4.0 - Top Level Tab

The image above shows the PLA Tool main window as the user sees it when it is first launched. The Top Level tab presents a high level view of how the PLA hardware is organised. We can see block 0 and block 1 and the interconnection between them. Both blocks take inputs from the PLADIN register and the GPIO pins. Also connected to the blocks is the clock source line. Each block has its own internal clock mux which allows the user to apply different clock sources to the two blocks. Also shown is the outputs configuration block. Within this block the user can decide where to connect the outputs from the elements of the PLA.

The user should note that some options on the main menu are disabled while the top level tab is selected. For example Generate is disabled as no circuit design has occured yet and so no hex values or code can be created.

The following sections describe how to begin designing circuits.

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