operating window of the Packet Format Filter. The Packet Format Filter of each Protocol Analyzer is different, and it can be realized by the function of the Protocol Analyzer. The Packet List Window can only support the display of the Toolbar of the Packet Format Filter. (4) Users can Set the Display of the Packet#, Name and TimeStamp The display of the Packet#, Name and TimeStamp on the Packet List can be decided by users so that the Packet List Window can be used sufficiently. The Packet List can display these items according to the setting. (5) Support the Display of Data Merge If there are several continuous (8Bit) data in the Packet, the Packet List wonˇ¦t display several units each of which consists of 8Bit data; it will display all the data as a group. (6) Display the Serial Number If there are several continuous (8Bit) data appearing in the Packet List and the Waveform, the Tooltip is used to display the Serial Number of the data when moving the cursor onto it, and each group of data is 8Bit; it is convenient for users to know the position of the data. 4.2.7. Support more new Languages The software will add other new languages in the V3.08 besides the Chinese Simplified (Si), Chinese Traditional (Tr) and English. And the new languages will be issued by way of the independent Installation File. When users install the program of other new language, the software will inspect the program automatically and supply the language for users to switch. 4.2.8. Open the Function of Protocol Analyzer Trigger for all the AKIP Series Modules All the AKIP Series Modules can use the function of the Protocol Analyzer Trigger. However, AKIP-9101, AKIP-9102, AKIP-9103 must register before using this function. 4.2.9. Support the User-defined Data Format of the Protocol Analyzer The Main Program can support the user-defined Data Format of the Protocol Analyzer. That is to say, users can set the Data Format in the Protocol Analyzer according to their requirements so that the Data Format of the Protocol Analyzer canˇ¦t be controlled by the settings of Data Format in the Main Program. 4.3. Modification Items: 4.3.1. Modify some Chinese and English words: a) The Enable has been changed into Signal Filter. b) The Customize has been changed into Common Setup and the relative words have been modified. c) The Properties has been changed into Trigger Property. d) The General Bus has been changed into Bus. e) The Chinese of the Protocol Analyzer has been changed. f) The Show As, Character Model and Edit Base Mode have been changed into Data Format. 4.3.2. The function of Show Time of Waveform under the Frequency Display cannot take effect. Before Modification: The function of Show Time of Waveform cannot take effect under the Frequency Display. After Modification: The function of Show Time of Waveform can be used normally. 4.3.3. In the Double Mode, when the Trigger Position is 100%, there is an error in the Trigger Point, T Bar. Before Modification: The T Bar is not in the correct position; there is an error. After Modification: The T Bar has been in the correct position. 4.3.4. It cannot take effect when setting the function, ˇ§Read the Captured Dataˇ¨, in the Customize dialog box; it is necessary to press the Restore Defaults button to enable this function. Before Modification: The function, ˇ§Read the Captured Dataˇ¨, cannot be enabled until the Restore Defaults button in the Customize dialog box is pressed. After Modification: The function, ˇ§Read the Captured Dataˇ¨, can be used. 4.3.5. Select the option, ˇ§Keep the Present Dataˇ¨ in the Customize dialog box, and then repeatedly trigger and save; press the Stop to close the current file, and then open it again; the unknow data is wrong in the file. Before Modification: When the RAM Size is lower than 64K, repeatedly trigger and save; press the Stop to close the current file, and then open it again; the unknow data is wrong in the file. After Modification: When the RAM Size is lower than 64K, repeatedly trigger and save; press the Stop to close the current file, and then open it again, the unknow data is correct in the file.